Long Qingchen, Shi Chen, Ning Liusha, Mu Yunyi and the tall female genius all had many questions, but for a moment, they didn't know where to start and fell into silence.

The mayor picked up the tea, took a sip, and said with a smile, "If you have anything to ask, just ask. If I can answer, I will try my best to answer."

Everyone looked at each other and looked at Long Qingchen in unison, obviously asking him to ask.

Long Qingchen thought for a moment and asked his first question, "Since you are the ancestor of the fire beast, why do you still publish anything to let the evil geniuses who come in hunt the fire beast?"

"I don't want to do this either, but unfortunately, I can't help it."

The mayor sighed, "It's a long story, let me start from the beginning."

"In ancient times, the Immortal Master invited all the strong men from Tianyao Star to jointly build the Immortal Master Platform and the Three Thousand Ancient Roads as a training ground for the young generation to enhance their strength."

"After that, the Immortal Lord left Tianyao Star and went to other planets. The strong men no longer interfered with the affairs of the Immortal Lord Platform and allowed the Immortal Lord Platform and the Three Thousand Ancient Road to operate on their own." New 81 Chinese website updated The fastest mobile version: https:/

"I don't know the situation in other small worlds. I only know about this small world. It didn't take long for the Tao of Fire to evolve into the first fire beast, which was me. Every once in a while, the Tao of Fire evolved into me. Several fire beasts will evolve, and the fire beasts have no natural enemies, resulting in more and more fire beasts."

"You also know that this small world is just a small world after all, not as vast as the outside world. If this continues, sooner or later the fire beast will occupy the entire small world, causing the small world to collapse!"

"So, in order to maintain the balance of the small world, the number of fire beasts must be reduced, so I built this town, served as the mayor, issued tasks, and asked the evil geniuses who came in to train to form a team to hunt the fire beasts."

Everyone felt a sudden realization.

Mu Yunyi frowned and said, "Your cultivation has reached the Immortal Lord Realm. Hunting fire beasts should be a very simple matter. Why don't you kill them yourself?"

The mayor smiled bitterly and said, "After all, the other fire beasts and I are of the same race, how can I do this?"

"That's true."

Mu Yunyi can understand.

Long Qingchen asked the second question, "Since the mission is fake, then the Fire Medal you awarded is also fake?"

Ning Liusha couldn't help complaining, "Come on, your life is in vain."

Mu Yunyi was also a little disappointed.

The mayor said seriously, "The Medal of Fire is absolutely real!"

Long Qingchen had to wonder, "Can the Fire Medal really help us understand the law of fire?"


The mayor affirmed, "I am the first fire beast to evolve from the Law of Fire. I am the most familiar with the Law of Fire. The Fire Medal I created contains some of the mysteries of the Law of Fire. It will help you understand the Law of Fire." The Tao is absolutely useful.”

At this point, he paused, "However, although the Fire Medal is useful, it does not guarantee that you will understand the principles of fire. Whether you can comprehend it or not depends on your own comprehension ability. The Fire Medal only plays a supporting role. "

At the end, he smiled bitterly, "Actually, since ancient times, no one has truly understood the law of fire, not even myself."

No one understands?

Mu Yunyi, Ning Liusha and the tall female genius were all stunned.

Shou Chen frowned, "Not one, not at all?"

The mayor shook his head, "Not one."

Ning Liusha grimaced, "Since ancient times, countless evil geniuses have entered this small world, but none of them have understood the law of fire. It seems that we have no hope..."

Long Qingchen's eyes flashed. If the Fire Medal couldn't help him understand the law of fire, he had a second option, which was to plunder the fire-attribute martial arts and make his own fierce fire martial arts reach perfection! New 81 Chinese website is the fastest updated computer version:

He asked the third question, "Why do you want to help the evil geniuses understand the law of fire? Is it just to thank the evil geniuses for helping you hunt the fire beasts?"

The mayor glanced at him approvingly, "You got the point right! I issued a mission to hunt fire beasts, and the evil geniuses completed the mission. I should give them a reward. However, this is just one reason, and there is another more important reason. Important reasons!"

The young man with raised eyes suddenly said, "I told you before that our fire beast clan is derived from the Tao of Fire. We are part of this small world. We cannot cut it off, let alone leave it. However, there is a way. Let us leave, that is, someone can completely understand the law of fire, so that we, the fire beast clan, can be separated from this small world, so that our fire beast clan can be unfettered and walk out of this small world. Therefore, we very much hope that someone can understand it. The Law of Fire, this is the main reason why my father created the Order of Fire."

The tall female genius glanced at him resentfully, "You madman, even if someone understands the law of fire, they won't help you leave here."

The young man with raised eyes smiled lightly, "I also said that if you hate me now, you will be grateful to me in the future. If you don't believe me, we'll see."

The tall female genius gritted her teeth and trembled with anger.

The mayor glared at the young man with raised eyes and said, "I have warned you a long time ago not to mess around. If you continue to act like this, you will have problems sooner or later, and I won't be able to save you by then."

The upright-eyed young man looked like a dandy young man. He was not afraid of his father at all. He said indifferently, "I have lived in this small world for more than three thousand years. I know every inch of this small world. I am really tired of it. Looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com If this continues, I will go crazy sooner or later, I have to find something to do, right?"

The mayor was helpless, "You have only been here for more than three thousand years, but you can't stay any longer. My father has been trapped here for I can't remember how many years. Hasn't my father gone crazy a long time ago?"

"I'm different from you. You evolved from the Tao of Fire. You are just as boring as the Tao of Fire and can endure it. I am truly flesh and blood."

The young man with upright eyes picked up the tea and drank it in one gulp, using the "tea" to soothe his sorrows. "Other fire beasts are all derived from the path of fire. I am the only fire beast and the fire beast." of!"

Mu Yunyi added with a cold face, "He is also the only madman among the fire beasts!"

The mayor looked at everyone apologetically, "I'm sorry for the excessive things my legitimate son has done to you. As compensation, I can give you the Medal of Fire regardless of ranking."

Ning Liusha was overjoyed, "Okay."

The tall female genius did not want to forgive the young man with raised eyes for what he had done, "We have already firmly entered the top three. We don't need your compensation, we can also get the Medal of Fire!"

Despite what she said, the mayor still took out the Fire Medals and distributed them to everyone.

The young man with raised eyes curled his lips, "I don't think I did anything wrong. The evil geniuses came here to hunt the fire beasts, and I killed the evil geniuses. Isn't this fair?"

Mu Yunyi sneered, "We will hunt fire beasts only after your father issues a mission. Otherwise, who has the time to hunt fire beasts?"

The young man with raised eyes thought carefully, "Okay..."


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