The first dragon of all time

Chapter 194 Join forces?

"Ask the leader and the three eagle kings to throw him out."

Long Qingchen suddenly said calmly to the Black Eagle Cult Master and the three Eagle Kings.

The Black Eagle Cult Leader and the Three Great Eagle Kings were startled for a moment, not understanding his intention, but they still followed the instructions, looked at the old man in white with evil eyes, strode forward, and surrounded the old man in white, as if to swarm him.

The smile of the old man in white froze and his face froze. He stared at Long Qingchen with a frown, "You sent someone to invite me here, wasn't it to join forces? What do you mean?"

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "If there is sincerity, the eldest prince or the master of Zixiao should come here in person. However, they sent a little person like you here, which shows that there is no sincerity at all, so there is nothing to talk about."

"I am the tenth elder of Zixiao Sect, not a nobody!"

The old man in white was angry, "There is no need to doubt the sincerity of our Zixiao Sect. The reason why the sect leader and the eldest prince did not come in person is because now is a critical period and we have to be careful. If you detain the sect leader and the eldest prince, you threaten our Zixiao sect. What should we do? That’s why Zixiao Sect sent me here to discuss it!”

Long Qingchen pretended to think for a moment and said with an understandable look, "That's true..."

The Black Eagle Cult Leader and the Three Great Eagle Kings looked at him with strange eyes. Deep in their eyes, there was a hint of approval, and they vaguely understood his intentions.

This is a very simple truth!

Just like when buying something, you must first "dislike" the store's goods, and then lower the price...

The Black Eagle Cult Master and the three Eagle Kings were all a little surprised. They did not expect that Long Qingchen was so good at calculating at such a young age, making them feel inferior to the powerful elders.

"Can you fully represent the Zixiao Sect's decision?"

Long Qingchen looked at the old man in white.


The old man in white snorted coldly, "The sect master and the elders unanimously decided to send me here for discussion. My decision is equivalent to the decision of the Zixiao Sect!"

"That's good." Long Qingchen felt relieved, "Let me tell you Zixiao Sect's opinion first."

The old man in white looked unhappy, and slowly said, "The Duanmu family behind the third princess and the fourth prince is the strongest, reaching twelve stars, with as many strong men as the clouds; while our Zixiao Sect and the Juejian Sect behind the eleventh prince are just Eleven star forces.”

At this point, he paused and glanced at the Black Eagle Cult Leader and others, "As for you, I don't know much about your details. From the current point of view, the Black Eagle Cult and Qiling Taoist combined can barely reach Eight stars are the weakest."

Long Qingchen smiled and was noncommittal.

He continued, "No matter the Zixiao Sect, the Juejian Sect or your side, no one can compete with the Duanmu family. Therefore, our Zixiao Sect's opinion is very simple, that is, to join forces to fight against the Duanmu family!"

Long Qingchen smiled and said, "This is also what we mean. Juejian Sect is unwilling to join forces with us, so forget it. We will join forces to advance and retreat together. If our side is attacked first, Zixiao Sect will do its best to help , similarly, if Zixiao Sect is attacked first, we will do our best to help, how about it?"

The old man in white nodded and said, "That's exactly what I meant!"

Yang Gu suddenly asked, "After we join forces to win, who will inherit the throne?"

The old man in white gave him a neutral look, "Our Zixiao Sect is stronger, so of course the eldest prince will inherit the throne. As compensation, we can make you a first-class prince, and the fiefdom is a province."

Yang Gu looked embarrassed, obviously he couldn't accept it.

Yang Xue gently pulled his arm and said softly, "Brother, a province is not bad."

Long Qingchen's smile did not change, "I decided happily."

"People must learn to be content. The more powerful they are, the more territory they control."

The old man in white seemed quite satisfied.

Then, the two sides discussed the details of the cooperation, and then the old man in white left with satisfaction.

"Did we go through all this effort just to get a province?"

The leader of Black Eagle looked at Long Qingchen suspiciously, obviously, he was not satisfied either.

Yang Gu said quickly, "No matter which party gets the throne, the only requirement of the Daqian royal family is to maintain the integrity of the territory. If a province is given to us, the Daqian royal family will never agree. In the end, we may get nothing." Not even."

"Do you still take the verbal agreement seriously?"

Long Qingchen's eyes were dull, "The so-called alliance is just a joke. First we will defeat the Duanmu family and the Juejian Sect together, and then we will decide the outcome with the Zixiao Sect. It is estimated that the Zixiao Sect also thinks so, even a province It’s impossible to share it with us, the most likely possibility is to destroy us together.”

The leader of Black Eagle smiled lightly, "That's true."

Yang Gu was still a little worried and asked seriously, "Are we sure of defeating the Zixiao Sect?"

Long Qingchen said calmly, "Although the Zixiao Sect is divided into eleven star forces, this division is just the opinion of the Guantian Pavilion family and is not completely accurate. Therefore, how strong the Zixiao Sect is and how powerful it is. We don’t understand anything about it. I can only guarantee that I am 50% sure. If you want to be the emperor, you should believe me unconditionally. Otherwise, do you have any other choice?"

Yang Gu smiled bitterly, "I have nothing to rely on except you."

"Then it's over."

Long Qingchen was too lazy to say more.

The Black Eagle Sect's spies have all been sent out to closely monitor the happenings in the entire imperial capital.

After discussion, it was decided to use this compound as a temporary headquarters and strengthen the security. Wait until tomorrow to see what the other three parties are doing before making a decision.

"This is the last peaceful night."

Looking at the night sky, illuminated red by the lights, Yang Xue felt a little emotional.

Long Qingchen had no time to be sentimental. He returned to his house, took out the True Immortal Puppet, controlled it over and over again, and became familiar with various combat modes. This was his final "ace"!

This night, as usual, was very peaceful. All parties stood still, obviously waiting for the emperor to announce his abdication.


"By God's blessing, the emperor issued an edict: I practiced carelessly last night and went crazy, resulting in serious injuries and dying. My family cannot be without a master for a day, and the country cannot be without a king for a day. Today, I have decided to abdicate. I hope that all important ministers and nobles will elect a wise prince as soon as possible. , inherit the throne."

The next day, early in the morning, an imperial edict was sent from the palace, announcing it to the world.

As expected, the entire imperial capital was in an uproar.

"The sky is going to change!"

"I thought it would take some time, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly!"

"Now, there are four princes left in the imperial capital, all of whom have ambitions to fight for the throne. A fight is inevitable. We commoners should run away!"

"That's right. Let's leave the imperial capital first and then come back after the throne is confirmed and the situation is stable."...

People around the compound were talking a lot.

Long Qingchen stood quietly at the gate, taking in all this. He saw that the streets were full of migrating people, some carrying heavy burdens and swarming toward the city gate in a panic; some pushed away He was driving a flatbed truck, with his parents, his wife and a few children sitting on it; the shops all over the street had closed their doors, and everyone was packing up and preparing to run away.

Of course, only the people were panicking. The four forces vying for the throne had known about it for a long time, and they were all very calm.


A piece of iron paper flew into the yard. The leader of Black Eagle caught it in his palm, took off a piece of paper on it, and read it, "The third princess ordered the patrol battalion to seal all the city gates and not allow anyone to leave the city. .”

"What does she want to do?"

Long Qingchen frowned. The Supreme Elder of the Daqian Royal Family had clearly said not to affect the common people. However, the third princess did not act according to common sense at all, which made him a little annoyed. "Even the common people are not allowed to leave the city. Once the war starts, It will only cause innocent deaths and injuries!"

The leader of Black Eagle pondered for a moment, shook his head slightly, and said with a mocking smile, "I don't know if it's because I'm old or because the third princess is shrewd, but I can't understand her first move."

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