The first dragon of all time

Chapter 587: The Six Major Forces of the Dragon Clan

Squeak! .....

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Yang Luoning, Yu Yanran, Jia Bingyun, Gongsun Jiuze and others were all startled. They all looked at the door and saw a young man in a green shirt walking in.

"It's you?"

Yu Yanran's beautiful eyes turned cold, "Are you following me?"

Long Qingchen said calmly, "You are overthinking. I was following Yang Luoning and found this place. However, I didn't expect you to be there too."

Hearing this, Yang Luoning's face turned ugly, "Did you hear our conversation?"

Long Qingchen swept around and said, "This courtyard doesn't even have a formation to isolate induction and sound. You guys are too careless. Of course I heard it. I heard everything. I heard every word."

"you wanna die!"

Yang Luoning's eyes flashed with murderous intent, filled with murderous intent.

Yu Yanran's voice was cold, "In the ring, you were merciful to me. I didn't want to pursue it. Unfortunately, you didn't care about life and death and discovered our secret. You must die!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Everyone quickly surrounded Long Qingchen.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm."

Long Qingchen turned over his hand and took out a token, "Look, what is this?"

Everyone stared at the token in his hand. After seeing it clearly, their bodies trembled, their eyes widened, and they looked at him in disbelief.

Yang Luoning's voice was trembling a little, "Are you from the Dragon Clan?"

"Yes, it will be replaced if it's fake."

Long Qingchen simply handed the token to him, "You can check to see if there is anything wrong with this token."

Yang Luoning took it with trembling hands and examined it carefully.

Yu Yanran glanced at the young man in green shirt with a complicated expression, and hurriedly asked Yang Luoning, "How is it?"

Yang Luoning nodded, "Really."

After saying that, he also took out a dragon token and handed it to Long Qingchen.

Although he already knew that they were members of the Canglang Star branch of the Dragon Soul Palace, Long Qingchen still took it, checked it, and made sure it was correct. He gave it to Yang Luoning, "This token of yours is also real." Yes, where did it come from?”

Yang Luoning also returned his token to him and sighed, "Of course it was passed down from my ancestors. Since there are very few Canglangxingxing dragons, my ancestors can only intermarry with the human race. After generations of inheritance, , countless years have passed, and the dragon blood in me has become very weak, and it is mainly human blood."

Long Qingchen didn't hide it, "Actually, I'm not a pure-blooded dragon either. I also have half of human blood."

Yang Luoning stared at him deeply, "Judging from this token, you are a dragon from the ancient dragon domain of Tianyao Star. However, why can't I sense the dragon aura in you? Logically speaking, even if you Only half of the dragon bloodline should be able to sense it."

"Some time ago, our Ancient Dragon Territory contacted the Space Dragon Emperor of the Tiansu Galaxy. The Space Dragon Emperor invited me to go to the Tiansu Galaxy. In order to make the journey easier and reduce trouble, I hid the dragon aura, so you can't detect it. .”

Long Qingchen explained briefly.

Roar! ...

A slight movement of the Nine Niss Dragon Art released a wisp of dragon aura, allowing them to sense it and further confirm their identity.

Jia Bingyun was a little envious, "At least, you still have half of the dragon blood. But, for us people, we have lost even one ten thousandth of the dragon blood, and there is no dragon aura at all."

Long Qingchen said seriously, "No matter how much of your dragon bloodline is left, as long as your ancestors are dragons, as long as you are still working hard for the dragons, you are a member of the dragons!"

"Thanks for the recognition."

Jia Bingyun was delighted and bowed to him.

Yu Yanran glanced at Jia Bingyun with her beautiful eyes. Maybe it was because of the Dragon Clan that Jia Bingyun, who had always been sarcastic and sarcastic, turned into a lady. It was really rare...

Yang Luoning was still a little confused and asked Long Qingchen, "Why are you following me? Have you already seen my identity? When was I exposed?"

Long Qingchen took out the booklet given by Time Dragon Lord, turned to the second page, and pointed it out to him, "When I set out, our first clan leader in the Ancient Dragon Territory gave me this booklet, with your list on it."

Yang Luoning stared at the list on the booklet. His name, Jia Bingyun's name, Gongsun Jiuze's name and the names of more than ten people present were all on it, "I see, during the finals, you heard our names , of course you’ll know.”

Long Qingchen also had a doubt, "It's just that I don't understand why we, the first clan leader in the Ancient Dragon Territory, know your names?"

At this point, he glanced at Yu Yanran, "But Yu Yanran's name is not there?"

"I know."

Yu Yanran chuckled and pointed to one of the names on the list, "Yu Siyu", "This is my mother's name. My mother is the head of the Canglangxingxing branch of Dragon Soul Palace. I once heard her talk about it. More than six hundred years ago, she contacted the Ancient Dragon Territory and reported the list of members of the Canglang Star branch to the Ancient Dragon Territory. At that time, I was not born yet, so of course I was not on the list."

"I see."

Long Qingchen understood everything.

Gongsun Jiuze asked, "Our branch lost contact with the headquarters of Dragon Soul Palace many years ago. Do you know where the headquarters of Dragon Soul Palace is now?"

Everyone also looked at Long Qingchen with burning eyes, their eyes full of expectation.

"have no idea."

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly.

Hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Gongsun Jiuze smiled bitterly, "Even the Ancient Dragon Territory doesn't know where the headquarters of Dragon Soul Palace is. Now, who else knows?"

Long Qingchen spoke slowly.

"You should know the current situation of the Dragon Clan, right?"

"The current Dragon Clan is like a piece of loose sand. Many Dragon Emperors are vying for power and profit. They all want to control the entire Dragon Clan. No one will obey anyone."

"The current Dragon Clan is roughly composed of six forces. The first is the Golden Dragon Clan that controls the entire Tianlong Galaxy, the second is the Time Dragon Clan that controls the Tianque Galaxy, the third is the Space Dragon Clan that occupies the Tiansu Galaxy, and the fourth It’s the Qinglong clan who are still fighting in the Tiansha galaxy, the fifth one is the various dragon clans scattered on various planets, and the sixth one is our ancient dragon domain.”

"I guess the headquarters of Dragon Soul Palace is also confused and doesn't know who to be loyal to..."

"Does this still require a choice?" Jia Bingyun said, "Dragon Soul Palace should of course be loyal to the Ancient Dragon Territory. The Ancient Dragon Territory is the origin of the entire Dragon Clan. Since ancient times, the entire Dragon Clan has respected the Ancient Dragon Territory!"

"That's what it says."

Long Qingchen glanced at her and shook his head slightly, "However, the Tianyao Star where the Ancient Dragon Territory is located is just a low-level planet after all. Among the six major forces of the Dragon Clan, the Ancient Dragon Territory is the weakest and cannot control the entire planet. For the Dragon Clan, I guess that the headquarters of the Dragon Soul Palace is hidden, with a wait-and-see attitude. The Dragon Soul Palace will not appear before the Dragon Clan is unified, because the Dragon Soul Palace does not want to become a tool for the six major forces to compete for power."

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