The first dragon of all time

Chapter 594: Who do you think I am?

Whoosh! ...

Long Qingchen changed his clothes, used the secret technique to hide his aura, changed his body shape, appearance, and voice, and quickly ran towards the depths of the Feixing Sect's Holy Land.

Where are the secrets of Feixing Sect?

Actually, it's easy to guess.

Because, the more heavily defended the place, the more important the Feixing Sect would be.

"That stone building should be the secret of Feixing Sect."

Long Qingchen walked around the Holy Land of Feixing Sect and found that there was a stone building in the entire Holy Land, which was the most heavily defended. Teams of guards were patrolling continuously.

Moreover, those guards only patrolled around the stone building and did not go elsewhere. Obviously, that stone building was very important.

"Just go there and have a look."

He avoided the groups of guards and lurked quietly.

"This stone building doesn't even have a window."

He walked around the stone building and frowned slightly.

"Cut the wall."

Finally, he came to a deserted corner, took out a sharp sword, and began to draw it on the wall.

squeak! ...

The war sword scratched the wall, sparks burst out, and there was a harsh trembling sound!

However, the wall was not cut open, just a shallow scratch.

"So hard?"

He was a little surprised, and after checking the scratched powder, he realized, "It's such a big effort. The materials of various Immortal Emperor weapons were smelted together, and the wall made of it is no wonder it is so hard."

"Who is there!"

"There's an assassin!"...

When the sword struck the wall, the sound was so loud that it alerted the guards.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

The sound of breaking wind roared, and groups of guards rushed towards this side at high speed.

"If you can't cut through the wall, then go through the main entrance."

Long Qingchen's eyes flashed, "The patrolling guards were attracted here, and there are fewer guards at the main entrance."

Whoosh! ...

He retreated quietly and walked around to the main entrance.

Sure enough, there were only sixteen guards at the main gate.

"There is movement over there, should we go over there and take a look?"

"No, we just need to guard the main entrance."

"Who is so bold as to break into the forbidden area?"

"Who else could it be? It's probably those geniuses participating in the martial arts competition who want to take advantage of the opportunity to spy on the secrets of our Feixing Sect. They don't care whether they live or die!"...

Sixteen guards whispered.

After hearing their words from a distance, Long Qingchen was more sure of his guess, this is it, that's right.

Whoosh! ...

He cast the second level of Dragon Wing Flash and disappeared instantly.

boom! boom! boom! ...

Appeared behind the sixteen guards, with a palm like a sword, he cut the guards on the back of their necks, knocking them unconscious immediately.


Long Qingchen opened the door and walked in.

Buzz! ...

Suddenly everything went dark and the space became distorted.

He knew that there must be a small world inside the stone building, so that space distortion would occur.

Sure enough, as expected, he appeared in a small world.

I saw that this was a vast wasteland. On the wasteland, there were thirteen ancient castles, stained with blood, which was a bit strange.

Inside the castle, there were bursts of painful wailing, and I didn't know what was happening inside.

There were no guards around the castle. Maybe Feixing Sect didn't expect anyone to break in here.

Whoosh! ...

Long Qingchen rushed towards the castle on the edge.

Walking into the castle, I saw two huge pillars. On one of them, a ferocious beast was tied, and on the other pillar, a girl with disheveled hair was tied.

Between the ferocious beast and the girl, there were curved blood grooves forming a strange pattern.

There was a tube inserted into the backs of both the girl and the ferocious beast. Drops of blood flowed from the tube into the blood tank, and the entire pattern exuded a strange red light.

"This girl has Xuanyin martial arts veins."

Long Qingchen's eyes narrowed and he noticed something unusual, "What does the Feixing Sect want to do by mixing her blood with the blood of the ferocious beast?"

Realizing that someone was coming, the girl suddenly raised her head, her eyes were red, and she looked at Long Qingchen pleadingly, "Please, let me go."

She may have misunderstood, Long Qingchen said, "I am not from Feixing Sect, so I sneaked in here to take a look."

The girl was stunned for a moment, her eyes brightened, "Please let me go, our Triumph Sect will be grateful."

Long Qingchen was confused, "Are you from the Kaixuan Sect?"


The girl nodded, her eyes full of hatred, "I am an inner disciple of the Triumph Sect. Once, when I went out for training, I was caught here by the elders of the Feixing Sect."

Long Qingchen pointed to the blood tank, "What is this?"

"I don't know either."

The girl shook her head and urged, "Hurry and cut off the chains for me. When the Feixing Sect's people arrive, it will be too late. After you get out, whatever you need, the Triumph Sect will give it to you, even if you want me to give you my life." ,quick!"

Promise yourself?

Long Qingchen is a little funny, she is willing, but he is not willing yet!

He also has principles, okay?

"Do you know Feng Jiuming and Yu Yanran from the Triumph Sect?"

Long Qingchen held the war sword and walked towards her.

The girl was pleasantly surprised, "Of course I know you. My name is Feng Xiyue, Feng Jiuming is my brother, and Yu Yanran is my future sister-in-law. Are you a friend of my brother and my sister-in-law?"

Future sister-in-law?

Why does this sound a little unpleasant?

Although he didn't have any thoughts about Yanran, Yu Yanran was a beauty after all. He always felt a little unhappy when he heard that the beauty was getting married...

Long Qingchen stopped and smiled, "Forget it, you'd better stay here."

Hearing this, Feng Xiyue almost cried, not knowing what she said wrong.

She cried, "Are you the enemy of my brother and my sister-in-law?"


Long Qingchen smiled and said, "Yu Yanran is my friend. Logically speaking, I should save you, but your brother is a bit hostile to me... So, I decided to let you stay here."

"Brother stinky, it's not good to offend anyone, why did I offend you!"

Feng Xianyue finally understood, "If you save me, you will be my savior. My brother will definitely thank you and will not hate you anymore. This is equivalent to resolving the hatred."

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, "I'm not afraid of your brother, so it doesn't matter to me whether he hates me or not. I don't need to resolve it."

Feng Xinyue frowned and thought for a moment, "Then you rescue me and I will marry you. In this way, you will be taking revenge on my brother."


Long Qingchen admired her a little, her idea was really "unique", "Forget it, seeing that you are so sincere, I will save you."

Click! ...

Long Qingchen swung his sword and cut off the chains that bound Feng Xiyue.

However, Feng Xinyue could not stand steadily and fell to the ground. Li Mu looked at him pitifully, "My blood is almost gone. I am weak and can't walk. You carry me."

"walk on my own."

Of course Long Qingchen didn't believe her lies. After all, she had the cultivation level of a third-level Immortal Lord. Even without a drop of blood, it was impossible for her to be unable to walk.

Feng Xianyue rolled her eyes and stood up, "What a stupid head. I won't even give you a chance to take advantage."

"..." Long Qingchen said righteously, "Who do you think I am? I am a gentleman and I never take advantage of others."

Just as the two were bickering, the blood groove pattern behind them lit up, and a large blood ball slowly floated up, stretched, stretched, and finally turned into a human form. However, there were no facial features on the face, like a faceless man. .

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