The first dragon of all time

Chapter 1,306 It’s not your thing!

The strong men continued to walk into the Hanshan Forbidden Area. Not far away, they encountered trouble again.

puff! puff! puff! ...

The inconspicuous weeds on the roadside suddenly grew crazily, as if possessed by a demon. Like iron thorn whips, they violently penetrated the bodies of several elders of Tianxiu Palace!

The bodies of the elders of Tianxiu Palace shriveled up quickly, their vitality was drained out, and they died on the spot!

call! call! call! ...

All the powerful men released the real fire together, burning these weeds and the bodies of several elders of Tianxiu Palace.

"If the body is not burned, it will change and become the enemy."

Seeing "Luo Ye"'s confused look, Jiang Yan, the saint of Tianxiu Palace, explained to him, "We in Tianxiu Palace encountered such a situation when we attacked the Hanshan forbidden area last time."

Long Qingchen pulled up a piece of unburned grass and observed it for a moment, "It's really strange. This is obviously a very ordinary grass, why did it suddenly change like this?"

Jiang Yan's beautiful face was filled with solemnity, "The entire Cold Mountain Forbidden Land is shrouded in an invisible force. Ordinary beasts, grass, trees, soil, and stones can all turn into powerful killing weapons in an instant. If people are not careful, this is the terrible thing about the Hanshan Forbidden Land."

Long Qingchen threw the grass on the ground and trampled it into ashes, "Is this the same situation in the other twelve forbidden areas?"

Jiang Yan shook her head, "In the Cold Mountain Forbidden Land, everything can be turned into a weapon; in the Wilderness Forbidden Land, people will age quickly; in the Jiuji Forbidden Land, it is like a maze. Once you enter, you cannot get out... Each forbidden land has Different dangers.”

boom! ...

Before she could finish her words, a cliff collapsed, and every stone that fell turned into a flying sword, exploding towards the powerful men, penetrating the space, and containing terrifying power!

boom! boom! boom! ...

The expressions of all the powerful men suddenly changed, and they took action one after another, using their immortal power to block these strange flying swords.

Click, click, click! ...

Most of the flying swords were shattered.

However, several flying swords broke through the defense line and penetrated several elders of Tianxiu Palace, killing them instantly.

The master of Tianxiu Palace looked embarrassed and used real fire to burn the corpse. None of the other three powerful people died. Six elders of Tianxiu Palace were already dead. Hanshan Forbidden Land seemed to have a grudge against Tianxiu Palace. Kill the elders of Tianxiu Palace.

The senior officials of Yingtian Sect, Chaotian Sect, and Shangshang Family all looked solemn. Normally, they would definitely make fun of Tianxiu Palace, but they were not in such a mood now, because they might die in battle at any time.

"Our Tianxiu Palace attacked the Hanshan Forbidden Land last time, which may have angered the Hanshan Forbidden Land, so the people from our Tianxiu Palace were specifically targeted to kill..."

Jiang Yan speculated this.

Palace Master Tianxiu was a little puzzled, "Maybe."

Soon, Jiang Yan's speculation was proved wrong.

The soil under the feet of an elder of the Yingtian Sect changed. It turned into a pair of hands and pulled the elder of the Yingtian Sect into the soil. A bloody mist burst out and he died unexpectedly.

The strong men quickly jumped into the air and left the ground, but they did not dare to fly too high because there were humanoid thunder and lightning flying in the sky, which was extremely terrifying.

"Speed ​​up the speed, break in forcefully, and send the supreme geniuses to the deepest part of the Cold Mountain Forbidden Land in the shortest possible time."

Palace Master Tianxiu gritted her teeth and made this suggestion.

This is very risky and prone to large-scale attacks.

However, it doesn't work if the speed is too slow. One by one they will die, just like cutting flesh with a dull knife. You can't afford the loss.

"I agree."

"I agree."......

The senior officials of Yingtian Sect, Chaotian Sect, and Shangshang family discussed it and agreed to the proposal of Palace Master Tianxiu.

After all, Tianxiu Palace had attacked Hanshan Forbidden Land once and was more experienced than them.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

All the strong men were above the Eternal Realm. When they let go of their speed, it was quite astonishing. They left the mountains behind and quickly approached the deepest part of the Cold Mountain Forbidden Land, forcing their way in!

Boom! ...

The entire Cold Mountain Forbidden City trembled, as if it was completely angered, and the situation changed.

Countless weeds grew crazily, like iron-thorn whips, penetrating towards the powerful men, containing terrifying power.

Countless stones turned into flying swords, flying across the sky and splitting the space.

There are also countless ferocious birds and beasts flying down from the mountains, each one is extremely powerful.

The humanoid thunder and lightning in the sky fell densely, bombarding them indiscriminately.

"Go with all your strength, don't save your strength!"

"If we don't do our best, we will all perish here!"...

All the powerful men felt their scalps numb, and they took out their eternal weapons one after another and performed their unique skills to increase their combat power to the extreme.

The Patriarch of Tianxiu Palace, the Patriarch of Yingtian Sect, the Supreme Elder of Chaotian Sect, and the Supreme Elder of Shangshang Family all came out to help and did not dare to hide any longer.

puff! puff! puff! ...

Elders fell one after another, and the four major forces were all red-eyed. The losses were too great.

You must know that every elder is trained by spending a lot of cultivation resources.

The supreme geniuses were protected in the middle, and there were no casualties. However, the situation was also precarious and not optimistic.

"We have attracted most of the attacks in the Cold Mountain Forbidden Land, and we can send the supreme geniuses in."

Palace Master Tianxiu looked at the founders and supreme elders of the four major forces and said, "Seniors, please take action and forcibly open a space passage to send the supreme geniuses in to obtain the inheritance of the Lord of Heaven."

Boom! ...

The founders of the four major forces and the supreme elders joined forces to break through the frozen space and send the supreme geniuses in.

The leader of the Yingtian Sect was beaten to pieces in half by a terrifying ferocious bird, and his immortal clothes were dyed red with blood. "The supreme geniuses have been sent in. We can retreat."

"We can't retreat just yet!"

Palace Master Tianxiu was also injured, with a stone sword piercing his shoulder blade. "We have to hold on for a while to buy time for the supreme geniuses."

After hearing this, the strong men who originally wanted to retreat could only grit their teeth and continue to persist.

After holding on for less than half an hour, the strong men began to retreat.

Countless weeds, flying swords made of stones, ferocious birds and beasts, and humanoid thunder and lightning chased him crazily until they reached the edge of the Cold Mountain Forbidden Land before stopping and slowly retreating back to the Cold Mountain Forbidden Land.

The strong men's clothes were stained with blood, and they were in such a state of embarrassment that they felt like they had escaped.

"Our Tianxiu Palace has lost four high-ranking elders and eleven second-ranking elders."

After counting the number of people, Palace Master Tianxiu felt like vomiting blood.

The Yingtian Sect, Chaotian Sect, and Shangshang Clan were not happy either, losing almost a third.


The deepest part of Hanshan Forbidden Land.

Long Qingchen, Jiang Yan, the Holy Son of Yingtian Sect, the Holy Son of Chaotian Sect, and the Saint of Shangshang Family, a total of five supreme geniuses stood back to back, looking around with vigilance.

It's very quiet here and has a peaceful feel.

After waiting patiently for a while, after confirming that there was no danger, the five supreme geniuses relaxed slightly.

The Holy Son of Yingtian Sect looked at the Heaven Scepter in Long Qingchen's hand with flashing eyes, "Luo Ye, your cultivation is too weak. Leave the Heaven Scepter to me for safekeeping."


Jiang Yan's beautiful eyes turned cold, and she stood in front of Long Qingchen, "Do you dare to move, do you think I'm just a decoration?"

The Holy Son of Yingtian Sect looked at Jiang Yanjiao's figure aggressively, "Tianxiu Palace didn't send the Holy Son here. It can be seen that the Holy Son of Tianxiu Palace is a waste and is not worthy of you. You might as well switch to our Yingtian Sect." .”

Jiang Yan's face was as cold as frost and she refused to accept these words.

The Holy Son of Chaotian Sect said calmly, "Holy Son Yingtian, don't act recklessly. If you hold the Cangtian Scepter, I won't worry. It's better for Luo Ye to hold it."

The saintly daughter of the Shang Shang family smiled like a peach blossom, bright and moving, "I think so too, it is better for a weak person to hold it than for a strong person to hold it."

The Holy Son of Ying Tianzong was depressed and could only give up.

Click! ...

Long Qingchen looked indifferent and directly inserted the Heaven Scepter into the ground, "It seems that all three of you want to take charge of the Heaven Scepter. Let's do this. I will give it to whoever can pick it up."

Jiang Yan's expression changed, and then she regained her composure.

She thought about it. The senior officials of Tianxiu Palace and all the inner disciples had tried it. Except for Luo Ye, no one could hold the Heaven Scepter, even if they invited hundreds of capable people and strangers.

The scepter of heaven is placed here, and it is impossible for these three people to move it.

"That's what you said!"

The Holy Son of Yingtian Sect directly grabbed the Cangtian Scepter.

boom! ...

The heavenly scepter burst out with dazzling light, shocking the Holy Son of Yingtian Sect and staggering back!

The Holy Son of Ying Tianzong refused to give up and rushed over to catch him again.

boom! ...

Knocked back again!

The Holy Son of Ying Tianzong's face turned red and he was very annoyed.

The Holy Son of Chaotian Sect also tried it, with the same result. Before he even touched the Heaven Scepter, he was knocked back and almost vomited blood!

The saintess of the Shang Shang family also tried. She grabbed the Cangtian Scepter, but no matter how hard she tried, the Cangtian Scepter would not move at all.

The scene was awkward for a while.

"So, if it's not yours, there's no point in grabbing it."

Long Qingchen's eyes were dull, and he pulled up the heavenly scepter with one hand, as if it was nothing.

Jiang Yan burst into laughter and thought to herself: "I didn't realize before that this Luo Ye is so bad."

Long Qingchen walked forward first.

Jiang Yan followed him closely to prevent the three supreme geniuses from sneak attacks.

The three supreme geniuses quickly followed. Although they could not hold the Heaven Scepter, they could follow Luo Ye and obtain the inheritance of the Lord of Heaven.

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