The first dragon of all time

Chapter 60 He is not someone who cannot afford to lose!

According to legend, in ancient times, there were two ancestral dragons who were close friends and agreed to live and die together. Therefore, the secret technique "Dragon Life and Death Curse" was created.

"You don't even dare to sign a life-and-death curse with me, and you still dare to call yourself my friend?"

"You don't even dare to sign a life-and-death curse with me, and you still dare to say you like me?"...

In ancient times, these words were popular among the dragon tribe for a while.

Countless years have passed, times have changed, and the world has changed dramatically.

At this time, the life and death curse has been almost forgotten by the entire dragon clan. No one wants to mention it. The dragon clan has learned to be smart, and only idiots can conclude the life and death curse!

However, Long Qingchen did not expect that Long Jinxuan'er would use such idiotic methods. She was not only cruel to her enemies, but also cruel to herself!

Once Long Jinxuan'er dies, he will die.

Likewise, once he dies, Long Jinxuan'er will die too.

Under the influence of the life and death curse, he and Long Jinxuan'er were equal to sharing one life!

The most terrifying thing is that the Dragon Clan's life and death curse is almost unsolvable.

From ancient times to the present, no solution has been found.

Even in the memory of the Nine Ni Dragon Emperor, there is no way to break the Dragon Clan's life and death curse.

"Brother Chen, I'm tired. Help me to rest on the shore."

Long Jinxuan'er had a faint smile, her beautiful face a little tired.

Long Qingchen was so angry that he didn't bother to pay attention to her, so he jumped into the air and planned to leave.

Long Jinxuan'er called out pitifully, "Brother Chen, now that all my golden dragon power has been used up, any strange beast can kill me. Are you so cruel?... "

Long Qingchen really wanted her to die on her own, but the life and death curse shrouded his heart like a dark cloud. He slowly calmed down, turned the dragon's body, stretched out a dragon claw, grabbed her, and threw her into the lake. On the beach.

Long Jinxuan'er rolled her eyes at him, held her hands on the beach, and stood up with difficulty.

"That day, in the martial arts hall, I confessed my love to you, but you agreed too quickly. I didn't believe you would forgive me so easily."

"I just kept an extra eye on you and never left the Dragon Blood Martial Palace to let you find a suitable opportunity to take action."

"Until today, the entire Dragon Blood Martial Palace has a day off. You and I have agreed to return to the Golden Dragon Clan together. I know that you will not be able to help but attack me on the way."

"I quietly walked the entire road last night, surveyed the terrain, selected five remote places where you might attack me, and made arrangements in advance."

"Sure enough, you attacked me here. It was one of the five remote places I selected."

"So, since you took action, I have retreated three times in a row, all the way into this lake, to lure you in..."

She chuckled and explained the whole process.

Long Qingchen was shocked when he heard this. Long Jinxuan'er's calculations were too deep. He had made a perfect plan more than half a month ago. Compared with Long Jinxuan'er, his "plot" seemed a bit ridiculous. , like a three-year-old child playing tricks with adults.

In his previous life, on Earth in China, he had read many fantasy novels. If a silly loser traveled to another world, his IQ could crush all the people in the other world, as if all the people in the other world were fools.

Now, when he actually came to the other world, he discovered that he was not the only smart person, and the people in the other world were by no means fools. Among them, there were many smart people like Long Jinxuan'er, who could definitely kill a large number of people who thought they were smart. time traveler.

"I admit, you won."

Long Qingchen took a deep breath and regained his indifference.

If you lose, you have to admit it.

It’s not that he can’t afford to lose!

"Are you so sure that I will definitely take action in the five remote places you selected?"

Long Qingchen has a doubt. Long Jinxuan'er is definitely not a gambler who risks his life. "If I take action elsewhere, wouldn't you be dead?"

"That's right. I am very familiar with this road from the Dragon Blood Martial Palace to the Holy Land of the Golden Dragon Clan. There are many dragons passing by in other places. If you let other dragons know that you killed me, the Golden Dragon Clan will take revenge crazily. You and the Qinglong Clan, so you can only take action in these five remote places."

Long Jinxuan'er smiled sweetly, stretched out one jade hand to lift up the wet skirt, revealing a section of long white legs, and walked slowly in front of him. The other jade hand grabbed his green dragon horn and played with it.

Long Qingchen stretched out his huge dragon claws, pushed her away, and stared at her closely, "I mean what if, what if you guessed wrong?"

"It doesn't matter if you guess wrong..."

There was a hint of brightness in Long Jinxuan'er's beautiful eyes, and she patted her jade hand gently.


A ghostly figure flew out from the ancient forest. It was an old woman. She was suspended in the air and looked down at Long Qingchen with cold eyes.

"This is the protector assigned to me by the Golden Dragon Clan. She will protect me secretly until I fully grow up."

Long Jinxuan'er introduced with a smile, "She has been quietly following us all the way..."

Long Qingchen felt chills all over his body and his heart went cold, "In that case, why don't you kill me directly? It seems that you don't need to form a life-and-death curse with me?"

Long Jinxuan'er's beautiful eyes stared at him deeply, "I just want you to know that what I said that day in the martial arts hall was all from the bottom of my heart. I regret what I did to you and what I did to you. the harm caused.”

Long Qingchen couldn't help but remain silent.

Of course he wouldn't believe what Long Jinxuan'er said to him that day in the martial arts hall.

Just now, Long Jinxuan'er could have directly asked the guardian to kill him, but she did not do so. Instead, she used the Dragon Life and Death Curse to bind her own life to him. At this point, what else could he say? ?

"Since I was a child, I have relied on my intelligence and liked to play with strategies. I have never done anything to treat myself badly. But now, I have done something stupid. Find the bookstore"

Long Jinxuan'er's beautiful eyes were slightly red, and her voice was choked with sobs, "Brother Chen, in order to get your forgiveness, I even risked my own life. What do you want from me?"

Long Qingchen's eyes were complicated, "Two months ago, you plotted against me and almost killed me. You owe me a life. I swear that I will become your nightmare. Just now, you didn't let the protector kill me. That's a good thing." You gave me a life, and I have clear grudges. From now on, we will owe nothing to each other!"

"Is it just that we don't owe each other anything?"

Long Jinxuan'er's beautiful eyes were full of resentment, "Can't you give me a chance?"

Long Qingchen was indifferent, "From the moment you plotted against me, my heart has died!"

Long Jinxuan'er's body trembled, her beautiful eyes looking a little lonely.

Roar! ...

Long Qingchen rose into the sky, roared towards the sky, and let out a loud dragon roar that spread throughout the sky. He let go of this hatred in his heart and felt a sense of relief. The dragon's body swayed and flew towards the direction of Qinglong Valley at high speed. In an instant, he transformed into As a blue dot, disappearing into the distant sky.

The old woman sighed, "Miss, why didn't you let me kill him just now? You also made a life-and-death curse with him. If something happened to him, wouldn't you..."

"It's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks about my decision."

Long Jinxuan'er glanced at the old woman indifferently. She was less than twenty years old, but she had the temperament of a superior. Her beautiful eyes flashed towards the sky, and the corners of her mouth raised a hint of perfection.

"It's impossible for both of us not to owe each other. We still have an engagement."

"Humph, it's not that easy to get rid of me like this."

She seemed to be saying this to the old woman, but also seemed to be talking to herself.

"The Golden Dragon Clan is a royal family. As long as the Golden Dragon Clan doesn't agree to terminate the engagement, the Blue Dragon Clan will not be able to break it off..."

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