The first dragon of all time

Chapter 355 Luo Xing Palace, a disastrous defeat!

"The Red Blood Demon-Slaying Sword completely defeated the Lingxiao Furnace!"

The beautiful woman who opened her fairy eyes to watch the battle couldn't help but cheer.

However, the old Immortal Emperor, as the master of the Crimson Blood Demon-Slaying Sword, changed his expression, "That's not right!"

Long Qingchen and the Sixth Clan Elder also discovered something unusual. They saw that the Red Blood Demon-Slaying Sword had indeed split the Lingxiao Furnace into two halves and passed through the two halves of the Lingxiao Furnace. However, the Lingxiao Furnace did not After breaking apart, the two halves came together again, intact, and continued to rush towards the holy land of Luo Xing Palace at great speed, carrying with it majestic power!


The old Immortal Emperor quickly used his secret seal, controlled the Red Blood Demon-Slaying Sword to turn around, and pursued the Lingxiao Furnace.

The distance of three hundred thousand miles, for an imperial weapon, only takes thirty breaths of time. The Lingxiao Furnace is getting closer and closer to the Holy Land of Luo Xing Palace!

I don’t know if the Red Blood Demon-Slaying Sword can catch up!

If they cannot catch up, then the Holy Land of Luo Xing Palace will be directly bombarded by the High Heaven Furnace!

"Open the holy land's protective formation to the maximum."

The old Immortal Emperor broke out in a cold sweat. His momentary carelessness put the Luo Xing Palace Holy Land in danger, and he could only order remedial measures.

The Lord of Luo Xing Palace hurried away and activated the protective formation.


Huge waves rolled across the entire lake, and a translucent light shield rose up from the bottom of the water, covering the entire island sanctuary.

The old Immortal Emperor couldn't help but look to Long Qingchen and the sixth clan elder for help, "Can you please ask Senior Time Dragon Emperor to take action and take the blow from Lingxiao Furnace?"

The sixth clan elder remained silent and just looked at Long Qingchen, obviously letting Long Qingchen make his decision.

Long Qingchen showed a look of embarrassment, "It has been agreed before that your Lingxiao Sect will be responsible for the main attack, and our Dragon Clan will be responsible for dealing with those who support the Lingxiao Sect and bear all the consequences. It is not yet time for our Dragon Clan to take action. Besides, the first The clan elder just fought with you, and the dragon power was consumed too much, so he needs to take a rest, so it is not convenient for him to take action."

Dragon power consumes too much?

The old Immortal Emperor's expression was ugly, and he cursed secretly in his heart. The consumption of fart was too great. Just now, he was defeated by the Time Dragon Emperor with one move. The Time Dragon Emperor did not consume much dragon power at all!

The beautiful woman frowned and glanced at Long Qingchen. Obviously, she was also very dissatisfied and said to the old Immortal Emperor, "Don't worry, Taishang Elder. Our guardian formation in Luo Xing Palace can withstand a full blow from the Imperial weapon." , just now, the Lingxiao Sect shattered the Qingtian Cauldron, which had consumed part of its power, and was split in half by the Red Blood Demon-Slaying Sword, which consumed part of its power again. Now, the Lingxiao Furnace has not much power left, and our Guardian Great The formation can completely withstand it!”


The old Immortal Emperor nodded slightly and stopped asking Long Qingchen and the sixth clan elder for help.

Two hundred and fifty thousand miles!

Two hundred thousand miles!

Fifteen thousand miles!

As the Lingxiao Furnace got closer and closer, the terrifying power came overwhelmingly, making the entire lake and island holy land tremble!

Although I know that the power of Lingxiao Furnace has been reduced a lot.

Although I know the defensive formation is very strong.

However, the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect still felt panic and hid behind the solid palace. They also raised their spiritual power to protect themselves and were prepared to face the energy impact. You must know that the Lingxiao Furnace is an imperial weapon after all. Even if it is 10% The power is also extremely terrifying!

Suddenly, the Heaven-Eating Martial Vein in Long Qingchen's body woke up on its own, which surprised him a little. This would only happen when he was facing life-threatening danger.

Is there any danger?

He had to pay attention, turned over his hand and took out the Spear of Destruction, and stood in front of him and the elder of the sixth clan.

The sixth clan boss looked at him strangely and didn't know why he did this. However, he didn't say anything. It's better to be careful.

The tremors in the Great Lakes and Island Holy Land became more and more intense.

Long Qingchen's eyes narrowed and he saw a black spot appearing in the far sky. It quickly enlarged and reached his eyes in an instant. It was a Lingxiao Furnace as big as a star, and the flame patterns on it could be clearly seen!


It hit the guardian formation of the island's holy land hard, erupting with dazzling light. The light shield of the guardian formation was deeply dented, but it was blocked tenaciously!

Outside the protective formation, there is a large lake without the protection of a light shield. The water in the lake instantly boils, vaporizes, and turns into clouds and mist!


The terrifying energy spread, and the mountains with a radius of 100,000 miles were shattered, and a huge crater appeared!

The interior of the guarding formation also received a violent impact, and the palaces were shattered!

Some disciples with lower cultivation levels coughed up blood in their mouths and were horrified. You must know that this is only part of the power of the Lingxiao Furnace. Moreover, through the guardian formation, if they directly face the impact of the Lingxiao Furnace, then the entire Holy Land will be destroyed. Absolutely no one can survive!

Could it be that the omen of the Heaven-devouring Martial Vein is wrong?

Long Qingchen was a little confused. With his cultivation level, he could completely withstand this level of lingering power. There was no life-threatening danger at all. It would be fine if he didn't use the Spear of Destruction to block it.


Lingxiao Furnace only had time to collide once before the Red Blood Demon-Slaying Sword caught up and slashed hard at Lingxiao Furnace!

"This time, let's see where Lingxiao Road escapes!"

The beautiful woman sneered. Just as she expected, the greatly reduced power of the Lingxiao Furnace was unable to break through the protective formation of Luo Xing Palace.

The old Immortal Emperor also breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his worries were unnecessary.


A sudden change occurred again. Just when the Red Blood Demon-Slaying Sword was about to hit the Lingxiao Furnace, suddenly the Lingxiao Furnace exploded on its own!

At this moment, a thought flashed through everyone's mind, self-destruct!

Moreover, it was the imperial weapon that self-destructed!

What kind of energy will be generated when the Imperial Weapon self-destructs?

have no idea!

No one knows either!

Because every Immortal Emperor regards the imperial weapon as a treasure, who would be willing to use it to self-destruct?

Such a situation has rarely happened since ancient times. Now, everyone is "fortunate" to see it and experience it "personally"!

Damn it!

Long Qingchen finally understood what danger the Heaven-devouring Martial Vein had foreseen.


The energy ball formed by the explosion of the Lingxiao Furnace is more terrifying than the energy ball formed by the collision of two imperial weapons!

In an instant, the energy ball spread out, with the nearest large lakes and islands bearing the brunt.


The Spear of Destruction exudes ancient brilliance. Find Shuyuan to block this terrifying impact for Long Qingchen and the sixth clan elder.

The sixth clan elder broke into a cold sweat and glanced at Long Qingchen approvingly. Fortunately, he had made preparations in advance, otherwise, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Others are not so lucky!

The old Immortal Emperor was blown away a hundred thousand miles, and his life and death were unknown.

The seriously injured middle-aged Immortal King, dozens of Immortal King elders, Holy Sons, and millions of disciples who were adjusting their breath were instantly annihilated in ashes!!

Space with a radius of more than 200,000 miles was shattered!

A huge crater with a radius of more than 300,000 miles appeared on the earth!

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