The first dragon of all time

Chapter 112: Eastern Territory Southern Secondary College Joint Secret Realm

Time passes day by day.

Unknowingly, it had been more than two months since Long Qingchen came to Lingwu Academy.

During these two months, he studied hard and made progress every day. Even if he was not a top student, he was still a good student and lived a fulfilling and busy life.

The dragon power cultivation level has been upgraded from the first level of Blood Dragon Realm to the fifth level of Blood Dragon Realm.

His spiritual power has skyrocketed to the ninth level of the Xuanwu Realm, only one step away from the Blood Martial Realm!

"Did you see the notice?"

"Of course I have. The annual Eastern Territory Southern Secondary College Joint Secret Realm is about to open. It can be called a grand event for the young generation. Many disciples have been waiting for this day. They have long been prepared, sharpening their swords, and planning to fight fiercely in the secret realm. Get some training resources!"

"Who are you planning to team up with?"

"Team formation is a difficult problem. If we form a team with strong senior brothers and sisters, others will look down on us. If we form a team with weak junior brothers and sisters, we will suffer a loss."...

In the martial arts hall, the atmosphere today was unprecedentedly high, with young girls and boys whispering to each other, discussing and making people loud.

"Senior Brother Qingchen, we already have four people in our team, and we still have one less to go. Will you come?"

"Senior Brother Qingchen, come to our team. We will give you the position of captain, and you can get 30% of the team points gained!"...

Many young girls looked at Long Qingchen expectantly and extended an invitation. He defeated Jiang Feng, who was ranked thirty-three in the inner courtyard, and "showed" very strong strength. Of course, these people did not know that Taoist Qiling had "cheated" on him. ".


Long Qingchen shook his head slightly and refused directly. He planned to find some stronger teammates. Most of these boys and girls were "pig teammates" and he didn't want to be held back.

In the morning, when he arrived, he also saw a notice at the north gate. The Eastern Region Southern Secondary College Joint Secret Realm was actually a martial arts competition.

The martial arts competition jointly organized by all the secondary schools in the southern part of the Eastern Region requires every disciple to participate. In the competition, you can get points that can be exchanged for training resources. The more points you have, the more training resources you can exchange!

Liu Qingya and Gu Feng came to the martial arts lecture hall together. Liu Qingya walked up to the martial arts lecture hall and slowly said, "Today, instead of talking about cultivation, let's talk about the United Secret Realm. Over the years, Lingwu Academy has been very concerned about the United Secret Realm. Pay attention, because the rewards of the United Secret Realm are provided by various secondary colleges. In other words, the disciples of Lingwu College must get more points so that Lingwu College will not lose money. If the disciples of other colleges take more points, Then, Lingwu Academy will be at a loss."

Maybe they thought it was a bit funny, so the boys and girls burst into laughter.

Liu Qingya did not laugh, she was surprisingly serious, "Don't laugh, you have never participated in the United Secret Realm, and you don't know the cruelty in the United Secret Realm. In order to get more points, the disciples of each academy are ruthless and use any means. Every year Many disciples are buried in the United Secret Realm!"

After hearing what she said, the disciples' smiles froze and they listened carefully.

Liu Qingya continued, "You have only been in Lingwu Academy for a few months. Considering that your cultivation is relatively weak, Lingwu Academy does not expect you to get many points. It only hopes that you will give priority to safety in the joint secret realm. Don’t conflict with disciples from other colleges.”

At this point, she paused and said, "As for getting more points, that is the task of the disciples in the inner courtyard and has nothing to do with you. Remember this."

"Next, please ask Master Gufeng to explain the rules of the joint secret realm in detail, and there are some things that need attention."

She looked at Gu Feng and walked off the podium.

Gu Feng walked up, cleared his throat, and said loudly, "Instructor Liu Qingya made it very clear that competing for points for Lingwu Academy is what the inner court disciples should do, because the inner court disciples are strong and have You are qualified to compete with the disciples from other colleges, but you weaklings just need to go see the world, do you understand?"

Weak chicken?

Long Qingchen almost laughed out loud, he was so merciless.

Liu Qingya frowned, "Teacher Gu Feng, please pay attention to your words..."

Gu Feng didn't care, "I said it more forcefully. For the sake of their lives, don't be so self-righteous that you don't even know how to die!"

He scanned the boys and girls with sharp eyes and asked again, "Do you understand?"


The boys and girls responded sparsely, with puzzled faces on their faces, like eggplants beaten by frost, with their heads lifted, their high enthusiasm extinguished.

"As long as you know!"

Gu Feng nodded slightly, "Now, let's read out the rules of the joint secret realm, and there are some things to pay attention to."

"1. Twenty-nine thousand three hundred and twenty-two years ago, various secondary colleges in the southern part of the Eastern Region jointly opened up a secret realm as a training ground for disciples, and provided rewards and formulated rules. This is the origin of the joint secret realm. "

"Two, all disciples from secondary schools in the southern part of the Eastern Region must participate. Five people form a team and earn points together."

"Third, the team needs to select a captain and a vice-captain. The captain will keep the points token. If the captain dies in battle, the vice-captain will take over the points token. The five people will discuss how to distribute the points earned."

Long Qingchen asked, "What if the vice-captain also dies in battle?"

Perhaps thinking that he was deliberately looking for trouble, Gu Feng glared at him dissatisfied, "Then the other three team members will take over the point tokens until all are killed."

Liu Qingya also looked at him angrily, "Don't interrupt Instructor Gu Feng. Wait until he finishes speaking before asking questions."

Gu Feng continued, "Four, there are three main ways to obtain points. Find Shuyuan The first type is to kill wild beasts, spiritual beasts, blood beasts, monster beasts, etc. in the secret realm; the second type is to kill wild beasts, spiritual beasts, blood beasts, monster beasts, etc. in the secret realm; , get points items, there are many points items, the notice clearly states it, so I won’t go into details; the third category is to directly defeat other teams and seize other teams’ point tokens.”

At this point, his expression became solemn, "What you should pay attention to is the third category. Other teams will directly snatch your points tokens. If you don't give them, you will be killed. Therefore, when you encounter a strong team, you'd better Don’t resist, just give them the point tokens.”

"Fifth, after entering the secret realm, don't rush to compete for points. First, find the nearest safe place. There are ten safe places in the entire joint secret realm. The safe places are where each team rests. The use of force is prohibited."

"Is there anything you don't understand?"

After saying that, Gu Feng stopped and looked at the boys and girls quietly, waiting for questions.

A girl asked, "What will happen if the point token is taken away by another team?"

Gu Feng explained, "Then, the points previously obtained by your team will be occupied by other teams, while your team will have zero points and no rewards."

The girl thought for a moment, "Can our team go grab a point token and bring it back?"

Gu Feng said calmly, "This is indeed feasible, but I don't recommend you do this. To snatch a point token will inevitably lead to conflicts with other teams, and the casualties are unpredictable."

Other boys and girls also asked questions one after another, and Gu Feng and Liu Qingya gave detailed answers one by one.

Long Qingchen felt a little strange, like a press conference on earth...

Nangong Wan'er, who was sitting next to him, had a cold face and remained silent from beginning to end, as if it had nothing to do with him.

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