
Boom! ...

The closed space suddenly collapsed, as if the heaven and earth were created, and a huge burst of light erupted.

When the light dissipated, Long Qingchen found himself in space, with countless stars twinkling.

What caught his attention was the nine ancient immortal temples floating not far from him.

There is a line of words floating on the top of the nine ancient immortal palaces, which are: single ranking palace, two dragon team ranking palace, three dragon team ranking palace, five dragon team ranking palace... National War Palace .

Many dragons like him, with "code names" and "blood strips" hanging on their heads, appeared in space. Without exception, each dragon was dressed in "fancy" and flew towards the nine ancient halls.

There were also many dragons flying out of the nine ancient halls, flying into space, and their bodies slowly disappeared, probably exiting this illusion.


A tall girl came over and raised her eyebrows at him, "You look very cool, are you new here?"

puff! ...

Looking at the code name on the girl's head, Long Qingchen couldn't help laughing. He saw four big characters hanging on the girl's head: Urgent urination last night.

Thinking about it, I feel relieved. In the reality of Tiansu Galaxy, everyone competes fiercely for rights and cultivation resources, and the pressure is high. When you come to this Fantasy Dragon Mountain Fantasy Land, you definitely want to relax, so I completely let myself go under the code name... ...

"Yes, it's my first time here."

Long Qingchen smiled and said, "Why didn't you wet the bed last night?"

The tall girl said, "Originally, I wanted to use this code name, but my sister took it first and I can't repeat it."


Long Qingchen's eyes widened.

As if she saw what he was thinking, the tall girl rolled her eyes and said, "What's so strange about this? In this illusion, there are all kinds of code names. I've seen a few weirder code names. The number one wife came in', 'Took Long Kongya and Long Kongli together', 'Long Kongbei brought my shoes', 'Beheaded the second dragon emperor of Ming Dynasty and snatched the third dragon emperor of Na', 'Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi is My son', 'Long Qingchen of the Ancient Dragon Territory gets out of the Tiansu Galaxy'."

Long Qingchen felt incredible, "Who is so presumptuous, humiliating the Dragon Emperor, the Emperor's Son, the Emperor's Daughter and the Holy Son, and is he impatient to live?"

The tall girl said, "In this illusion, everyone's identity is kept secret. Even if they do something outrageous, they can't seek revenge. Therefore, some dragons who are dissatisfied with reality will use this place as a place to vent. Dragons The emperor, the emperor's son, the emperor's daughter and the holy son have such noble status, but when they see these code names, they just laugh it off, how can they be like these clowns?"

"makes sense."

Long Qingchen replied, but in his heart he was thinking about the dragon who used the codename "Long Qingchen from the Ancient Dragon Realm Get Out of the Tiansu Galaxy". It was best not to let him see it, otherwise, he would have to give him a severe lesson!

He is not so generous yet!

an eye for an eye!

The tall slender girl said, "You are quite pleasing to the eye. How about we form a team and go to the Two Dragons Team Ranking Hall for a few duels?"

Long Qingchen said, "Didn't your sister also join the Magic Dragon Mountain Fantasy Land? Why don't you team up with her?"

The tall girl said, "She had something to do and didn't come."

"All right."

In fact, Long Qingchen wanted to try his hand at the ranking hall in a duel. Only duel can he better hone his strength.

An old voice sounded, "I had an urgent need to urinate last night, so I sent you an invitation to form a team. Do you accept it?"

"..." Long Qingchen was a little speechless, and then he thought, "Accept."

Buzz! ...

An illusory power suddenly appeared, turning into a translucent chain, linking his arm with the tall girl's arm.

Long Qingchen waved his hand and found that this translucent chain was as if it didn't exist and would not affect his actions.

"Let's go."

The tall girl flew to the two dragon team ranking hall first, "Let's play three games first and let me see your strength. If your strength is good, in the future, when my sister is not here, I can ask you to form a team. If your strength is too weak, then you can go to the ranking hall alone, I am too lazy to take you."

"Thank you very much."

Long Qingchen was a little helpless.

This tall girl disliked his strength, and he also disliked this tall girl's strength.

Here, as long as he reveals his identity as the Chief Holy Son of the Dragon Clan, the dragons who want to team up with him can circle the Gang Star hand in hand. This is not a boast.

Arriving at the Two Dragon Team Ranking Hall, walking into the gate, I saw what looked like a hall, with a stone tablet in the middle, and lines of code names appeared on the stone tablet.

"The top 100 will be reflected on the stone tablet."

The tall girl pointed to the two code names at the top and whispered, "Many dragons suspect that the first couple is Ming Er Long Emperor and Na San Long Emperor. These two code names have already occupied the first place. It has been here for countless years, and no team can shake it."

Long Qingchen stared at the two code names at the top, "The rain is about to come" and "The sky is clear after the rain", and he couldn't help but become interested, "This is just speculation, is there any evidence?"

The tall girl said, "There are some teams that have encountered teams composed of these two code names, and they have no power to fight back. Only the cooperation between Ming Er Dragon Emperor and Na San Dragon Emperor can have such a tacit understanding. The most important thing is that every When the Second Dragon Emperor of Ming and the Third Dragon Emperor of Na come to Huanlong Mountain, other teams may encounter teams composed of these two code names."

"If that's the case, that's right."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly. Although this evidence was not direct evidence, but only indirect evidence, it was enough.

Think about it, why didn't other teams encounter teams composed of these two codenames when Ming Erlong Emperor and Na Sanlong Emperor didn't come to Huanlong Mountain?

Because Ming Er Long Emperor and Na San Long Emperor are these two code names. Of course, these two code names will not appear in the fantasy world before coming to Magic Dragon Mountain...

The tall girl said, "In fact, the top rankings in the other eight palaces are probably the four Dragon Emperors and the elders. It is difficult for the younger generation to rank in the top 100. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com "

"It's possible."

Long Qingchen nodded again. Long Kongya and Long Kongbei had told him before that in the illusion of Magic Dragon Mountain, every dragon's cultivation level was suppressed. However, the elders and strong men had rich combat experience. In addition, the understanding of martial arts and body skills is very deep, and there are more people, so it is difficult for the younger generation to defeat the strong older generations.

Of course, he is an exception because he possesses the memory of the Nine Ni Dragon Emperors.

The older generation of strong men have rich fighting experience. Are they as rich as the Nine-Ninth Dragon Emperor?

The strong men of the older generation have a deep understanding of martial arts and body movements, and they are numerous in number. Can they compare to the Nine Ni Dragon Emperor?

Of course, this is a team of two dragons, and he also brings a "oil bottle". It is hard to say whether he can defeat a team composed of senior strong men...

The tall girl led him towards a row of stone gates and came to one of the stone gates. "When you walk into the stone gate, you are participating in a duel. You don't know who your opponent is. They are assigned randomly."

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