
"Congratulations, Mr. Chen, for your great improvement in cultivation!"

Xie Meizhuang looked at Long Qingchen with a smile.

Long Qingchen was silent for a moment, "I have to thank Tantai Qian'er."

He had to admit that this improvement in cultivation had nothing to do with him. It was entirely caused by Tantai Qian'er...

He just lay down and slept for a while, and his cultivation improved. He was also helpless...

"Tantai Qian'er is just wishful thinking. Mr. Chen, don't take it too seriously. If you meet her next time, you can just give her a sum of immortal spirit stones as compensation."

Maybe he was worried that he cared too much about Tantai Qian'er, so Xie Meizhuang said this.

Li Feiliu couldn't help but correct, "What Tantai Qian'er wants is definitely not the Immortal Spirit Stone. As a direct disciple of the Supreme Elder of the Dragon-Slaying Family, how many Immortal Spirit Stones can she want and not get? She would rather betray the Dragon-Slaying Family, I also want to fulfill your wish. It can be seen that she is really passionate about you, so don’t let her down!"

Xie Meizhuang's beautiful eyes were cold, "With Mr. Chen's status, talent and strength, there are many women who are passionately devoted to Mr. Chen. Don't you think Mr. Chen should let them all down?"

"Like you?"

Li Feiliu said meaningfully, "You are just wishful thinking!"

Xie Meizhuang was angry, "Are you looking for death?"

"Okay, let's wait until we meet Tantai Qian'er."

Long Qingchen was a little irritable. It was the hardest to accept the kindness of a beauty, especially a "crazy" beauty like Tantai Qian'er. He never knew what he was thinking, and he didn't know how to face Tantai Qian'er.

If he could never meet Tantai Qian'er again, then he would just pretend that this never happened and all the previous grudges and grudges he had with Tantai Qian'er would be wiped out.

However, Tantai Qian'er would rather betray the dragon-slaying family than give him the star core of the Forbidden Ancient Star. He estimated that Tantai Qian'er would definitely come to him again, otherwise, the star core of the Forbidden Ancient Star would be lost. Was it a free gift?

Free gift?

This is not Tantai Qian'er's style!

He knows Tantai Qian'er very well and will definitely put forward some conditions to him, and it is still a very difficult condition!

"The interstellar teleportation array can be activated."

Long Qingchen couldn't figure out what Tantai Qian'er's purpose was, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

Damn Tantai Qian'er, let's talk about the next thing later!

"Turn on."

The head of the Tantai family waved his hand to the mages and issued the order.

Buzz! ...

The array masters cast secret seals together and opened the interstellar teleportation array.

The interstellar teleportation array slowly lit up, getting brighter and brighter, emitting a dazzling light, like a sun buried in the plain.

boom! ...

When the light reaches its peak, it turns into a huge pillar of light that shoots straight into the sky, which is quite spectacular!

The space began to distort, and the figures of Long Qingchen, Li Feiliu and Xie Meizhuang became increasingly blurred.

"Tantai Qian'er, although she is young, she is very scheming. Master Chen, be careful. I guess she gave you the star core of the Forbidden Ancient Star for another purpose."

When Long Qingchen, Li Feiliu and Xie Meizhuang were about to disappear, the head of the Tantai family suddenly smiled strangely and said such a meaningful word.

Long Qingchen frowned and was about to ask the head of the Tantai family, but the interstellar teleportation array teleported him away.


When he reappeared, he was already in another huge interstellar teleportation array.

"Transported from the Wulong Galaxy, are you Long Qingchen?"...

"Eight years ago, the four Dragon Emperors went to the Wulong Galaxy to support. When they came back, they had ordered that this interstellar teleportation array allow the interstellar teleportation array from the Wulong Galaxy to teleport here. They also told us that Huang Long Qingchen from the Ancient Dragon Territory will come."

I saw a group of white-haired old men looking at the three of them curiously. Finally, their eyes focused on the young man in green shirt, because only this young man in green shirt had the aura of the dragon on his body.

"Yes, I am Long Qingchen. I have met all the seniors of the Dragon Clan."

Long Qingchen bowed slightly.

These old men should be the formation masters responsible for repairing and maintaining this interstellar teleportation array. From these old men, he also sensed the aura of the dragon clan, which must be the dragon clan.

This is a precise "point-to-point" transmission without error. This should be the territory of the Space Dragon Clan - the Tiansu Galaxy.

"When I was in the Dragonless Galaxy, I fainted for eight years?"

He asked Xie Meizhuang.

Xie Meizhuang chuckled, "To be exact, nine years!"

"All right."

Long Qingchen was a little helpless. He didn't expect it to take so long.

An old man in gray clothes smiled and said, "The four Dragon Emperors have given orders. Now that you are here, I will take you to see them directly."

"Then it'll be hard work."

Long Qingchen stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

He still respects these seniors of the space dragon clan.

Because, among the four major dragon clans, the Golden Dragon Clan of the Tianlong Galaxy, the Time Dragon Clan of the Tianque Galaxy, the Space Dragon Clan of the Tiansu Galaxy, and the Qinglong Clan of the Tiansha Galaxy, only the Space Dragon Clan of the Tiansu Galaxy and the Ancient Dragon Domain have maintained a good relationship. relation.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Under the leadership of the old man in gray, Long Qingchen, Li Feiliu and Xie Meizhuang followed.

After flying over a vast expanse of mountains, about a hundred thousand miles away, we arrived at a lake.

I saw that fairy palaces were built around the lake, full of spiritual energy, like a fairyland.

"This planet may be a higher planet, the aura is too strong."

Li Feiliu took a deep breath.

Xie Meizhuang glanced at him with her beautiful eyes, "It must be a higher planet. How could the Dragon Emperor live on a lower planet? Of course he lives on a higher planet."

The old man in gray clothes smiled and said, "Miss, you don't know this. This planet is called Gang Star. It is a medium-sized planet. It should be regarded as the top among medium-sized planets, but it has not yet reached the level of a high-level planet. .”

Xie Meizhuang was a little disappointed, "Why does the Dragon Emperor live on a medium planet? Isn't there a high-level planet in the entire Tiansu Galaxy?"

"Of course there are, and there are many more. There are more than three hundred advanced planets."

The old man in gray explained, "However, the space of this Gang star is very unstable, and big space storms often occur. It is very suitable for cultivating space dragon power. Therefore, the four Dragon Emperors chose this place as their residence. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com ”

Li Feiliu clicked his tongue, "More than three hundred advanced planets."

"I see."

Xie Meizhuang suddenly understood.

"That Immortal Palace is the residence of Kongxuan Dragon Emperor."

The old man in gray pointed at an ancient immortal palace and walked over with the three of them.

"come in."

Before the old man in gray could report, an old voice came from inside. Apparently, he sensed the arrival of Long Qingchen and others.

The old man in gray stretched out his hand, made a gesture of invitation, and left.

Long Qingchen had no choice but to walk in by himself and push open the heavy door. He saw an old man with white hair as white as snow sitting cross-legged on the futon. He might have been practicing just now. He was already very old, but his eyes were piercing, as if he could see him. see through.

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