The first dragon of all time

Chapter 704 Snowflakes are falling

"came back."

As soon as Long Qingchen arrived at the gate of the fairy palace in Lingxue Mountain, Xiao Yiyi, the female supreme queen of the Blood Moon Holy Land, trotted out to greet him, bowed and looked at him with a smile, like a little daughter-in-law welcoming her husband home.

Long Qingchen asked, "After Long Kongming, Long Kongna and Long Kongzheng rebelled, what did they do to you?"

Xiao Yiyi blinked her beautiful eyes, "No, Long Kongya came here once and warned me that I was not allowed to go out. I can only stay in the Immortal Palace."

Long Qingchen glanced at Long Kongbei's Immortal Palace and Long Kongya's Immortal Palace. The Immortal Palace was still there, but Long Kongbei and Long Kongya were gone... There was a feeling that things were different and people were different. .

Ever since he came to the Tiansu Galaxy, Long Kongbei and Long Kongya had been very kind to him. Although they were pretending to be deliberately, they finally had a sense of friendship. Long Kongbei and Long Kongya suddenly disappeared, and in his heart She was really a little reluctant to give up, and sighed, "If there is a chance of reincarnation, I hope she will not be reincarnated into the dragon clan."

Xiao Yiyi smiled and said, "Isn't the Dragon Clan bad?"

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly, "It's not that it's bad, it's that the Dragon Clan is too big, big enough to expand ambitions."

"Being ambitious is not necessarily a bad thing."

Xiao Yiyi disagreed with his view, "In this rebellion, you are the winner, and everything you say is right. If... I mean what if, what if Long Kongya wins? Then, also It proves that ambition is right.”

Long Qingchen was a little helpless and did not continue to argue with her. There was no point in arguing about this thing.

Walking into the Immortal Palace and coming to the quiet room for daily practice, Xiao Yiyi took out a jade bottle and two cups, poured out two cups of blood, and handed a cup to Long Qingchen, "I saw you covered in blood, after the first embrace The effects should have started to take effect, and blood needs to be replenished frequently, which is more effective than any other cultivation resources."

Long Qingchen took it, put it to his mouth, and immediately frowned, staring at her with sharp eyes, "Dragon blood? Where did you get it from?"

Xiao Yiyi subconsciously took a step back and explained quickly, "When I went for a walk yesterday, I met a concubine of Long Kongbei. I asked her for some dragon blood."

Long Qingchen's eyes softened a little, and he put the dragon's blood back on the table, "I don't drink dragon's blood."

Xiao Yiyi became worried, "The entire Tiansu Galaxy is the territory of the Dragon Clan. Where can we get the blood of the Human Clan?"

"I don't drink human blood either."

Long Qingchen's expression was indifferent, that's why he was so particular!

Xiao Yiyi said, "Then what kind of blood do you drink? If you don't drink it, you will slowly dry up and die."

"The blood of strange beasts and fairy beasts can be used for a while."

Long Qingchen looked at the space ring in her hand, "As a member of the Blood Moon Clan, don't you have any inventory?"

Xiao Yiyi smiled and said, "I lost to you during the competition. According to the bet, you can do whatever you want with me. I was worried that you would take away my cultivation resources... So, I handed over all my things to you. I gave it to the sect master for safekeeping. The space ring in my hand is empty. Now that I have come to you, won’t you provide food and accommodation?”

"Will I cover all the blood you drink from now on?"

Long Qingchen was a little unhappy.

Xiao Yiyi spread her hands, "What else?"

"I'm going to get some blood."

Long Qingchen had no choice but to leave the Immortal Palace and fly towards the wild mountains.

Although the entire Tiansu Galaxy is the territory of the Space Dragon Clan, there are still savage beasts, alien beasts, holy beasts, fairy beasts, etc. in some desolate places.

Whoosh! ...

After less than a cup of tea, Long Qingchen returned with dozens of immortal beasts and locked them in the dungeon of the Immortal Palace.

"Now, I don't have to worry about running out of blood to drink."

He pointed like a sword, scratched the back of a unicorn, took a glass of blood, and drank it slowly.

Maybe it was because he hadn't completely transformed into the Blood Moon Clan yet, so he felt a little nauseous after drinking it.

The unicorn looked at him with horror in his eyes, but he dared not speak in anger.

when! ...

Xiao Yiyi picked up the dragon's blood, touched it with him, and said with a chuckle, "I still like to drink dragon's blood, especially your blood. Unfortunately, you have slowly transformed into the Blood Moon Clan and can't drink it anymore."

"Blood Moon Clan, can't you drink the Blood Moon Clan's blood?"

Long Qingchen was a little curious. The only Chinese website

Xiao Yiyi said, "It's not that you can't drink it, it's just that it has no effect."


Day by day passed.

The blood light radiating from Long Qingchen's body became stronger and stronger, and his desire for blood became stronger and stronger.

He tried to restrain himself and limited himself to one drink a day.

After all, his first embrace from Xiao Yiyi was not for the purpose of transforming into the Blood Moon Clan, but as a kind of training through which he could improve his strength.

Therefore, if he cannot control himself and completely transforms into the Blood Moon clan, it means that he has failed.

Desire to replenish blood, but control the replenishment of blood, this is a very painful torment, just like the feeling of a person who has been thirsty for several days and only drinks one drop of water at a time...

In this painful suffering, his cultivation level improved rapidly. In just half a month, he improved his cultivation level by one level, from the first level Dragon Immortal Lord to the second level Dragon Immortal Lord!


At the very edge of the Tiansu Galaxy, on a deserted planet, snowflakes are flying, the wind is biting, and the ice is biting. Recently, three thatched houses have appeared on the wasteland, arranged in the shape of a "pin".

In the middle of the three thatched huts, there was a small bonfire, emitting a faint heat.

Three figures were sitting around a small bonfire, on which a few small mice were roasting.

One of the young men in white looked up at the dim sun in the sky and said melancholy, "This star is already very old. In its weakening period, the sunlight will only become weaker and weaker, and our place will only become colder and colder. Ten thousand years of How can you survive the day?"

Another boy in a robe cursed, "Damn Long Qingchen, he sent us to such a cold place without giving us training resources, just to torture us. I will avenge this sooner or later!"

"He is the Chief Holy Son, and now he has become the acting patriarch of our Space Dragon Clan. He has overwhelming power and a bright future. How can we take revenge?"

The young man in white smiled bitterly, "Let's think about how to survive ten thousand years. It's getting colder and colder here, and the spiritual energy is also very thin. We don't have access to training resources, and we don't even dare to use dragon power to resist the cold. Once we use dragon power, , even if you want to add something, it’s a problem.”

The old man's face was gloomy, "It's better for you two. You can leave in ten thousand years, but I need to stay here for one hundred thousand years."

The boy in white and the boy in robe looked at each other, and the boy in robe whispered to the old man, "Father, how about we escape?"

The old man's eyelids twitched, he hesitated for a moment, and shook his head slightly, "Once we escape, Long Qingchen will remove us from the Space Dragon Clan, and we will become helpless casual cultivators. If we can't make a living, we'd better endure it. , after passing the deadlines of ten thousand and one hundred thousand years, we can return to the space dragon clan."

If there are dragons from other dimensions present, go to Shuyuan and you will definitely be able to make room for these two young men and the old man, who are none other than Longkong Jue, Longkongmen, and the second elder who is the father of Longkongmen.

Whoosh! ...

Suddenly, a blood shadow rushed down from the sky, as fast as lightning.

A middle-aged woman with a pale face and red eyes suddenly appeared.

puff! ...

She opened her fangs and bit Long Kongmen's neck hard.

"Father, save me!"

Long Kongmen screamed.

Long Kongjue and the second elder were both stunned.

puff! puff! ...

The speed of this middle-aged woman was so fast that Long Kongjue and the second elder were both bitten before they could react!

"Lord of the Blood Moon Sect, are you crazy?"

The second elder was horrified and recognized the middle-aged woman as the leader of the Blood Moon Sect, "How dare you invade our Tiansu Galaxy to plunder, do you want the Space Dragon Clan and the Blood Moon Clan to start a war?"

The leader of the Blood Moon Sect did not pay attention to him, nor did he kill them, nor did he stay here for too long. He quickly rose into the air and left.

Long Kongmen stretched out his hand tremblingly and touched his neck. His hands were full of blood and his face turned pale. "We were bitten by the Blood Moon Clan and will be transformed into the Blood Moon Clan. We are finished."

"This is too abnormal."

The second elder also touched the tooth hole on his neck, his face turned livid, "Let's go back immediately!"

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