The first dragon of all time

Chapter 559 You are wrong!

Buzz! ...

When Long Qingchen, Xie Meizhuang and Li Feiliu came out of the void again, they appeared above a lake, surrounded by wild forests.

On the bank of the lake, three young men and a young girl were besieging an iron-backed tiger. The battle was very fierce, the immortal power was stirring, and the tiger's roar was shaking the sky, causing water columns to fill the entire lake.

Li Feiliu looked at it, smiled lightly, and said, "The iron-backed thorn tiger is a first-level immortal beast. The cultivation level of the four of them has reached the immortal level. It will be a matter of time for the four of them to defeat the iron-backed thorn tiger." , the four of them have only fifteen or sixteen years of life, and they have reached the level of immortality or above at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and are considered top geniuses. With time, perhaps, they can become supreme geniuses, Miss Beauty, what do you think?"

Xie Meizhuang didn't answer and ignored him.

This made Li Feiliu a little embarrassed, but he was used to Xie Meizhuang's neglect. When he was flying on the Locust Star, he decided to follow Xie Meizhuang out for training, and he was ready to stalk her. In his opinion, After his unremitting efforts, he finally moved Xie Meizhuang and embraced her. This is the interesting and perfect ending!

Long Qingchen flew towards the four people on the lakeside and asked, "How to get to the Broken Blade Sect branch?"

The four of them glanced at him, ignored him, and continued to fight the Ironback Thorn Tiger.

boom! boom! boom! ...

It wasn't until after killing the Iron-backed Tiger that the girl slowly said, "What kind of ravine are you from, and you don't even know where our Candow Sect branch is?"

"Hahaha, maybe he worshiped a down-and-out cultivator as his teacher. He has been practicing in the valley and has never seen much of the world."

"Hillbilly, Junior Sister Ziyun, please ignore him."

The two gray-clothed teenagers burst into laughter.

Another young man in white had a look of contempt on his face and was too lazy to talk to Long Qingchen. He dug out the iron-backed tiger's beast elixir, washed it with lake water, and handed it to the pretty girl, "Junior sister Ziyun, here it is."

The pretty girl was delighted and said, "Thank you, Second Young Master."

The young man in white said with a straight face, "Tell the second young master to see more people. Just call me senior brother, or you can call me brother Xiaoyu."

The pretty girl's face turned red, and she hesitated, seeming to consider whether she should be called "Senior Brother" or "Brother Xiaoyu."

"Junior sister Ziyun, do you still need to consider this? You must call me brother Xiaoyu, it will make you look closer."

"Yes, the second young master is the legitimate son of the sect leader. With the eldest young master here, it is impossible for the second young master to take over the position of the sect leader in the future. However, it will definitely be no problem to become the eldest elder. When the time comes, the second young master will If the Lord wants to promote you, isn’t it just a matter of saying a word?”

The two gray-clothed teenagers smiled jokingly and whistled.

The pretty girl bit her teeth lightly and called out, "Brother Xiaoyu."

The boy in white's eyes fell on her pretty face, he stopped, and said calmly, "That's right, I just call you Brother Xiaoyu, and I will take care of you more in the future."

The pretty girl bowed and was secretly happy, "Thank you, Brother Xiaoyu."

"I told you, don't be so polite between us."

The young man in white stepped forward and helped her up. It was inevitable that his hands and feet would be rough while holding her up.

The pretty girl just blushed, but didn't resist much. Although she was young, she was still a disciple of the Candian Sect branch. She had already understood that if you want more, you have to pay the price you deserve. This young man in white He is the second young master and has a bright future, so it should be worth it.

"You dare to whistle?"

"You still dare to flirt?"

"I think you are too dissatisfied with your longevity."

Li Feiliu looked at the four of them with pity. Little did he know that Long Qingchen was an evil star. Wherever he went, disaster would follow.

Xie Meizhuang smiled, looked at Long Qingchen and said, "You can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it."

Long Qingchen understood what she meant, which was to seize the young man in white and threaten the Can Sword Sect branch. If he were to deal with ordinary enemies, he would not bother to do this. However, the Can Sword Sect restricted the dragon clan from using teleportation formations, deliberately The Dragon Clan is disgusting, and he doesn’t mind disgusting the Broken Blade Sect branch.

Buzz! ...

He stretched out a hand, spread his fingers, and the dragon's immortal power spread out instantly, turning into a big palm, grabbing the neck of the boy in white, and lifting it up, like grabbing a chicken.

"You're looking for death!...Ahem..."

The boy in white clothes couldn't breathe, his face turned red to the color of pig liver, and he struggled fiercely, but he couldn't get away at all.

The two gray-clothed youths were stunned. The second young master's cultivation level had reached the third level of True Immortal Realm. However, in the hands of the green-clothed youth, they were unable to resist at all. Obviously, the green-clothed youth's cultivation level far exceeded The Second Young Master is far beyond them!

Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

The two gray-clothed teenagers reacted quickly, scattered and fled in two directions.

The pretty girl turned pale with fright, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and ran away.


Seeing his companions escaping, the boy in white was furious.

"No need to chase."

Seeing Xie Meizhuang moving, Long Qingchen stopped her.

Xie Meizhuang chuckled lightly, "That's right, they're just three ants. If you run away, you'll run away."

"Come out."

Long Qingchen slowly looked at an ancient tree.

Xie Meizhuang was shocked, "Is there someone there?"

Li Feiliu also looked at the ancient tree in surprise and didn't notice anyone.

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "Maybe he is the protector of this second young master."

Xie Meizhuang nodded lightly, "This person is also the legitimate son of the sect leader of the Can Sword Sect branch. It is normal for a protector to follow him secretly."

I saw a figure slowly walking out from behind the ancient tree. It was a white-haired old man. Although he was very old, his face was as rosy as a baby's skin, and his eyes were as bright and sharp as swords. Between Long Qingchen and Xie Meizhuang and Li Feiliu were swept around.

"Ninth Elder, why are you here? Save me!"

The boy in white was ecstatic, as if he had seen a savior.

The old man said calmly, "Second Young Master, as early as ten years ago, the sect master designated me as your protector. I have been secretly following and protecting you, but you don't know."

The young man in white was moved and said, "Thank you very much, Ninth Elder. In the future, when my brother becomes the sect master and I become the great elder, I will definitely promote you!"

The old man was neither humble nor arrogant and said, "There is no need for promotion. I am very satisfied with the position of the ninth elder. As the elder of the Broken Blade Sect branch, I will do whatever the sect leader asks me to do. The second young master does not need to thank me."

This made the boy in white a little embarrassed, "No matter what, I have to thank you. If you hadn't protected me secretly, I would have died today."

"you are wrong."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent and corrected him, "Even if someone secretly protects you, you are still dead."

The face of the young man in white became ferocious, "The ninth elder's cultivation has reached the fourth level of the Immortal Lord Realm. You are about to die, and yet you dare to talk so shamelessly!"

Li Feiliu looked at the old man deeply and looked for Shuyuan and said with relief, "It turns out that he has reached the level of a fourth-level Immortal Lord, which is one or two levels higher than Miss Beauty and I. No wonder we can't notice it." he."

The old man frowned slightly and glanced at the young man in white. Inadvertently, his cultivation was exposed. He was simply a stupid pig. If he hadn't been the legitimate son of the sect leader, he would have been slapped to death.

Xie Meizhuang chuckled and said to Long Qingchen, "Young Master Chen's senses are more sensitive. I have reached the third-level Immortal Lord Realm without being able to sense it, but Young Master Chen has sensed it, which makes me a little ashamed."

Along the way, Long Qingchen could naturally feel Xie Meizhuang's flattery and flattery towards him, "Ms. Meizhuang is being modest. It's just that you don't notice it because you relax your vigilance. If you are more careful, you should be able to detect it." "

Seeing Long Qingchen and Xie Meizhuang talking and laughing and complimenting each other, Li Feiliu certainly refused to lag behind and interjected, "Miss Meizhuang, you must not belittle yourself. You are the number one genius of our Locust Star. You His sensing power is very strong. If he concentrates on sensing, he will definitely be more sensitive than Long Qingchen! "

"..." Long Qingchen really convinced him. While trying to please Xie Meizhuang, he also wanted to "step on" him. Are you tired?

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