The first dragon of all time

Chapter 381: Practice more and persist every day?

"Senior Sister Xiyue!"

"Senior Sister Xiyue is here!"...

At the residence of the outer sect disciples, I met many outer sect disciples, and they all greeted Lin Xiyue with admiration in their eyes.

After hearing the news that Lin Xiyue had come to the outer sect, more and more outer sect disciples gathered around and bowed to Lin Xiyue, like stars holding the moon.

Long Qingchen was a little surprised. It could be seen that Lin Xiyue had a very high prestige in the outer sect of the Ancient Demon Sect. Thinking about it, he was relieved. She was the first place in the annual competition of the outer sect and was selected with an absolute advantage. It is normal for inner sects to be worshiped by outer sect disciples.

Lin Xiyue seemed a little uncomfortable, "I just came back to check on you. Junior brothers and sisters, please go about your business."

The outer disciples obviously wanted to catch up with her and get closer to her, but after hearing what she said, they had no choice but to disperse.

The two girls in gray clothes that Long Qingchen met in the restaurant also came. When they saw him, they were stunned for a moment.

"Junior brother with a round face, that's good. You have really been selected for the outer sect. From now on, senior sister will protect you."

One of the tall girls in gray reached out and patted Long Qingchen's shoulder heavily, like a good friend.

Lin Xiyue was a little funny. If she knew that the person who defeated Lu Mo and Chu Xuanfeng at Ting Yuxuan last night was the round-faced boy in front of her, she probably wouldn't dare to say this.

The corner of Long Qingchen's mouth twitched, "Thank you, senior sister..."

Another girl with an oval face asked Lin Xiyue, "Xiyue, I heard that you brought a friend to the saint's birthday dinner last night and defeated Lu Mo and Chu Xuanfeng. Who is that friend? Why don't we know about you? Do you have such great friends?"

"A friend I just met."

Lin Xiyue responded vaguely. Last night, when listening to the specific situation that happened in Yuxuan, only the inner disciples and people with higher status who were present knew about it. She felt that it would be better not to spread it, so as not to be exposed by Lu Mo and Chu Xuanfeng mistakenly thought she said it deliberately to show off.

The tall girl glanced at Long Qingchen strangely, "Aren't you going to attend the saint's birthday dinner? Why didn't you go?"

Long Qingchen said casually, "I had something to do last night and missed it."

The oval-faced girl complained, "If you go, it will be in vain. It is absolutely impossible to get the attention of the saint. I have practiced the secret method you gave me, but it has no effect at all."

"It's good to give such a secret method to the saint. She won't be angry. I still want to be taken seriously." The tall girl was also a little dissatisfied. "You also said that it was a secret method passed down from your ancestors. It seems that your ancestors were not very good. No. If you know where to find a secret text, treat it as a family heirloom.”

Lin Xiyue's eyes were strange, and it had no effect, which was already a good thing... She was afraid that she would become obsessed with cultivation like the saint.

"Maybe your practice time is too short. Practice more and persist every day, and it will be effective."

Long Qingchen casually played it off and "tampered" with Zhuo Xinyan's secret method. The secret method given to Lin Xiyue was the real one. The secret method given to these two young girl disciples was purely fake. It was strange that it had any effect.

Practice more and persist every day?

Lin Xiyue was a little speechless. She had completely seen the "true face" of this round-faced boy, and she absolutely could not believe him. He was full of lies, and he just opened his mouth without knowing whether it was the truth.

"I heard that Senior Sister Xiyue is here, I'll come over quickly."

A young man with a handsome face walked over quickly with a smile.

Lin Xiyue nodded slightly as a greeting.

After looking at Long Qingchen, the young man asked, "Who is he?"


The oval-faced girl held the boy's arm affectionately and introduced to Long Qingchen, "Wei Boxun, my Taoist companion, won fourth place in the annual competition of the outer sect and was almost selected for the inner sect. Unfortunately, There are only three places for the inner sect every year, and the top three have already entered the inner sect. In next year's annual competition for the outer sect, he will definitely be the first!"

It was obvious that the oval-faced girl was proud of this young man. Long Qingchen said casually, "It turns out to be Senior Brother Wei. My name is Jia Ming."


The others didn't hear the problem, but Lin Xiyue's eyes flashed and she told her clearly that the name was also fake.

Wei Boxun patted Long Qingchen on the shoulder, "According to the rules of our outer sect, newcomers will have to treat tonight. Where do you plan to treat Junior Brother Jia?"

"Let's do it some other time. I have to practice tonight and I don't have time."

Long Qingchen said casually.

In fact, he planned to lurk on the upper floor of the Ancient Demon Tower tonight to find out the details of the Ancient Demon Sect!

On the one hand, you can check the residence of the Immortal King Elder.

On the other hand, it can also provide some information for the Dragon Clan to attack the Ancient Demon Sect.

Wei Boxun said, "You can practice at any time. Does it have to be tonight? Junior Brother Jia doesn't want to give up, right? Or, you are short of money and can't afford to invite guests. If that's the case, just say it." Senior brother, I can lend you some, and you can return it to me when your monthly salary comes down. Every disciple who has just come to the outer sect will treat you once that night, but if you don't invite, you will only make people look down on you."

"Not tonight."

Long Qingchen frowned, a little impatient.

He was just making an excuse, couldn't this person hear it?

Or, does this person want to show off the superiority of his wealthy family?

Wei Boxun's face darkened, "I kindly remind you of the rules of the outer sect, what is your attitude?"

Long Qingchen said calmly, "No need for you to remind me, the rules of the outer sect are invalid for me."

Wei Boxun was very angry and said angrily, "You are a newcomer, are you so arrogant?"

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "If you think I'm arrogant, then so be it, so what?"

Wei Boxun laughed angrily, "Only when you have strength can you be arrogant. You are a newcomer and you are so arrogant. Aren't you afraid of being punished?"

"You want to deal with me?"

Long Qingchen's eyes were dull. Among the younger generation, the stronger the strength, the more modest they tend to be, such as Sister Xuan, Double Star Queen and others. However, people whose strength is only "half a bucket of water" often look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com can't recognize himself. For example, the person in front of him has regarded himself as the chief disciple of the outer sect of the Ancient Demon Sect, and he has the final say in everything.

Wei Boxun said coldly, "If it weren't for the sake of your acquaintance with Senior Sister Xiyue, of course I would deal with you. Even if I didn't, others in this outer sect would deal with you, a newcomer. I don’t know who gave you the confidence, you are so stubborn!”

There was undisguised contempt on Long Qingchen's round face, and he waved, "No need to look at anyone's face, just come here."

"you wanna die!"

Wei Boxun was furious and clenched his fists.

Lin Xiyue frowned, "Okay, what's the point of making a fuss about such a trivial matter as a treat?"

Long Qingchen didn't want to argue with such a person. It was meaningless and would lower his own status.

After all, he is also the supreme king of all races in the younger generation of the entire Wanzu Continent, the Holy Son of the Dragon Clan, and his quarrel with an outer disciple of the Ancient Demon Sect would only become the laughing stock of all the younger generations in the entire Wanzu Continent.

However, for this kind of person, the more humble others are, the more this kind of person will think that others are easy to bully.

"Sooner or later you will be dealt with!"

Wei Boxun gave Long Qingchen one last cold glance, then pulled the oval-faced girl away.

Lin Xiyue shook her head slightly. Fortunately, he didn't take action, otherwise it would have been very miserable.

The tall girl looked at Long Qingchen apologetically, "Just now, I said I would protect you, but Wei Boxun is Lihong's Taoist companion, and he is stronger than me. You should be lucky."

Is it so realistic?

Long Qingchen was speechless and didn't want to speak.

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