The next day, Long Qingchen left the Immortal Palace in high spirits.

He is the current acting patriarch of the Space Dragon Clan, and it will take at least several decades to participate in the Starry Sky Ancient Road. Before participating, he must hand over the position of acting patriarch to the great elder.

Seeing Xiao Yiyi walking out of Long Kongya's fairy palace, he was startled for a moment, flew over and asked, "Why did you move to Long Kongya's fairy palace?"

Xiao Yiyi's eyes filled with resentment, "Your place was too noisy and I couldn't calm down to practice, so I moved here overnight."

Long Qingchen was a little embarrassed, "Anyway, Long Kongya's Immortal Palace is empty, so you might as well move here..."

Xiao Yiyi didn't want to talk more about this matter and changed the topic, "When the Starry Sky Ancient Road opens, I will also participate."

Long Qingchen said, "Of course, will you go with us or with the younger generation geniuses of the Blood Moon Clan?"

"Come with you."

Xiao Yiyi said a little sadly, "The strong men of the Blood Moon Clan, Nan Family and Tianhuang Sect were all taken over by the Dark Soul Clan, and then they were all killed by you. These three major forces no longer have strong men to control their territory. It can’t be saved for sure, and it will probably be annexed by other forces soon.”

Speaking of this, she paused and smiled bitterly, "I hope that the Space Dragon Clan can annex the territories of these three major forces. At the very least, the Space Dragon Clan can give them a way to survive. If they are annexed by other forces, their fate will only be Even worse, why doesn’t the Space Dragon Clan annex the territories of these three major forces?”

Long Qingchen said, "I do want to give the order to take over the territories of these three major forces. However, according to the wishes of the Time Ancestor Dragon, the dragon clan still focuses on defense and does not expand externally."

"All right."

Xiao Yiyi was a little helpless and stared at Long Qingchen and said, "I have a request. I request that my senior brothers and sisters who are relatively close to me be brought to the Tiansu Galaxy. This is the only thing I can do for the Blood Moon Holy Land. "


Long Qingchen agreed directly, "However, after arriving in the Tiansu Galaxy, you must abide by the rules of the space dragon clan and are not allowed to prey."

Xiao Yiyi sighed softly, "This is natural. The Space Dragon Clan can give them a safe place. They should be very grateful. How can they prey on the Space Dragon Clan."

Long Qingchen casually took out a token and handed it to her, "With this token, you can use the space dragon clan's galaxy teleportation array to teleport to the Blood Moon Holy Land, take them with you, and then teleport back from the Blood Moon Holy Land. .”

Xiao Yiyi glanced at him gratefully, took the token, and hurried away.


Whoosh! ...

Long Qingchen flew towards the largest main city in Gangxing and landed at the gate of the ancient immortal palace in the main city.

"Notify all senior elders and second-tier elders to convene a council."

He gave instructions to the guards at the door and walked into the ancient immortal palace.

"Yes!" The guard took the order and left in a hurry.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

After waiting for a while, the senior elders and second-level elders arrived.

The senior elders are the three elders, Long Kongli and Long Kongkong.

The second-class elders are the "original" senior elders.

Long Qingchen announced directly, "The Starry Sky Ancient Road is about to open, and I will definitely go to participate. Therefore, before leaving, I decided to hand over the position of acting clan leader to the great elder."

The Great Elder quickly said, "You are the acting clan leader appointed by Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to hand it over to me. It's better to keep your position as the acting clan leader. During the decades you have been participating in the Starry Sky Ancient Road, I I can perform the duties of acting clan leader for you, just like before."

"There's no need to go to such trouble. It's easier for me to hand it over to you directly."

When Long Qingchen saw the great elder, he wanted to say something else. He waved his hand and said, "No need to say more, I have already decided."

The great elder smiled bitterly, "Okay."

The second-class elders all had strange looks in their eyes. Apart from the Zulong and the Dragon Emperor, the acting clan leader was the most powerful controller of the space dragon clan. Everyone wanted to be the leader, but Long Qingchen and the first elder were pushing him back and forth.

Seeing their thoughts, Long Qingchen said calmly, "During the decades that I have been participating in the Starry Sky Ancient Road, you have done your best. If you perform well, I can consider restoring your position as a senior elder."

The second-class elders responded quickly.

The tenth elder looked at Long Qingchen and said, "Before, according to your instructions, we gathered those preyed dragons to Golden Wolf Star. How to deal with them?"

Long Qingchen spread his hands and said, "I am no longer the acting clan leader. You should ask the great elder."

The Great Elder was a little helpless and thought about it carefully, "In order to prevent them from transforming into the Blood Moon Clan, we will let them stay on the Golden Wolf Star for the time being. In addition, we will give their relatives a sum of training resources as compensation."

Having said this, the Great Elder paused for a moment, "Also, encourage them not to give up and control their blood replenishment every day. If anyone persists and successfully escapes from the Law of Blood, then they can leave Golden Wolf Star and be rewarded heavily. Reuse.”

The tenth elder nodded slightly, "I understand."

Long Qingchen couldn't help but take a second look at the First Elder. He was worthy of being the First Elder. He handled things in a prudent and sophisticated way. He was indeed more suitable to be the acting patriarch than him.

"If anything happens, you can discuss it."

Long Qingchen said one last word, stepped down from the main seat, extended his hand to the great elder and made an invitation gesture, and then left.

"Junior Brother Chen, wait."

Hear Long Kongkong’s voice and look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyua.com Long Qingchen stopped.

Turning around and looking, I saw Long Kongkong and Long Kongli also coming out, "You guys left too."

Long Kongli smiled and said, "Although we have the title of senior elders, we don't understand anything, so we better not get involved."

"That's right."

Long Qingchen smiled.

Previously, he made an exception and promoted Long Kongli and Long Kongkong to senior elders, mainly to set two "backbone" examples for the space dragon clan, and by the way, Long Kongli and Long Kongkong could receive more monthly salary and training resources.

Long Kongkong asked, "How are my father and my brother?"

"Previously, when I went to see them, they had not yet had a seizure."

Long Qingchen said, "I have already told them the method of controlling blood replenishment. Whether they can control it or not depends on their luck. I guess they will have to move to Golden Wolf Star."

Since ancient times, no one has been able to break through the Blood Law of the Blood Moon Clan. Can one break through the Blood Law by controlling blood replenishment?

Actually, no!

Controlling blood replenishment can only slow down the process of transforming into a Blood Moon tribe.

Even he himself is still slowly transforming towards the Blood Moon clan...

However, he couldn't say it because there were too many dragons preyed on by the Blood Moon clan, reaching more than one million. He had to give them a little hope so that they would not collapse.

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