The first dragon of all time

Chapter 25 I'm here to break the dragon's blood path

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, the breeze was gentle, and it was very comfortable.

Including Long Qingchen, a total of 1,176 young geniuses from the Dragon Clan gathered at the gate of Dragon Blood Martial Mansion, waiting for the assessment.

Or, they gather in small groups to exchange their cultivation experiences.

Or, fold your arms, close your eyes and relax, and stand out.

Or, sit cross-legged and adjust your condition to the best.

"It seems that you turned a deaf ear to my warning yesterday. That's good!"

Seeing Long Qingchen and Long Bingling talking, laughing, and behaving affectionately, Long Fengye walked slowly over with a sword in hand, his cold eyes falling on Long Qingchen, his murderous intent undisguised.

Long Bingling frowned, "It's not your turn to care who I am with!"

Long Guangjue held a spear in his hand and said meaningfully, "Sister-in-law, I know that you and Long Qingchen are innocent and just friends. Normally, it's nothing, but in front of so many young geniuses, In front of you, you should always pay attention to your identity and worry about Feng Ye's face, right?"

His words have another meaning that only Long Qingchen and Long Bingling can understand. It means that he did not tell the story of his "infidelity" with Long Qingchen and Long Bingling in the wild mountains two months ago. Tell Long Fengye.

I don’t know why he did this, maybe he wanted Long Qingchen and Long Bingling to owe him a favor.

Long Fengye's voice was cold, "No matter what time, friends must keep their distance!"

"We are not friends and we don't understand!"

Long Bingling stubbornly held Long Qingchen's arm,

Long Qingchen was willing to act as a shield for her, and said with a smile, "Don't be angry, be careful of fetal motility."

Fetal gas?

Long Guangjue was stunned.


Long Fengye clasped his sword tightly with five fingers, his eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at Long Qingchen, burning with anger, like a mad lion, "I will kill you!"

"That's...Long Qingchen of the Qinglong Clan?"

"It should be him. He is exactly the same as when he was a child. He has hardly changed. He even dares to hook up with Long Fengye's fiancée. Is he impatient?"

"The Qinglong Clan ranks second to last among the various dragon clans. There are only two places to participate in the assessment. Why are Long Qingchen, Long Qingze and Long Qingyue all here, and who doesn't get a place?"... ..

The huge movement attracted the attention of various dragon geniuses and beauties. They all looked this way, looking at Long Qingchen, Long Bingling and Long Fengye with great interest.

"Dragon Blood Martial Palace is the holy land for the cultivation of the entire young generation of the Dragon Clan. Anyone who dares to act recklessly here will be disqualified from the assessment!"

The door of Dragon Blood Martial Palace slowly opened, and an old man in white robe slowly walked out.

He has white hair, obviously he has lived a long life, but his face is rosy, like a baby's skin, without any signs of age. His loud voice can be heard throughout the audience, and his eyes are bright and sparkling, making the younger generation The talented beauties dare not look directly.

The whole place was silent, no one dared to say a word.

The old man in white robe stretched out his right hand and brushed the space ring on his left hand. A scroll suddenly appeared in his palm and unfolded with a clatter, "Now, read out the rules of the Dragon Blood Martial Palace assessment."

"Article 1, those who participate in the assessment must hold recommendation tokens from various dragon clans, otherwise, they are not eligible to participate in the assessment."

"Article 2, the assessment will be conducted in accordance with the knockout round. Two pairs will compete, and the winner will advance. The top three hundred can be selected into the Dragon Blood Martial Palace."

"Article 3: Once you step onto the assessment arena, you will be responsible for life and death, and you are not allowed to seek revenge afterwards."

"Article 4: During the assessment, you are not allowed to use equipment that exceeds your own cultivation level, and you are not allowed to use taboo secret techniques, so as not to affect the fairness of the assessment."

"Article 5: If you do not meet any of the first four items, your qualifications will be cancelled."

"Article 6, if there are other situations that may violate the rules, it will be decided by the presiding officer, which is me."

"Do you understand everything?"

In fact, all the young genius beauties of the Dragon Clan have long known the assessment rules of the Dragon Blood Martial Palace, but they still listened carefully.


The geniuses responded with a roar.

The old man in white robe nodded slightly, "Very good, show me your recommendation token and follow me to the martial arts field to prepare for the assessment."

Talented beauties of all kinds from the young generation of the Dragon Clan showed their recommendation tokens one after another.

The recommended tokens of various dragon tribes have the same style but different colors. The green dragon tribe is cyan, the black dragon tribe is black, the earth dragon tribe is gray...and so on.

"The two recommendation tokens of the Qinglong clan are in the hands of Long Qingze and Long Qingyue, but Long Qingchen does not!"

"Since he didn't get a place in the Qinglong clan, what is he doing here?"...

Many dragons noticed that Long Qingchen had empty hands and couldn't help but whisper.

The old man in white robe stared at Long Qingchen with sharp eyes, "Since you didn't get the recommendation token, why did you come here? Do you want to get through it? Where do you think the Dragon Blood Martial Palace is? Retreat quickly, otherwise, don't blame me. ruthless!"

Long Fengye sneered, "He didn't get the recommendation token, but he wanted to get through. It can be seen that he has no respect for the Dragon Blood Martial Palace. Please punish him severely to set an example for others."

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, and he slightly spread his hands, "I did not get the recommendation token, but I am here..."

"If you don't have a recommendation token, you are not qualified to participate in the assessment. There is no need to quibble!"

Before he finished speaking, the old man in white robe interrupted him and said angrily, "Do you really think I don't dare to touch you?"

boom! ...

A majestic aura arose from his body, like a war dragon emerging from the world, exuding such powerful pressure that all the young geniuses and beauties were frightened to take a step back.

Long Qingchen obtained the memory of the Nine Nis Dragon Emperor, and unknowingly possessed a trace of the Nine Niss Dragon Emperor's supreme dragon power. Although the white-robed old man was powerful, he could not intimidate him.

He said with an indifferent expression, "The Deputy Palace Master hasn't figured out the situation yet, so he jumps to conclusions. Isn't it too biased?"

All kinds of dragon genius beauties looked at him in shock.


Long Fengye scolded, "You didn't have a recommendation token, but you wanted to take part in the assessment. You've made a big mistake. You even dared to question the deputy palace master. How brave you are!"

The old man in white robe was a little surprised, "You are at the sixth level of the Mysterious Dragon Realm, but you can ignore my dragon power. You have some courage."

Then, his eyes sharpened, "Very good, I want to hear what explanation you have. If your explanation doesn't satisfy me, I will destroy your cultivation, and the Qinglong Clan won't dare to say anything! "

Hearing these words, all the dragon genius beauties shuddered and looked at Long Qingchen with pity.

"I'll take the dragon's blood path."

Long Qingchen spoke calmly.

Although there is only one sentence, it is enough!

As long as you pass the Dragon Blood Road, you can enter the Dragon Blood Martial Palace without exception, so there is no need for a recommendation token!

Dragon Blood Road!

All the dragon genius beauties were stunned.

The old man in white robes also lost consciousness for a while and murmured to himself, "No one has dared to enter the Dragon Blood Path for more than eight thousand years. Even I have almost forgotten..."

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