The first dragon of all time

Chapter 343 Isn’t it just a stone statue?


The void opened, and two old men and a young man in green clothes walked out.

I saw that below was a large mountain with luxuriant ancient trees.

On the top of the mountain, there was a huge martial arts field. In the middle of the martial arts field stood a stone statue ten feet high. Many people knelt on the ground and knelt down towards the stone statue.

There are many small courtyards scattered on the mountainside.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a mountain gate with the words: Qingshan Sword Sect.

Everyone in the martial arts field was stunned when they found the three people above the stone statue.

"Be bold!"

"Who are you, who dare to put yourself above the Patriarch!"

The leader of the old man suddenly stood up and glared at the three of them.

Long Qingchen smiled lightly and moved a short distance away from the top of the stone statue. "Sorry, we didn't mean to offend your ancestor by teleporting to this location."

The cross-domain teleportation array is like this, it is easy to deviate from the destination.

Moreover, the farther the transmission distance, the greater the deviation.

If it is an "interstellar" transmission array with the farthest transmission distance, it may even deviate from one or several galaxies.

If you want to carry out accurate transmission, then the best way is to transmit directly "point-to-point", that is, from the Jiang family's cross-domain teleportation array, directly to a cross-domain teleportation array in Tianqing Continent. , so that there will be no deviation.

However, "point-to-point" transmission will only occur between allies because they trust each other.

However, the Jiang family has no allies in Tianqing Continent and cannot carry out "point-to-point" teleportation, because for the cross-domain teleportation arrays of the major forces in Tianqing Continent, the coordinates of the Jiang family's cross-domain teleportation array are "unfamiliar coordinates" , they will definitely not receive it casually. Who knows what is being transmitted, what if it is something dangerous?

The leader of the old man sneered, "Is it okay to just say sorry?"

"Otherwise?" Long Qingchen looked indifferent.

The leader of the old man looked coldly and pointed at his feet, "Come down and kowtow to our ancestor a thousand times."

Long Qingchen's voice was calm, "This is a stone statue, your ancestor, not our ancestor."

The leader of the old man had murderous intent in his eyes, "Don't you want to?"

"These three people, they didn't show up earlier or later, but they showed up when our Qingshan Sword Sect was holding the Martial Arts Awakening Ceremony. What's their intention?"

"In recent times, the Golden Sword Sect has been eyeing our Qingshan Sword Sect and has a tendency to attack our Qingshan Sword Sect. These three people are probably spies of the Golden Sword Sect and want to monitor our Qingshan Sword Sect's martial arts awakening ceremony. Look at what martial veins the disciples have awakened. If some disciples awaken a powerful martial vein, these three people may assassinate this disciple, or kidnap this disciple!"

"Catch them, torture them severely, and find out the instigators behind them. We would rather catch the wrong ones than let them go!"

The other old men also had bad eyesight.

"Monitoring your martial arts awakening ceremony?" Long Qingchen curled his lips, "You are overthinking, I curse you for not being able to awaken even one Xuan-grade martial arts vein, all of them are Huang-grade martial arts."


The leader of the old man was furious and jumped up. Spiritual power surged from his palm, forming a big spiritual hand and grabbing Long Qingchen directly.


Long Qingchen's eyes narrowed and he stepped down directly.


The powerful spiritual hand shattered instantly!


Trampled directly on the old man.

The old man coughed up blood from his mouth, and his whole body fell like a meteorite.


Make a huge pit out of the martial arts field!


The disciples exclaimed and stared blankly at this scene.

This young man in green shirt, with just one kick, broke the master's attack, and defeated the master who had reached the level of Eight Tribulations Loose Immortal. What kind of cultivation is he?

The expressions of the other old men suddenly changed, and they felt as if they had kicked an iron plate. Being able to defeat the Eight Tribulations Loose Immortal with one kick, the cultivation level of this young man in green shirt must have reached the True Immortal Realm or above!

The most frightening thing is that this young man in green shirt is not yet twenty years old, and the only true immortals who are twenty years old are the evil geniuses of the younger generation of powerful forces!

An old man in black was the first to react, with a stiff smile on his face, "Misunderstanding, this is purely a misunderstanding. The person with the highest cultivation level of the Golden Sword Sect is the sect leader, and he is only as good as the Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal. The Jianmen is not worthy of carrying shoes for three venerables, how could the three venerables be spies of the Golden Sword Clan."


The 32nd clan elder looked down at them jokingly, "That's not what I heard you say just now."

The sixth clan elder waved his hand slightly, "Forget it, there is no need to be familiar with them."

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the old man in black. With the strength of the young man in green shirt, it was just a matter of a thought to destroy the Golden Sword Sect. Besides, the strength of the other two was not yet known, and they were probably no worse than the young man in blue shirt. "To the three venerables, we are like ants. There is really no need to be like ants, as it would be beneath our status."

"You are quite self-aware."

The Thirty-second Clansman stared at him, half of his anger gone.

Long Qingchen was in a hurry and had no time to argue with these people, "Two clan elders, do you have a map of Tianqing Continent?"

The sixth clan elder and the thirty-second clan elder both shook their heads slightly. The sixth clan elder said, "There is some in the library, but I didn't bring it with me."

Map of Tianqing Continent?

Everyone in the Qingshan Sword Sect looked at each other and immediately guessed the identities of the three people. They were probably not from Tianqing Continent, but most likely strong men from other continents.

"I have."

The old man in black took out a map from the space ring very clumsily, wrapped it with spiritual power, and brought it up.

Long Qingchen then unfolded it and looked around, and quickly found out the locations of Qingshan Sword Sect and Lingxiao Sect, "Lingxiao Sect is only tens of thousands of miles away from here, so just fly there."

After that, he flew into the distant sky first.

The sixth clan leader followed immediately.

As if he remembered something, the 32nd clan elder suddenly flicked his finger, and a wisp of dragon power flew out.


The stone statues on the battlefield instantly shattered and turned into powder!

"Remember, we come from the Ancient Dragon Territory of the Ten Thousand Tribes Continent. If you are dissatisfied, you can come to us to settle the score at any time."

After that, he followed without looking back.

The stone statue of the founder was destroyed, and everyone in the Qingshan Sword Sect had red eyes, glaring at his back angrily.

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly helplessly. The 32nd clan has always been like this, quite stingy.

"The ancient dragon domain in the Ten Thousand Races Continent?"

"Isn't the Ancient Dragon Realm a dragon clan?"

"It should be right."

Soon, everyone in the Qingshan Sword Sect reacted, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on their heads. Their anger disappeared in an instant, and their faces turned pale.

The old man in black swallowed hard and looked for Shuyuan "Isn't it just a stone statue? In fact, it's not a big deal. If it's destroyed, it's destroyed. It can be rebuilt."

The leader of the Qingshan Sword Sect crawled out of the pit, his clothes were in tatters and his body was covered with scars. He looked at the sky with fear and murmured to himself in the direction where the three of them were leaving, "Yes, this stone statue of the founder is built It’s been there for thousands of years and it’s too old. I’ve long wanted to rebuild it.”

"At the beginning, when we built this stone statue, our Qingshan Sword Sect was in a difficult time, so we used ordinary stones. When we rebuild, we can use better stones, which can be regarded as a filial piety to the ancestor. The ancestor will definitely not mind. , even happy."

"That senior helped us destroy the stone statue, which just saved us the effort."

The other old men nodded slightly in agreement.

The disciples were stunned and did not want to speak.

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