The first dragon of all time

Chapter 124: Attacking the heart first

After collecting all the point tokens and valuables from the nineteen inner court disciples, Long Qingchen led the joint brigade of the outer court to continue to the location of the monster.

boom! boom! boom! ...

In the distance, the sound of fierce fighting was heard.

Liu Yimei frowned and looked forward, "Captain, if someone gets there first, what should I do?"

"If we arrive first, I will tell others, do you know what first come, first served means? If others arrive first, I will tell others, it is better to arrive early than to arrive late."

Long Qingchen looked calm and moved forward first.

Liu Yemei was a little dazed, "So it can still be like this..."

The disciples in the outer courtyard were also stunned.

The further they walked, the hotter the air became. Everyone was soaked with sweat, and their clothes stuck to their bodies, making them feel wet.

After walking for more than ten miles, we saw two volcanoes ahead. The craters of the volcanoes were overflowing with lava, emitting sparks and thick smoke, and emitting blazing temperatures.

In the valley between two volcanoes, more than a hundred young men and women are besieging a lava anaconda that has transformed into a human form. The lava anaconda has been seriously injured. Many of the more than a hundred young men and women have also been seriously injured. The fighting was raging and intense.

"Despicable human beings, if they have the ability to fight me alone, how can so many people besiege me?"

The lava anaconda roared angrily. It was ten feet tall, covered in red and flaming like a flaming giant. Each hair was as thick as an arm, like red snake tails.

Fight alone?

How can it be.

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly. Although the lava anaconda had reached the level of a monster and possessed spiritual intelligence, its spiritual intelligence was still not high. At most, it was about the same as that of an eleven or twelve-year-old child.

Liu Yemei whispered, "Judging from their clothes, these people should be the joint brigade of the Scarlet Fire Academy. The number is more than twice ours. Many of them have very strong cultivation. They are probably from the inner courtyard of the Scarlet Fire Academy." disciples, and most of us are disciples of the outer courtyard..."

Wang Heng also lacked confidence, "We'd better leave."

"Look at the situation first and then make a decision."

Long Qingchen looked calmly and walked towards the valley.

Although these people are stronger and have larger numbers, they are not completely without opportunities.

You can get 10,000 points by killing monsters, so how can you give up so easily?

Bang! Bang! Bang! ...

The disciples of the Crimson Academy who were fighting noticed their arrival, which caused a few of them to be distracted. Without paying attention, they were knocked away by the lava anaconda. Blood spurted from their mouths, and they fell heavily to the ground, losing their fighting ability.

Seeing this scene, Long Qingchen smiled and moved closer, "Do you need help?"


A handsome young man in charge frowned and his voice was cold.

Long Qingchen smiled and said, "Our Lingwu Academy and Chihuo Academy are both near Qihuang Mountain. They can be considered neighbors. Neighbors should help each other. You're welcome."


The disciples from the outer courtyard of Lingwu Academy looked at each other strangely. They did not believe that the captain would be so kind...

The handsome young man became a little impatient, "I said I don't need it, but I don't need it. Please leave here immediately."

"Be careful, it's going to breathe fire, back away!"

Suddenly, Long Qingchen exclaimed.

Hearing this, many disciples of Scarlet Fire Academy hurriedly retreated.

However, the lava anaconda does not breathe fire...

boom! ...

It rushed over and punched out its fist as big as a dustpan, knocking five or six disciples away!

"Be careful, it's about to escape, stop it quickly!"

Long Qingchen exclaimed again.

The disciples of Scarlet Fire Academy quickly surrounded him.

However, the flame anaconda has no intention of running away...


It spit out a large flame from its mouth, fell on more than a dozen disciples, and burned immediately, making them scream and writhe all over the ground.

"Be careful, it's going to burrow into the ground!"

"Be careful, it's going to the left, no, it's going to the right!"...

Long Qingchen was startled.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War", attack the heart first!

The Crimson Academy's joint brigade was in complete chaos. Many people were in a hurry and were in danger of being forced.

The disciples from the outer courtyard of Lingwu Academy were stunned. The captain was giving random instructions...

"Shut up!"

The handsome young man's face was livid, his whole body was shaking with anger, and he glared at Long Qingchen, "Are you here to cause trouble out of pure intention?"

Long Qingchen spread his hands and expressed his helplessness, "The lava anaconda is too cunning. Every time it hears my words, it attacks in reverse."

The handsome young man's eyes were filled with murderous intent, "Please leave immediately, otherwise, we will deal with you first!"

"Sorry, I had good intentions, but I didn't expect that I caused trouble for you. Let's leave now."

Long Qingchen apologized sincerely and left directly with the disciples from the outer courtyard.

The handsome young man looked at his back suspiciously and left completely before feeling relieved and continuing to direct the Red Fire Academy's joint brigade to besiege Lava Anaconda.

"We surrounded them from the other side of the two volcanoes."

After walking for a few miles, Long Qingchen suddenly raised his hand and everyone stopped.

Liu Yimei's eyes brightened, "Although the Red Fire Academy's joint brigade is stronger than us and has more people than us, many people have been seriously injured and have little fighting power. After the captain's troubles just now, more people have been injured and can fight. !”


Long Qingchen waved his hand and started running quickly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Everyone followed him, looking for Shuyuan for more than ten miles, and came to the other side of the two volcanoes, crouching and lurking in the bushes.

I saw that there was still a fierce battle in the valley. The Lava Anaconda's figure was unstable and crumbling, and he could not hold on for long. However, there were only about fifty people in the Red Fire Academy fighting, and the other fifty people had already suffered badly. His injuries left him with little fighting ability.

"Later, the long-range attack team led by Liu Yemei will attack first. Remember, directly use earth stabs, then use thunder attacks, then ice attacks, and finally finish with fire attacks."

Long Qingchen looked at Liu Yemei and began to arrange tasks.

Liu Yemei nodded slightly, "Understood."

Long Qingchen turned to look at Wang Heng and Ye Jingtao, "I don't need to say more about the human shield team and assassination team you lead. Just follow the previous fighting methods."

Finally, he looked at Nangong Wan'er, "You are responsible for giving the lava anaconda the final blow and getting points."


Nangong Wan'er responded casually.

Long Qingchen frowned, very dissatisfied with her attitude, "If you can't get points, you don't want that thing."

Nangong Wan'er trembled, gritted her teeth and said, "I promise to get points!"

"That's pretty much it."

Long Qingchen felt relieved and stared at the battle situation in the valley intently.

I saw that the Red Fire Academy United Team finally defeated the Lava Anaconda at the cost of nine more serious injuries.

"Army attack!"

At the moment when the lava anaconda was about to fall to the ground, he waved his hand suddenly and issued an order.

Shouldn't it be called action?

What the hell is an army attack?

Liu Yemei was stunned for a moment. Although she didn't quite understand, she still commanded the long-range attack team to start the attack.

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