Long Qingchen, Queen of Double Stars, Zhan Bahuang, Wu Yanchou and others entered the gate and came to the front of the Three Thousand Ancient Road.

I saw that in front of every ancient road, there was a stone tablet.

Each stone tablet has different seal characters: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, darkness, space, time, sword, lunar, sun, illusion, chaos, black and yellow, divination, devil, holy, Evil spirits, blood...etc., a total of three thousand principles.

Kun Jiutian thought thoughtfully and speculated, "The seal characters on each stone tablet should correspond to the Taoist principles of each ancient road."

Everyone looked at him with contempt and said unconsciously, "Isn't this nonsense? Anyone who is not blind can see it."

Kun Jiutian was a little embarrassed, it seemed like it was really bullshit...

I saw that many evil geniuses may have quickly chosen the ancient road in order to reach the Immortal Tower first.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ...

As soon as they set foot on the ancient road, they disappeared out of thin air, and they didn't know where they went.

Zhao Shiya and Zhao Shina looked solemn, "I guess every ancient road is a small independent world, so we stand outside and can't see what's going on inside."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, "That should be the case."

"Sister, we in the Blood Sea Holy Land practice the blood path. We should choose this ancient path."

Wu Yanchou pointed to an ancient road. On the ancient road he pointed to, the seal character on the stone tablet was the word "blood".

"What do you need to say? I'm not blind."

Wu Xinyan rolled her eyes, stepped onto the ancient road, and disappeared in an instant.

"Wait for me." Wu Yan smiled sadly, quickly chased after him, and also disappeared.

"Our talents are natal twin stars, which belong to the path of light. We choose this one."

Zhao Shiya and Zhao Shiya held hands and embarked on the ancient path of light together.

Zhan Bahuang, Hua Qingyu, Tianfang Yingxue and others also chose the corresponding ancient path.

There are more and more evil geniuses embarking on the ancient road, and fewer and fewer people are left. However, the remaining people all have martial arts with more than two attributes, so they are hesitant and difficult to choose.

A young man walked back and forth in front of two ancient roads, anxious, "I have two martial veins, one is metallic and the other is water. What should I do? Which ancient one should I choose?"

"Can you stop? It's making me dizzy."

A young woman said disdainfully, "Two martial arteries are nothing. I have four martial arteries, and they all have different attributes. It's harder for me to choose than you!"

The young man had no choice but to stop and scratch his head in embarrassment, "Miss, you are indeed more difficult to choose than me."

What do these two attributes count for?

What are the four attributes?

Long Qingchen glanced at the two of them lightly. With all his attributes, did he say anything?

The young woman touched her pointed chin, "The people who built the Immortal Tower are simply idiots. They didn't even think about how we choose people with multiple attributes of martial arts, or they deliberately made things difficult for us!"

"Miss, you can't say this. After the senior achieved the Immortal Realm, in order to repay Tianyao Star, he invited many powerful people to jointly build this Immortal Platform, just to provide Tianyao Star's young generation with a platform. How can the holy land of experience and strength enhance the strength of Tianyao Star’s young generation deliberately make things difficult for those of us with multiple attribute martial arts?”

"Yes, the senior immortal and many powerful people jointly created the Three Thousand Ancient Road, allowing us to make choices. He must have good intentions and deep intentions, but we ourselves did not understand it."...

Some evil geniuses who were full of respect for the Immortal Tower were unhappy and looked at her dissatisfied.

The young woman said impatiently, "Okay, okay, I'm just complaining casually, why are you so serious about this?"

Long Qingchen has also been thinking about which ancient road he should choose, "Is it possible that you can choose one ancient road first, and then come back and choose the second, third... Until I walk all the ancient roads I need to walk."

The young woman's eyes lit up, "This is indeed possible. In other words, I have martial arts with four attributes, and I should walk all four corresponding ancient roads!"

The young man also suddenly realized, "I have two martial veins of metal and water attributes. I can choose the metal ancient path first, and then come back after walking the water attribute ancient path, and it will be the same if I choose the other way around."

Not knowing what she thought of, the young woman suddenly frowned, "But if this happens, our speed at reaching the Immortal Tower will be several times slower than others."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "There are gains and there are losses. We have multi-attribute martial arts, and the multi-attribute immortal power we cultivate is stronger than the single-attribute immortal power. This is God's favor for us, and the price is our cultivation. The speed is not as fast as that of people with a single attribute of martial arts. If martial arts is regarded as a big mountain, martial arts is the way to climb the mountain. Any road can reach the top of the mountain. However, we insist on walking all the multiple roads to climb the mountain. Naturally, the speed is not as fast as that of someone walking a single road."

It sounds complicated, but in fact, this is a choice. If he gives up cultivating the full attributes of the Heaven Devouring Martial Vein and concentrates on cultivating the wood attribute of the Azure Dragon Vein, then his dragon power cultivation will definitely be more than the first level of the Dragon King.

But, is he willing to give up all the attributes of the Heaven-Devouring Martial Vein?

Reluctant to part with it!

Because, all attributes are too tempting. Once he cultivates all attributes to Mahayana, his strength can be imagined!

"Let's start with the ancient path of Mu Zhidao."

Long Qingchen no longer hesitated, came to the ancient road of Mu Zhidao and stepped on it directly.

Buzz! ...

The space twisted, took him in, and disappeared on the ancient road.


When he reappeared, Long Qingchen found that he was standing on a leaf, as big as a lake, with a radius of several thousand feet.

"A leaf is already so big. How big does this tree have to be?"

Long Qingchen was slightly surprised. He looked around and found that the surroundings were densely packed with leaves, and on each leaf stood an evil genius, looking around like him.

Obviously, these evil geniuses also chose the ancient path of Mu Zhidaoze and appeared here.

Buzz! ...

Long Qingchen released his senses and wanted to know the "whole picture" of the tree. However, an invisible force suppressed his senses and could not go beyond the range of this leaf.

He was a little helpless, looking down at the leaves at his feet, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. They were green and translucent, and the veins inside were like "giant water pipes", and he could vaguely hear the sound of "clattering" flowing inside.

On a leaf to his left, stood a young girl, frowning in thought, muttering to herself, "What kind of test is this?"

On the leaf on the right, there is a young man, leaping up, trying to jump to Long Qingchen's leaf.

Buzz! ...

However, the leaves under the young man's feet emitted a green light and turned into two giant green claws, grabbing the young man's feet and dragging them back alive!

"Can't cross the line?"

"It looks like it should be."......

The evil geniuses on the surrounding leaves stared at this scene in stunned silence.

Bang! ...

Long Qingchen also tried it and punched the leaf. With his current strength, he could easily smash even a fairy mountain. However, the leaf under his feet only shook slightly, without any damage. The shock His fists were numb.

"I feel that every leaf is like a cage of wooden principles. Only by breaking the cage can we escape."

"With our strength, it is impossible to break it by force. I think that every leaf is a realm of the Wood Law. Only by understanding the secret of the Wood Law and getting the approval of the Wood Law can we leave." ...

The evil geniuses on the surrounding leaves expressed their opinions, and started arguing because of their different opinions.

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