The first dragon of all time

Chapter 607: Isn’t it possible?

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Why was Qin Ming suddenly defeated by him? How did he take action?"

More than 300,000 geniuses were all staring at Arena No. 6, their eyes full of confusion, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

On the high platform, the master of the Feixing Sect and the senior elders of the Feixing Sect were livid, and they were filled with doubts. They saw Qin Ming using the Feixing Sect's top boxing technique - Big Star Fall, and he was about to hit the young man in green shirt, but the young man suddenly Appeared in front of Qin Ming and defeated Qin Ming directly.

You must know that the young man in green shirt is only at the sixth level of the Immortal King Realm. With their cultivation, induction and eyesight above the Immortal King Realm, it is absolutely impossible for them to be unable to keep up with the speed of the young man in green shirt. Even if the young man in blue shirt uses the kind of During the movement, they could clearly sense and see it. However, at this moment, they had no idea how the young man in green shirt suddenly appeared in front of Qin Ming. Even they couldn't react, let alone Qin Ming?

"So handsome!"

"too strong!"

The young and young disciples of Dayu Sect clenched their fists tightly and waved them constantly, their faces flushed with excitement, as if they had defeated Qin Ming.

"Very sure, plus, totally sure!"

Feng Xiyue's beautiful eyes curved into a crescent shape with a smile, and she said to Feng Jiu Ming, "When he saved me before, he also used time to stop."

Feng Jiu Ming frowned, "Although I am not ashamed of what the Feixing Sect has done, but he uses time to stop and freeze people in this way. Who is his opponent? What else can he compare to? It's simply despicable!"

"Brother, you are too upright. This won't work. As long as you can win, who cares about the means?"

Feng Xinyue felt a little proud, "My man must do whatever it takes!"

"How can a casual cultivator possess such a terrifying treasure?"

Feng Jiu Ming speculated, "I don't think he is a casual cultivator, so he must have hidden his identity!"

Feng Xinyue said with a smile, "It would be better if he is not a casual cultivator. Then, he and I will be a real match. By then, my father, mother and the entire Triumph Sect will not be able to object!"

"" Feng Jiuming discovered that she had gone crazy


In order to cover up his cheating, Long Qingchen said something very reserved and glanced at the unconscious Qin Ming, "No matter how high your cultivation level is, as long as I am fast enough, I can easily defeat you."

Feng Xinyue looked up at the green-shirted boy in the sixth arena with admiration, "It's so shameless, I like it!"

Long Qingchen glanced at the elder who was suspended above the arena and was responsible for recording the results of the duel, "The results can be announced."


On the high platform, a purple-clothed elder from Feixing Sect gave a cold shout.

Long Qingchen said calmly, "He fell to the ground and was defeated. Do I have to throw him out of the ring, or destroy his cultivation, to be considered a winner?"

"Judging from the current results, he did win."

Elder Ziyi said coldly, "However, I suspect you of cheating!"


Long Qingchen was disdainful, "Do I look like a cheater?"

Feng Xiyue had strange beautiful eyes. Although she didn't mind her man being a little shameless, the shamelessness of the young man in blue was still beyond her tolerance.

"It's not like."

Elder Ziyi expressed her thoughts for her, "You are it!"

"Where's the evidence?"

Long Qingchen looked indifferent.

When time stands still, ordinary people and ordinary cultivators will never be able to feel it, but those who have reached the Immortal Realm or above can sense it.

In order to prevent the senior officials of Feixing Sect from sensing it, just now, he deliberately made the process of time stopping very short, which is about one ten thousandth of the time of one breath. Since the time of stopping is very short, even those who are above the Immortal Realm can Because it is difficult to sense it, the senior officials of Feixing Sect don’t know what just happened.

The elder in purple said that he cheated, which was just speculation and there was no evidence at all.


Sure enough, Elder Ziyi's face froze, and he was a little embarrassed, and said slowly, "Although I can't provide any evidence, I can be sure that you definitely cheated, because, with your cultivation, no matter how fast you are, , and it cannot be beyond my induction. Perhaps, you used some kind of treasure that I don’t know about.”

Hearing what he said, Long Qingchen was even more sure that he had not sensed that time had stopped, and sneered, "You can't produce any evidence, and you accuse me of cheating. It's a joke! Feixing Sect can't afford to lose, so just say so!"

More than 300,000 geniuses looked at each other in silence.

In fact, they also seriously suspected that the young man in green shirt was cheating.

Since ancient times, for countless years, there have been countless martial arts masters with amazing talents. However, no one has ever been able to defeat his opponent with nine levels of cultivation across domains, no matter what body skills or martial arts he masters. None of them can do this, so the cultivation world has formed a common sense called the Nine Forbidden Principles.

However, Qin Ming surpassed the cultivation level of this green-shirted young man by more than nine levels, reaching a full ten levels!

In this duel, the young man in green shirt not only broke the nine-forbidden rule, but also broke the ten-forbidden rule?

So, they had to wonder.

However, doubt is just doubt. In everything, we must pay attention to evidence.

Without evidence, no matter how many doubts there are, it will not be enough to determine that this young man in green shirt cheated.

Feixing Sect Master was silent for a long time and then slowly said, "Announce the result."

The elder in charge of recording had no choice but to announce, "In the sixth arena, Tantai Qian'er wins."

"Tantai Qian'er?"

Feng Xiyue's eyes widened in disbelief, "His name is Tantai Qian'er?"

Feng Jiu Ming nodded slightly, "It must be a pseudonym."

"Not even a fake name!"

Feng Xinyue said angrily, "How can he use a woman's name? It's more feminine than my name. He is my man."

"Later, if you still want to accuse me of cheating, then open your eyes and watch carefully. I will easily defeat my opponent."

Long Qingchen glanced at the senior officials of Feixing Sect on the high platform, with a hint of provocation. They are so arrogant, aren't they?


He raised his foot, kicked Qin Ming out of the way, and strode off the ring.

The position of the kick happened to be Qin Ming's Dantian, useless!

"Dare you!"

The elder in purple roared angrily, his eyes tearing apart.

Qin Ming was his direct disciple, and he was outstanding among the young generation of Feixing Sect. He had won fifth place in the annual inner sect competition for three consecutive years, which earned him countless face.

He had already regarded Qin Ming as his successor, and planned to marry his great-great-granddaughter to Qin Ming, placing high hopes on Qin Ming's future.

However, at this moment, he was defeated by the young man in green shirt, and this was while Qin Ming had already lost and fainted.

This is no longer a provocation to the Feixing Sect, but a complete contempt!

The more than 300,000 geniuses were completely stunned and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com No one expected that the young man in green shirt would suddenly come here.

What on earth is he going to do?

What's the difference between this and shitting on the head of Feixing Sect?

Can the Feixing Sect still tolerate this?

"Today, I broke the rules of the martial arts competition and was laughed at by all the major forces. I will kill you too!"

The purple clothes of the old man in purple clothes suddenly swelled up, making a hunting sound, and murderous intent surged into the sky.


The first-level immortal master's cultivation exploded, and he suddenly rushed towards the young man in green shirt, like a big purple eagle, with incomparable pressure, the entire space of the martial arts field shook!

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