The first dragon of all time

Chapter 206 The mysterious visitor

After Long Qingchen left, the entire prison suddenly became busy.

According to Long Qingchen's request, the prime minister was imprisoned in a small separate cell.

The eldest prince, the third princess, the fourth prince, the eleventh prince, Prince Heng, the young prince Lu Rangshan and other members of the royal family were also imprisoned in separate cells.

The third princess's cell was adjacent to the fourth prince's cell. The fourth prince looked at her with concern, "Sister, Long Qingchen didn't do anything to you, right?"

The third princess turned red and rolled her eyes at him, ""

The fourth prince's eyes were a little suspicious, "Something is wrong, I always feel that something is wrong. Long Qingchen is not a soft-hearted person. We and Long Qingchen are mortal enemies. Now, we are captured, but he did not take the opportunity to kill us. This is not like His style.”

The third princess was silent for a moment, "Long Qingchen acted strangely. It's hard for people to guess his plans. Maybe the Supreme Elder and his father put pressure on him, so he didn't dare to do anything to us... .”

The fourth prince shook his head slightly and said bitterly, "I don't think it's possible. He has a true immortal puppet, and he has the full support of Taoist Qi Ling and Black Eagle Cult Leader. The Supreme Elder and his father can't put pressure on him at all. It's absolutely not the case." This is the reason."

"He doesn't kill us now, which means we are out of danger. Maybe we can go out in a few days."

The third princess came to the haystack in the corner, frowned slightly and sat down cross-legged, with a perfect smile on her lips.

"I hope so." The fourth prince sighed, "Now that the beggar prince has become the emperor, even if we go out, there is no hope."

"There's nothing wrong with being an ordinary person..."

The third princess smiled happily, as if she had no regrets.

The Fourth Prince looked at her deeply, "Sister, I found that you have changed."

The third princess stretched out her white white wrist and pointed to a circle of small cells, "Now that we are in this situation, how can we remain unchanged?"

"That's true. It's good to be able to save one life."

The fourth prince felt a hint of self-mockery and sat down cross-legged without saying anything more.

The third princess's beautiful eyes glanced at the secret room intentionally or unintentionally. Deep in her eyes, a deep light appeared, and it flashed away. She whispered softly in a voice that could only be heard by herself, "I am just a whetstone. .....”



Long Qingchen walked towards the palace. He had already thought about how to deal with the prisoners. Unexpectedly, he suddenly reached out and slapped himself in the face.



He was just a little annoyed and couldn't control himself...

Several passers-by looked at him strangely, as if looking at a fool. Only a fool would slap himself, right?

In the battle for the throne, tens of millions of people were affected, almost two-thirds of the population of the imperial capital. Only a few million people survived, and they began to rebuild the imperial capital.

The Ninth Prince has just ascended the throne, and there are still at least several decades until the next emperor is replaced. At the very least, he has to wait for the Ninth Prince's sons to grow up. Now, the Ninth Prince has no sons, so the people who survived do not have to Worried about being drawn into a war again.

"See Side by Side King."

"See Side by Side King."......

Walking into the palace, Long Qingchen had an unimpeded path. When he saw his dignitaries, imperial guards, guards, maids, eunuchs, etc., they all gave in and knelt on both sides, as if they were seeing the emperor. In terms of power and status, he was as equal as the king. It is indeed similar to the emperor, but the title is different.

When I came to the imperial study room, I found Yang Gu wearing a five-clawed dragon robe and immersed in reviewing memorials. He already had the dignity of an emperor.

Seeing him arriving, Yang Gu stood up, came over with a big smile, and hugged him warmly, "Brother Qingchen, I'm more used to calling you this, is it okay?"

"You, the emperor, don't care, so why should I care?"

Long Qingchen looked calm and found a stool to sit down on, crossing his legs.

Hearing what he said, Yang Gu laughed even more, "Okay, when no outsiders are present, let's just use the original name."

Long Qingchen said directly, "I am here mainly to talk about the treatment of all the prisoners."

Yang Gu waved his hand slightly, "Don't worry, I also have something to tell you!"

"What's the matter?" Long Qingchen was confused.

Yang Gu smiled mysteriously, "You might as well guess first."

Long Qingchen was too lazy to guess, "Just tell me."

"You're such a letdown."

Yang Gu was helpless and clapped his hands.

An old eunuch walked in and said, "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

Long Qingchen noticed that this old eunuch was actually the person next to the Supreme Emperor Lu Qianming. Now, following Yang Gu, he could be regarded as the emperor and the courtier.

Yang Gu ordered, "Go and bring those people here."

"Yes." The old eunuch hurried away.


Long Qingchen was even more confused as to who could make Yang Gu so mysterious.

Yang Gu smiled and said nothing.

Not long after, the old eunuch came back, followed by more than a dozen people, who were Lin Mu, Ren Xiao and others, the Brotherhood!

Yang Xue also came. She was wearing a golden phoenix dress. She looked like a princess, but she was actually a princess.

Long Qingchen looked at Lin Mu with strange eyes, "I remember that someone once said that even if he wanders around and begs for a living, he will not seek refuge with Brother Yang Gu."

Lin Mu's face turned red and he was extremely embarrassed, "This moment, that moment..."

Long Qingchen sighed with emotion, "Sure enough, no one can escape the true fragrance theorem."

Lin Mu was confused, "What is the True Fragrance Theorem?"

"You can understand it yourself." Long Qingchen was too lazy to explain.

"Who could have imagined that our brotherhood would one day be reunited!"

Yang Gu looked at everyone with red eyes and bowed deeply, "Once, I did something wrong, but my brothers turned to me regardless of past grudges. Don't worry, brothers, I will never let you down again!"

"Brother Yang Gu, let's not talk about the past."

Lin Mu sighed and reached out to pat Yang Gu's shoulder. As if aware of Yang Gu's current identity, his palm froze.

Yang Gu glanced at him angrily, "There are no outsiders here."

Lin Mu laughed and patted him hard twice, "Haha, patting the emperor on the shoulder feels good."

Everyone also laughed loudly, the atmosphere was very harmonious, and there was a feeling of letting go of grudges with laughter.

Yang Gu said to Long Qingchen, "I have issued a decree to allow brothers to be selected into the Daqian Royal Academy. From now on, you are brothers again."

"fair enough."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, "Daqian Royal Academy is a higher education institution where you can learn more knowledge about cultivation."

Everyone joked and laughed again, and the old eunuch led Lin Mu, Ren Xiao and others away. Knowing that Long Qingchen and Yang Gu were discussing matters, they were not officials of the Daqian Empire yet, so it was not easy to listen in.

"The captured Duanmu clan leader, great elder and two elders will be executed directly."

"The eldest prince and the eleventh prince will be stripped of their status as princes, demoted to common people, and exiled to the borders of the Daqian Empire. They will protect the borders for a hundred years."

"The third princess and the fourth prince were demoted to common people by Shuyuan They were responsible for building a cemetery for those who lost their lives in the throne war, and became the tombkeepers for life."

"As the main supporter of the eldest prince, the Zhenguo General Mansion has removed the title of Zhenguo General and reduced it to a six-star war general. The rest of the eldest prince's supporters will have a staff of one hundred to one thousand, depending on their level of cultivation."

"Prince Heng's Mansion, as the main supporter of the third princess and the fourth prince, has removed the title of the prince and demoted him to a commoner. The remaining supporters of the third princess and the fourth prince have a royal staff of one hundred to one thousand."

"As the supporter of the eleventh prince, the prime minister was removed from his position and demoted to a commoner. The remaining supporters of the eleventh prince also have one hundred to one thousand imperial staffs."

Long Qingchen told what to do with all the prisoners.

Yang Gu was suspicious, "I don't have any objections to the treatment of other people. It's reasonable. However, the third princess and the fourth prince caused the greatest damage to the imperial capital and almost destroyed the entire imperial capital. Is it too light to deal with them?"

Yang Xue also frowned, "The third princess has committed a heinous crime, and her treatment is indeed too light!"

"Okay, that's it."

Long Qingchen stood up indifferently. He came here not to discuss, but to make a decision. He patted Yang Gu on the shoulder, "You are the emperor now, so you should be more generous..."

"Okay." Yang Gu was helpless and couldn't say anything more.

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