The first dragon of all time

Chapter 543: Heavy Shadows


The elder was shocked and angry. The vast amount of demonic energy condensed in his palm and he shot it out suddenly.

The direction of the spear of destruction remains unchanged and it moves forward indomitably.

boom! ...

Instantly, absorb his demonic energy!

puff! ...

Immediately afterwards, black blood bloomed, and the Spear of Destruction penetrated his palm fiercely, penetrating the entire arm, and it hurt to look at it!

"Hahaha, Shutan, so much devilish energy!"

Spear of Destruction laughed wildly.

The elder screamed in agony, his face was pale, and he had big beads of sweat all over his body.

Click! ...

He was ruthless enough. He gritted his teeth, raised his left palm, and slashed his right arm like a sword, with the courage of a "strong man breaking his arm".

After abandoning his arm, he fled into the distance at high speed.

"Tonic, don't leave!"

The Spear of Destruction is like a bolt of lightning, pursuing it relentlessly.

Long Qingchen opened his mouth and wanted to call it back. In the end, he shook his head slightly and said nothing. An "old fry" like the Spear of Destruction didn't have to worry about falling into a trap.

"Is Elder Mo Shufan crazy?"

"Haven't you figured it out yet? That's not Elder Mo Shufan at all, but a demon!"


Everyone in the Mo family was shocked and talking about it.

Looking at the withered corpses everywhere, Mo Xuanle's face turned extremely ugly.

The eldest elder of the Mo family said bitterly, "Just now, after you left, Mo, this demon suddenly took action, attacked us, and madly absorbed our life force."

Mo Xuanle said solemnly, "Count the casualties and see how many people have died."

The eldest elder of the Mo family quickly took stock.

After counting, he reported to Mo Xuanle, "A total of 3,561 people have died, including 23 first-class elders, 35 second-class elders, 34 third-class elders, and There are three hundred and sixty-four people from the generation, one thousand five hundred and thirty-seven from the Qing generation, and one thousand five hundred and sixty-eight disciples from the inner sect of the Wu Mansion."

Mo Xuanle was trembling all over and his heart was bleeding. You must know that those who were qualified to participate in the celebration banquet were all the elites of the Mo family. At this moment, almost a quarter of them died.

The second supreme elder of the Mo family sighed, "I didn't expect that a nice celebration banquet would turn into a tragedy."

The eldest elder of the Mo family glanced at Long Qingchen and said in a heavy voice, "Among the 3,561 people who died, the house elder and Yu Xin, who were familiar to Master He Chen, were also among them."

Long Qingchen's body trembled. Although he had only known each other for a few days, he could be regarded as ordinary friends with the Mo family's internal affairs elder and Mo Yuxin. Unexpectedly, he died like this.

Mo Xuanle looked sad and blamed himself, "We were too careless and underestimated the dangers contained in that vein."

Everyone was silent with heavy hearts. In fact, no one expected that there was a demon hidden in that vein, let alone that the demon would transform into Elder Mo Shufan and deceive everyone. People caused this tragedy.

hiss! ...

Mo Xuanle took a deep breath. As the first supreme elder of the Mo family, he knew that at times like this, he had to step forward to take charge of the situation and make everyone feel at ease.

"Now, as the First Supreme Elder, I issue three orders!"

"First, from now on, the Mo family enters the first level of war preparations. Immediately notify all the suspended islands of the Mo family to prepare for defense. Everyone entering and leaving the suspended islands must be strictly investigated to prevent similar things from happening again!"

"Second, inform the Xie family and Heping Tianzong, and ask the two families to mobilize strong men to join forces to fight against the enemy!"

"Third, the 3,562 people who died will be buried generously, and their relatives will be given three times the pension."

As the orders were passed on one after another, the entire Mo Family Holy Land was like a huge machine, and everyone in the Mo Family was like parts on the machine, acting quickly to complete these orders.

Long Qingchen quite recognized the Mo family's work efficiency, "We really need to be more vigilant, because we still don't know how many things have escaped from that vein."

Hearing what he said, the eldest elder of the Mo family shuddered, "Master Chen, you mean that more than one demon came out of that mine vein, and there are other demons?"

Long Qingchen glanced at him and said, "I'm not sure, but it's always possible."

After waiting for about an hour, a battleship and a black gourd appeared in the distant sky, coming at a very fast speed. Apparently, the strong men from the Xie Family and the Pingtian Sect had arrived.

Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

The battleship and the black gourd stopped five miles away from the Mo family's holy land. Xie Pinyan, the first supreme elder of the Xie family, asked, "What happened when you called us here in such a hurry?"

Everyone in the Mo family looked at each other. It seemed that the Xie family and Heping Tianzong had not been attacked for the time being.

"How come so many people died?"

Xie Meizhuang exclaimed when she saw the corpses scattered all over the square.

"Didn't you tell me when I asked you to inform me?" The eldest elder of the Mo family glared at the deacon elder who was responsible for delivering the order. Obviously, this deacon elder only informed the Xie family and Hepingtian Sect, but did not tell what happened. Xie family and Hepingtian sect.

The elder deacon quickly explained, "I thought this matter needed to be kept secret."

The eldest elder of the Mo family angrily said, "How can we keep such a life-and-death matter a secret?"

The elder deacon looked puzzled and lowered his head, not daring to say anything more.

Mo Xuanle had no choice but to say it quickly, "Something happened to the mine. A demon came out and took the form of an elder of our Mo family. He sneaked into the Mo family's holy land, lured us away, and attacked the Mo family's holy land. It caused heavy casualties to our Mo family, and it is not yet certain how many demons escaped from the mines."


"Is there such a thing?"...

Hearing these words, the strong men of Xie Family and Heping Tian Sect took a deep breath.

Xie Pinyan's expression suddenly changed, "If this is the case, wouldn't our Xie family be in danger too?"

"No, I have to go back and guard as soon as possible!"

He reacted quickly, told Black Gourd to turn around, and hurried back with the strong men of the Xie family, worried that something might happen to the Xie family.

Only the head of the Xie family was left, and he went to Shuyuan to continue discussing with everyone in the Mo family.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? It would have caused us to rush over."

The first supreme elder of Pingtian Sect cursed and ordered the battleship to return as quickly as possible.

Likewise, only Pingtian Sect Master remains.

The eldest elder of the Mo family glanced at the deacon elder again and said coldly, "You didn't explain the matter clearly, so you asked the strong men from the Xie family and the Heping Tianzong to rush over. If anything happens to the Xie family and the Hepingtian sect, in the future, The blame will definitely be placed on our Mo family. Can you bear this responsibility? I will punish you by facing the wall and thinking about it for five hundred years!"

"Okay, there's enough chaos now, it's not the time to hold people accountable."

Mo Xuanle frowned, "The top priority is to find out how many demons came out of the mines and where they went."

Hearing these words, the eyes of everyone in the Mo family couldn't help but fall on Long Qingchen, because the demon that came out of the mine was very terrifying. No one in the entire Locust Star could compete with it, and only Long Qingchen could protect it. Everyone’s safety.

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