The first dragon of all time

Chapter 161 Senior, what do you think?

"In Daqian Royal Academy, there was a blind disciple who was beaten by me. I heard that he is the legitimate son of Prince Heng. Is there no problem?"

Back at the inn, looking at Taoist Qiling who was studying the elixir, Long Qingchen said something so that Taoist Qiling could be prepared.

"Don't bother me with such trivial matters."

Taoist Qi Ling didn't even raise his head and said impatiently, "Why don't you kill him directly? It would be troublesome to keep him alive. As a cultivator, you should kill decisively!"

What is domineering?

This is domineering!

As expected of a strong elder, he really knows how to pretend to be 13...

Long Qingchen smiled lightly, "I also want to kill decisively, but my strength does not allow it..."

"Then work hard to improve your strength."

Taoist Qi Ling rolled his eyes at him angrily, was too lazy to pay attention to him, and continued to study his favorite elixir.

Mu Qingxue was stunned.

A trivial matter?

Kill directly?

She looked deeply at the little girl in front of her. It was obvious that she was a strong old man who had rejuvenated her youth. No wonder Long Qingchen was so confident.

However, she was still full of worries and frowned, "Do you plan to rely on this senior's strength to intimidate Prince Heng?"

"is it not OK?"

Long Qingchen's eyes were dull. Since Taoist Qiling didn't care, it meant that it was okay and she could "catch it".

"The Daqian Empire is filled with powerful men. As a direct member of the royal family, how can Prince Heng be so easily intimidated?"

Mu Qingxue shook her head gently, "If you do this, not only will it fail to scare Prince Heng, but it will completely anger Prince Heng and even anger the Daqian Empire. The consequences will be even more serious!"

She persuaded her earnestly, "Come with me to the General's Mansion. As a General, my grandfather can save your life if he can speak well in court."

After hearing her analysis, Long Qingchen couldn't help but look at Taoist Qiling again, "Senior, what do you think?"

"Isn't it just a nine-star empire?"

A hint of disdain appeared on Taoist Qi Ling's face, "Why haven't I seen big winds and waves?"

Long Qingchen, "..."

Mu Qingxue, "..."

Boom! ...

The sound of heavy footsteps spread from the other end of the long street, causing the entire inn to tremble slightly.

Mu Qingxue's face changed slightly, "Here we come!"

Long Qingchen woke up the lizard dragon who was sleeping soundly. In addition to Qiling Taoist, these ten men, women and children were also considered "a trump card" in his hand.

He walked out of the inn door first, and saw groups of knights driving wild beasts and wearing bright light armor coming like a tidal wave. People on the long street hurriedly retreated, and many stalls were directly knocked away. Fruits and vegetables were scattered all over the place. The ground was trampled to pieces by the beast's thick claws.

Thousands of knights surrounded the inn, blocking the way.

The shopkeeper and a dozen waiters turned pale with fright and hid under the counter, trembling and afraid to show their faces.

Click! Click! Click! ...

A heavy chariot came slowly, and the bluestone ground on the long street was crushed to pieces!

A burly middle-aged man walked out of the chariot and stood respectfully aside. Immediately afterwards, a young man with a swollen face like a pig's head walked out of the chariot. He recognized Long Qingchen at a glance and became furious. "He was the one who hit me!"

The middle-aged man's eyes turned cold, "Take it!"

Ten knights jumped off the beast, each holding a chain as thick as an arm, covered with barbs, and walked towards Long Qingchen with a fierce look.

"Wait a minute."

Long Qingchen raised a hand indifferently and stared at the middle-aged man, "Why don't you ask me why I hit him?"

The middle-aged man sneered, "No need to ask, no matter what the reason, no matter what the reason, if you, a commoner, beat the young prince, you are conspiring to commit treason, and you will be punished with death!"

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, "Since you said so, there's nothing to say. Come on, let me see how much energy Prince Heng's Mansion has."

"Xiaoxue, do you think you can stop me from marrying you by just finding a shield?"

The young man scanned the whole place with sharp eyes.

"You are too naive. Today, I will let everyone in the imperial capital know what will happen if you dare to go against me!"

His words were very domineering, but half of his face was swollen like a pig's head, which was very funny. It made people want to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and made their faces turn red.

Wow! ...

The ten knights swung their chains and wrapped around Long Qingchen, like a big net, blocking all escape routes!

Long Qingchen stood there without moving, just glanced at A Liziyi.

"Supreme Master, the enemy who attacks you is our mortal enemy!"

A Lizi roared, raised his palm like a cattail leaf fan, and smacked it suddenly.

boom! ...

Sparks shot out, and the chains suddenly shattered!

puff! puff! puff! ...

The ten knights spurted blood from their mouths and were instantly shot away!

"Be bold!"

The middle-aged man yelled, "If you dare to resist arrest, you will be punished with an additional penalty!"

Long Qingchen was indifferent, "You all want to kill me, but you still won't let me resist arrest. What's the point?"

The middle-aged man ordered, "First team, go ahead, kill him and his accomplices without mercy!"

Boom! ...

Hundreds of knights, driving wild beasts, charged like a mountain falling apart!

"Don't hurt Xiaoxue."

The young man shouted quickly.

Long Qingchen couldn't help but glance at Mu Qingxue and said calmly, "He cares about you quite a lot. In fact, marrying him is not bad. At least, he will be very good to you. If you act like a baby, he will definitely do it for you. Through fire and water.”

Mu Qingxue was annoyed, "If you are still in the mood to care about these things, you should worry about your own life and death first!"

"You'd better pray that I don't want to die. If I die here, the entire Daqian Empire will be buried with me."

Long Qingchen spread his hands, this is not a big lie, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoスhスuan. com With the power of the Dragon Clan up to ninety-eight stars, it is indeed not difficult to destroy a Daqian Empire.

"If this didn't happen because of me, I wouldn't care."

Mu Qingxue snorted, obviously thinking that he was bragging.

Next to her, Nangong Wan'er believed Long Qingchen's words. If Long Qingchen died here, it might really arouse the anger of the Dragon Clan.

All ten men, women and children of the Lizard Dragon rushed out.

boom! ...

With just one encounter, hundreds of knights were blown away, and the wild beast mounts they were riding were also blown away. They flew dozens of feet away and landed heavily on the long street, turning into puddles of mud. The scene was very spectacular and extremely shocking!

What power is this?

People were stunned, looking at the ten men, women, and children in horror, as if they were looking at a group of monsters!

The middle-aged man's face also changed slightly, and he saw the clues, "My young prince, these people are a bit... abnormal. It's better to retreat first and let the strong men from the Prince's Palace come and deal with them."


The young man's eyes were somewhat unwilling, but he could see that these people were powerful and could only give the order to retreat.

Long Qingchen did not order the pursuit, not wanting to make the matter too big. After all, he only had the "big leg" of Taoist Qiling, and this was the imperial capital of the Daqian Empire. There were many strong men. If the Daqian Empire was completely angered, , is also a risky thing. He doesn't like risks and prefers to play it safe.

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