The first dragon of all time

Chapter 140 You are like a spiritual grass

Although the elixir shop has expanded in size, Hou Liu still strictly implements the "hungry" marketing set by Long Qingchen, selling the specified quantity, and then not selling any more pills until the next day, before continuing to sell. Therefore, before noon, the elixir shop closed early.

Hou Liu led a young woman into the backyard and came to him. He hesitated and seemed to be embarrassed to speak. Long Qingchen took the initiative to ask, "Who is this girl?"

After working as a salesperson in an elixir shop for a period of time, Zhou Zhiruo seemed to have adapted to the outside world. She had a woman's unique sense of gossip and guessed, "Daughter-in-law?"

"She's not married yet, so she's considered a fiancée."

Hou Liu waved his hands repeatedly, then turned to look at Long Qingchen, wondering, "She wants to work as a salesperson in the elixir shop."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "I said that you, the shopkeeper, can decide directly about the salesperson without asking me."

Hou Liu said awkwardly, "If it were someone else, I would be sure directly, but she is my fiancée, so it would be better to ask the young master..."

Long Qingchen's eyes were dull, "Am I such a stingy person?"

"Is not it?"

Of course Hou Liu did not dare to say this, but Nangong Wan'er murmured.

Long Qingchen, "..."

Zhou Zhiruo asked, "How did you meet such a beautiful girl?"

Long Qingchen couldn't help but take a second look. This young woman was indeed quite beautiful, just like Xiaojiabiyu. Of course, she was incomparable to beauties like Nangong Wan'er and Zhou Zhiruo. She gave her a 7 points.

Hou Liu smiled and said, "I have known her a long time ago. She is the daughter of my former tooth shop owner. I have been pursuing her for a long time, but she refused to agree. Recently, when she saw that I followed the young master and became rich, she pursued me instead."

The young woman's face turned red and she glared at him angrily, "Don't call me so snobbish. In the past, you lived under my father's hands day after day. If you didn't seek to improve, I naturally looked down on you. Now, you are following the young master and have great ambitions, and I am interested in you not because you are rich."

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing the young couple flirting, Long Qingchen waved his hands impatiently. On earth, he already eats enough dog food. In this world, he doesn't want to eat dog food anymore. He just wants to feed others dog food!

Glancing at Zhou Zhiruo next to him, Long Qingchen remembered Xiao Yao's entrustment, being entrusted by others, and being loyal to others. He casually took out a spiritual grass from the space ring and handed it to Zhou Zhiruo.

Zhou Zhiruo was stunned for a moment, "Why did you give me a spiritual grass?"

Long Qingchen explained, "In the joint secret realm, I met senior brother Xiao Yao, whom I haven't seen for a long time. This is what he asked me to pass on to you."

"Senior Brother Xiao Yao gave me a spiritual grass for what purpose?..."

Zhou Zhiruo murmured to herself and took the spiritual grass, a little confused.

Long Qingchen said casually, "Senior brother Xiao Yao also wrote two lines of poetry and asked me to pass them on to you. He said that his heart is in these two lines of poetry, so you can understand it yourself."

Zhou Zhiruo was suspicious, "Senior Brother Xiao Yao can also compose poetry, why didn't I know?"

Long Qingchen said casually, "Maybe I learned it recently. Do you want to know?"

Zhou Zhiruo became a little nervous, "What poem?"

Long Qingchen said slowly, "He said, you are like a spiritual grass, with few willow leaves blowing on the branches, and there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world."

"There are few willow trees blowing on the branches, and there are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world."

Zhou Zhiruo repeated it twice, seeming to understand the meaning, her body trembled slightly, her autumn eyes turned red, and she smiled sadly, "I understand, bless him."

Long Qingchen observed her reaction and came to the conclusion that, sure enough, long-distance relationships do not end well, and it is the same in other worlds...

There was a trace of contempt in Nangong Wan'er's beautiful eyes next to her. Sure enough, as expected, the blood weapon-level bracelet and the high-grade spiritual weapon dagger given by Xiao Yao were all corrupted by him, and he casually gave Zhou Zhiruo a spiritual grass. That's it.

The dried spiritual grass slipped from Zhou Zhiruoyu's hand and floated out of the backyard with the wind.


Long Qingchen took a look, but still didn't chase him back, so he had the luxury of it.

Seeing that Nangong Wan'er was always beside him, he seemed to have something to say. Long Qingchen didn't like people with good memories. He planned to make Nangong Wan'er forget about the demon relic after a while, so that he wouldn't have to return it.

He walked into the alchemy room, asked Taoist Qiling for a magic relic, and handed it to Nangong Wan'er, "I will give you one back as promised. The remaining two will depend on your performance in the future."

Nangong Wan'er looked at the demon relic in his hand, but did not take it. She shook her head slightly and said, "You don't need to return it for the time being. I'll just leave it here with you."

"Black Eagle Cult, what other tricks do you have?"

Long Qingchen became vigilant. Before, she had been anxious to get back the three demon relics, but now she was not in a hurry. It was obviously a little abnormal.

Nangong Wan'er said seriously, "I received a message from the leader personally, inviting you to be a guest at the Holy Land of the Black Eagle Sect."

"Not going."

Long Qingchen didn't even think about it.

Are you kidding me?

If he goes to the Black Hawk Sect as a guest, will he still be able to come back?

As if she understood his thoughts, Nangong Wan'er said calmly, "Don't worry, the Black Eagle Sect won't do anything to you."

"I won't go." Long Qingchen was very determined.

Nangong Wan'er glanced at Taoist Qi Ling who was concentrating on studying the elixir, "If you are worried, you can ask Senior Qi Ling to accompany you and find Shuyuan With Senior Qi Ling's strength, although it is not as good as the leader With several Eagle Kings, there is no problem in retreating intact."

Long Qingchen thought for a moment, and he thought it might be a good idea to end the Black Eagle Sect's affairs. It would not be a good thing to be always worried about the Black Eagle Sect.

"The Black Eagle Cult invited me to be a guest. Senior, can you accompany me?"

He came to Taoist Qiling and asked.

Taoist Qiling didn't even raise his head and said impatiently, "Don't waste my time."

Long Qingchen repeatedly promised to "purchase" several rare prescriptions for her, and she agreed.

Whoosh! ...

Taoist Qi Ling was a fiery man. He led Long Qingchen and Nangong Wan'er directly into the sky and flew through the air.

Nangong Wan'er pointed the direction, "Our Black Eagle Sect's holy land is not far away, just past Qihuang Mountain and Qiling Mountain."

"I know." Taoist Qiling glanced at her lightly.

Nangong Wan'er was a little surprised, "Our Black Eagle Sect's holy land is relatively hidden, and most people don't know about it. Unexpectedly, seniors know it very well."

"Am I an ordinary person?" Taoist Qiling's face was indifferent.

Nangong Wan'er was speechless. She found that if she couldn't communicate with Taoist Qiling, she would be pissed to death after just a few words.

Long Qingchen admires him, he is indeed a strong man of the elder generation, he really knows how to show off...

After crossing Qiling Mountain, we flew about several thousand miles.

Wow! ...

Arriving above a huge lake, Taoist Qi Ling led the two of them directly into it, creating a large wave of water. They were familiar with the route, as they seemed to have been there many times.

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