The first dragon of all time

Chapter 142 The Devil’s Smile

"What good will it do me to become the Holy Son of the Black Eagle Cult?"

Obviously, the Black Eagle Sect wanted to win over him and climb the high branches of the Dragon Clan. However, Long Qingchen was not dissatisfied. It was easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree. He could understand the intentions of the Black Eagle Sect. If he were the leader of the Black Eagle Sect, , I will also find a big tree to keep out the wind and rain.

The Black Eagle Cult Leader smiled and said, "Young Master is also a cheerful person, so let me tell you straight away, there are many benefits. First of all, the Holy Son can take over the Black Eagle Cult in the future and become the next leader. Secondly, the Holy Son can gain the knowledge of our Black Eagle Cult. Focus on training, for example, the supply of training resources, and for example, mobilizing some of our Black Eagle Cult personnel."

Having said this, he paused and glanced at Nangong Wan'er, "Also, Wan'er is a saint and will become the saint's wife."

This is good.

This is good.

After taking a look at Nangong Wan'er, whose appearance was rated as 9.8, Long Qingchen swallowed his saliva and said reservedly, "Since the Black Eagle Sect is so kind, I have no choice but to reluctantly assume the position of the Holy Son..."


Nangong Wan'er couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Long Qingchen asked, "When will you get married?"

The leader of the Black Eagle and the four Eagle Kings were stunned for a moment, with strange looks in their eyes, as if they did not expect him to be so impatient...

The leader of Black Eagle Church smiled and said, "The day after tomorrow is an auspicious day, which is suitable for marriage. At that time, our Black Eagle Church will send out wedding invitations and invite some close friends to come and watch the ceremony."

"I object!"

Taoist Qiling had a cold face.

Long Qingchen wanted to rush over and strangle Taoist Qi Ling to death. He always ruined his good deeds!

The leader of Black Eagle frowned, "I wonder why Taoist Qi Ling objects?"

Taoist Qi Ling said coldly, "Whether he is the Holy Son of the Black Eagle Cult or not has nothing to do with me and I have no control over it. However, my female disciple Zhou Zhiruo is his future wife!"

Hearing what she said, the Black Eagle Cult Leader's face softened, "This is easy to handle, as long as the Dragon Clan Young Master becomes the Holy Son of our Black Eagle Cult. As for who his future wife will be, we don't care. It will be decided by fellow Taoist Qi Ling. how?"

"That's pretty much it."

Taoist Qi Ling snorted coldly.

Why let her decide?

Long Qingchen was not happy. Without Nangong Wan'er, a great beauty, he would still be considered a shitty holy son. "No, this holy son should be lonely and meaningless. It's inappropriate."

The leader of Black Eagle looked at Long Qingchen and then at Nangong Wan'er, and seemed to understand something. He smiled meaningfully and said, "Well, the future wife of the Holy Son must be the female disciple of Taoist friend Qi Ling. Wan'er How about I feel a little aggrieved, as my concubine?"

This is good.

This is good.

Long Qingchen was satisfied, "That's great!"

Taoist Qi Ling gave him a cold look and said nothing more.

Nangong Wan'er gritted her teeth slightly and remained silent.

"Then it's settled, the Dragon Clan Young Master has officially become the Holy Son of our Black Eagle Sect!"

The leader of Black Eagle laughed and stood up, announced, and personally issued the Holy Son's token to Long Qingchen, "The Holy Son will stay here first, and then return to Lingwu Academy after marrying Wan'er."

Long Qingchen didn't care, "Lingwu Academy has three days off, which is enough time."

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Taoist Qi Ling stood up coldly and walked out.

Long Qingchen shouted, "Don't forget, come over for a wedding drink the day after tomorrow."

Qiling Taoist people ignored him.

The leader of Black Eagle smiled and said, "Wan'er, take the Holy Son to visit the Holy Land."

"Yes." Nangong Wan'er reluctantly led Long Qingchen to visit the holy land.

After Long Qingchen and Nangong Wan'er left, the reception hall instantly became quiet.

The Wingless Eagle King's eyes were deep and he said slowly, "Although this boy showed a lustful look, his eyes were clear and he was not obsessed with Wan'er. As expected of the Dragon Clan of the Ninety-eight Stars, he did not treat a little girl like that at all. He takes the position of Holy Son in his eyes, and the reason why he agreed to become the Holy Son is probably because he wants to take advantage of the power of our Black Eagle Sect."

The leader of the Black Eagle Cult nodded slightly, "It doesn't matter whether he wants to be a Holy Son or not. Our Black Eagle Religion never lacks a Holy Son, we just borrow his identity as a dragon. Now, our Black Eagle Religion's great enemy is in need of a Holy Son." The Dragon Clan is the strongest backer and can help our Black Eagle Sect expand its power without scruples. When our Black Eagle Sect grows stronger, we can just find a reason to remove him from the position of Holy Son."

The Wingless Eagle King was silent for a moment, with a solemn expression, "I'm afraid it's easier to invite gods than to send them away. If the Dragon Clan takes advantage of his position as the Holy Son and supports him to ascend to the position of leader and forcibly annex the Black Eagle Sect, We have no room to resist."

The leader of the Black Eagle Cult shook his head and laughed, "You are too careful. The ninety-eight-star Dragon Clan dominates the universe and dominates the heavens. How can it take a fancy to our small seven-star force? If the Dragon Clan really wants to annex the Black Eagle Cult, There is no need for any excuse at all, just annex it directly. Looking back, even if our Black Eagle Sect becomes a branch of the Dragon Clan, there will be nothing wrong with it, and it will allow our Black Eagle Sect to spread its wings and soar into the sky."

The Wingless Eagle King felt a trace of self-mockery, "That's true."

The leader of Black Eagle glanced at the other three old men and ordered, "Take care of the people under your command. During this period, do whatever he wants. Don't provoke him. If he messes up something big, you will never take it lightly." Rao."

"This should be the location of the small intestine."

After leaving the reception hall, Long Qingchen found that the passage had become narrower. Of course, it was as wide as a "double lane".

Nangong Wan'er rolled her eyes, "As long as you know it, don't say it out loud. In our Holy Land of Black Eagle Cult, we generally don't say this."

"That's true. Living in Black Eagle's body all year round, if you keep mentioning these things, you will definitely feel uncomfortable."

Long Qingchen smiled lightly and played with the Holy Son Token, "I'm very curious, what do you Black Eagle Sect want to do by borrowing my identity as a dragon?"

Nangong Wan'er said calmly, "This is something that the leader and the four Eagle Kings have to consider, and it is not something I can discuss."

She didn't want to discuss it, but Long Qingchen insisted on bringing it up, "It seems that as a saint, your status and status in the Black Eagle Sect are not as high as I thought. I just made a random request, and those five old guys couldn't wait to give it to me. You gave it to me and became my plaything, sad, sad.”

Nangong Wan'er trembled, "You can insult me, but you can't shake my loyalty to the Black Eagle Cult!"

Long Qingchen put his hands on her shoulders, suddenly pushed her roughly, leaned heavily against the wall, and slowly came closer, with a teasing smile on his lips, "It's hard to say, let me give you a few more babies first." , and then I ask you to make a choice, stand with me or stand with the Black Eagle Sect, I still don’t believe that you can be so ruthless as to abandon your own flesh and blood."

Nangong Wan'er's white forehead had fine beads of sweat, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm. Her face was pale, and her beautiful eyes looked at him with fear, as if looking at a devil's smile, "You, shameless!"

Long Qingchen sneered, "Yes, I am so shameless, am I proud?"

Nangong Wan'er quickly calmed down and stared at him coldly, "I don't believe it either, you can ruthlessly use your own flesh and blood to blackmail me."

"..." Long Qingchen was speechless. Unexpectedly, she defeated an entire army.

Find a strange man and let her have a baby? ...

This is feasible, without being threatened by her.

However, I can’t bear it, I can’t bear it...

Long Qingchen raised his sleeves, wiped the crystal clear sweat on her forehead with compassion, and said with a smile, "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

Nangong Wan'er said coldly, "Next time, don't make such a joke, I will take it seriously!"

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