The first dragon of all time

Chapter 685 Four Super Powers

When does the game start? "

Long Kongbei clenched his fist and made a "crunching" sound, a bit eager to try.

The Longkong Sect laughed proudly, "It seems that Senior Brother Bei, like me, has long wanted to teach the geniuses of the Nan Family, Tianhuang Sect and Blood Moon Holy Land a lesson."

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi frowned slightly and glanced at them, "Don't be so confident. The Nan family is a ninety-seven star, the Tianhuang Sect is a ninety-seven star, and the Blood Moon Holy Land is a ninety-eight star. These three families are the same as our dragon clan. They are all super powerful forces, and you have no advantages, and you even have disadvantages."

Long Kongkong was confused, "Why is it a disadvantage?"

Na Sanlong Emperor looked at Long Kongkong helplessly and pointed to his head, "Another thoughtless person. You know, only when all of our dragon clans unite can we count the ninety-eight stars. We are the only ones in the Tiansu Galaxy. The Space Dragon Clan is not even a ninety-five-star clan. What is the disadvantage in competing with these three families?"


Why do you say again?

Long Kongya pouted, obviously, he was talking about her.

Long Kongkong said, "Since it is a disadvantage, why not invite other young generation supreme geniuses from the Dragon Clan to participate in this competition?"

The four Dragon Emperors looked at each other and remained silent.

Long Qingchen said calmly, "Because, if we invite other dragon clans to participate in the competition, if we win and get the top-quality fairy spirit stone veins from those meteors, we will distribute them to other dragon clans..."

Long Kongkong suddenly understood.

The entire Immortal Palace suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward. If they continued, they would talk about the internal strife of the entire Dragon Clan. Everyone knew about this matter, but they just didn't want to talk about it.

"The competition is in three days, so go back and prepare well and recharge your batteries."

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi waved his hand.

So, the ten supreme geniuses left the Immortal Palace.

Long Kongbei smiled and said, "Don't hide it, everyone, report your own cultivation. During the competition, everyone can take care of you, how about it?"

"Sixth-level Dragon Immortal Lord."

Long Qingchen was the first to report his cultivation level, and he had nothing to hide.

"Eighth-level Dragon Lord." Long Kongjue glanced at Long Qingchen with an unhappy look. The main reason was that his cultivation level was higher than that of Long Qingchen, but he lost to Long Qingchen.

"Second-level Dragon Master." Long Kongmen also reluctantly reported his cultivation level, which was six levels higher than Long Qingchen. He also lost.

Long Kong Mingyue said lightly, "Fourth level Dragon Lord."

Long Kongbei smiled and said, "I am slightly taller than all the junior brothers and sisters, a fifth-level Dragon Lord."

Long Kongya immediately said, "I'm sorry, I'm a little taller than you, a sixth-level Dragon Lord!"

Long Kongbei looked at Long Kongya with resentment. He finally showed off his cultivation in front of his junior brothers and sisters, and Long Kongya had to compare him with him.

"Third level Dragon Sovereign." Long Kongkong and other supreme geniuses also reported their cultivation levels, and they were all around the Dragon Sovereign level.

"Senior Brother Xiang, where is your cultivation?"

Only Long Kongxiang has not yet reported his cultivation level. Long Kongya couldn't help but ask, with a bit of expectation in her eyes, "You are our senior brother, the main force in this competition."

The eyes of the supreme geniuses are also focused on Long Kong Xiang. Although they know that Long Kong Xiang is very strong, they have never seen Long Kong Xiang take action, so they have no idea about Long Kong Xiang's cultivation.

Long Kongxiang glanced at the geniuses and left without saying a word, leaving the geniuses looking at each other.

Long Kongbei spread his hands and said with a wry smile, "Senior Brother Xiang is like this, forget it..."

The geniuses were also a little helpless, but they didn't say anything.

"In the past three days, everyone should not go to the fantasy world, nor to places like Qunfang Tower. Just practice at home."

Long Kongya said something and said to Long Qingchen, "Junior Brother Chen, let's go home."

Long Qingchen flew with her in the direction of the spiritual energy river.

Long Kongbei chased after him, "I don't know how strong the supreme geniuses of the Nan family, Tianhuang Sect and Blood Moon Holy Land are. I don't even know the rules of the competition. I really don't know if I can win."

Long Qingchen said, "It's impossible to improve your cultivation level in just three days, so just try your best."

Long Kongbei smiled, "That's right..."

Long Kongya said, "The Nan Family, the Tianhuang Sect, the Blood Moon Holy Land and our Space Dragon Clan, the four superpowers, and the forty supreme geniuses, how can we compare? I guess we will just draw lots directly, and then fight one-on-one. , whichever force wins more games will get the ownership of that group of meteors."

Long Kongbei pondered for a moment, "If this is the case, then it depends on luck. If you are lucky, it will be easier to win if you encounter a weaker opponent. If you are not lucky, it will be hard to say if you encounter a strong opponent."

After chatting for a while, they flew over Lingxue Mountain, then they dispersed and went back to their respective immortal palaces to practice.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible to improve your cultivation significantly. In fact, there is nothing to prepare for, just adjust your state and adjust to the peak state!


Three days passed by in a flash.

On the fourth day, ten supreme geniuses gathered again in the Immortal Palace of Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi.

"lets go."

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi flipped his hand, and a palm-sized battleship appeared in his palm. He raised his hand and threw the battleship up.

Buzz! ...

The battleship suddenly swelled against the wind and turned into a mountain.

Four dragon emperors and ten supreme geniuses boarded the battleship, and the battleship soared into the sky.

boom! ...

After flying out of Gang Star's atmosphere and entering space, the battleship burst out with bright light and shuttled through the space.

The battleship came out of the void again and was already in the middle area between the Tiansu Galaxy and the three surrounding galaxies. Find the bookstore

"The other three haven't come yet, which is really rude."

Long Kongya muttered.

Na Sanlong Emperor Bai glanced at her, "Isn't it rude to be a little late? There must be one family that gets there first, and our Dragon Clan gets there first, right? You, your mood is still too irritable."

Ming Erlong Emperor smiled and said, "Once you have a family, this won't happen anymore."

Speaking of this, the four Dragon Emperors and the Supreme Geniuses couldn't help but look at Long Qingchen. The meanings of Ming Er Dragon Emperor, Na San Dragon Emperor and Long Kongya were already obvious, but Long Qingchen never expressed his position. That’s all.

Long Qingchen looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, pretending he didn't see anything...

He is waiting too!

Only after the four Dragon Emperors issued orders to die could he "reluctantly" agree.

If he took the initiative, he would be "kicked" by Sister Xuan?

Therefore, you can't take the initiative to kill him, you can only be passive. He knows this very well!

boom! boom! boom! ...

After waiting for a moment, fluctuations appeared in the void, and the Nan Family, Tianhuang Sect and Blood Moon Holy Land arrived one after another. They were all very low-key. Like the Space Dragon Clan, they were all driving a small battleship, but the battle flags flying on the battleship were different.

With the strength and prestige of the four super powers, there is no need to use mounts to show their identity.

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi said, "Since everyone is here, let's start directly?"

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