The first dragon of all time

Chapter 78 It can’t

As the saying goes, money can make the world go round.

Can you let ghosts push the wheels if you have money?

Long Qingchen didn't know much about it, but he knew that money could make people do things quickly. It only took three days to decorate the shop he rented.


Like a leader, he walked around the splendid shop with his hands behind his back, nodded slightly, and expressed his affirmation of the thin young man's hard work in the past three days.

I saw that the entire shop was paved with blue bricks, the walls were painted white and bright, with five rows of exquisite new shelves and a pear wood counter.

On the counter, there is a bright jade abacus, three blank account books, pens, ink, paper, and inkstones, everything is complete.

Under the counter, there are twenty frames made of bamboo strips, filled with small porcelain bottles of various colors, used to hold elixirs and sell them to customers. They are still empty.

In the backyard, a alchemy room has been added, and the furniture is fully furnished. It is ready to move in with your bags.

Of course, what satisfied him the most was the gilt signboard at the door, with five large characters and iron paintings and silver hooks. It was vigorous and powerful. It was obviously made by a famous craftsman.

"The best pill in the world?"

"What a loud tone!"

"This is a common tactic used by businesses to try to impress others!"...

Lingwu Academy, North Gate, the disciples coming in and out are very disdainful, but they can't help but take a few more glances here...

What you want is this effect!

“Great job”

Long Qingchen reached out and patted the thin young man on the shoulder, expressing his affirmation again.

The skinny young man fully complied with his requirements and "finely decorated" the shop. Most of the 5,000 taels of silver, equivalent to 7.5 million RMB, were spent on it. Even if there was some corruption, it would not be a lot.

He likes to deal with such people. He knows how to "stretch out" and "stop". He can be greedy but not too greedy. It is enough.

"Young master is a distinguished customer of our dental shop and paid me a generous commission. This is what I should do."

The thin young man who was a little nervous suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled brightly.

"May I have your name?"

Long Qingchen's heart moved. His main goal when he came to the outside world was to practice the Heaven Devouring Martial Vein. He would spend most of his time practicing. He had no time to take care of this shop, so he would definitely need someone to help him take care of it.

The thin young man smiled and said, "My name is Hou Liu, and everyone calls me Liuzi. If you don't mind, just call me Liuzi."

Long Qingchen nodded slowly, "Liuzi, how much money can you earn every month in the tooth shop?"

The skinny young man hesitated for a moment and then said, "It depends on the situation. During the peak season, you can earn more than a hundred taels. During the off-season, you can earn dozens of taels. On average, it is about a hundred taels per month."

Young Man Long couldn't help but look at Hou Liu a few more times. According to the calculation that one tael of silver is equal to 1,500 RMB, one hundred taels of silver per month, which is 150,000 RMB, would be a senior white-collar worker in China, equivalent to a senior real estate consultant. level.

Thinking of his monthly salary of 1,900 when he was on Earth, which was less than a fraction of Hou Liu's, he suddenly felt like he wanted to cry without tears.

Seeing that he was in a daze, Hou Liu mistakenly thought that he was too young. His face became hot and he said awkwardly, "This little monthly salary is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the young master. It's made a joke by the young master."

150,000 RMB per month, is it too little?

Really good at showing off!

Long Qingchen asked, "How about I give you double your monthly salary and follow me?"

Hou Liu was stunned for a moment, hesitated a little, and refused, "Thank you for your kindness, Master. That dental shop was founded by a fellow villager of mine. He has always been kind to me, and he has been kind to me. I can't accept it just because the monthly salary given by Master is higher." Get out of there."

"Five times."

Long Qingchen spoke calmly.

Five times, that is, five hundred taels of silver per month, converted into RMB, 750,000.

"This..." Hou Liu stuttered a little, his face was tangled, and he seemed to be struggling in his heart.

"ten times."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent. He earned one thousand taels of silver per month, 1.5 million RMB, and his monthly salary was more than one million yuan.

"All right......"

Hou Liu smiled bitterly, "I can't refuse the monthly salary offered by the young master..."

"From now on, do your best."

Long Qingchen patted his shoulder calmly.

So what about fellow countrymen, can they resist ten times their monthly salary?

Does not.

What about senior white-collar workers? Can they resist ten times their monthly salary?

Does not.

As long as the salary is high, there will be no one that cannot be poached!

So what if he received a monthly salary of 1,900 when he was on Earth?

Now, he is the BOSS!

"Two things."

Long Qingchen raised two fingers and immediately began to order Hou Liu to do things, "From now on, you will be the shopkeeper here. The first thing is to purchase all kinds of spiritual herbs. Forget about ordinary medicinal materials. As long as the spiritual herbs are needed, I will make elixirs; The second thing is to recruit five beautiful salespersons. If they are female disciples of Lingwu Academy, that would be the best. Their monthly salary is not an issue. Let them distribute flyers at several gates of Lingwu Academy first."

"I thought the young master was going to hire an alchemist, but I didn't expect that the young master is the alchemist."

Hou Liu's eyes shone, he became more respectful, and asked doubtfully, "But, what does handing out leaflets mean?"

Long Qingchen explained, "I just print the name and characteristics of the shop on a lot of paper and send it to the disciples of Lingwu Academy, so that the entire Lingwu Academy knows that an awesome shop has opened."

"Young master's methods are really brilliant!"

Hou Liu admired.

This kind of promotional method has been worn out on earth. It is new in this world because it does not exist. Long Qingchen took out 10,000 taels of gold from the space ring and gave it to him, "This is the starting capital."

"Start-up capital?" Hou Liu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, "Young Master is talking about capital, right..."

"it's the same."

Sixteen years later, some habits on earth are still difficult to completely change. Long Qingchen pointed to the account book on the counter, "From now on, every expense in the shop must be accounted for."

Hou Liu nodded, "Understood."

Explain everything that needs to be explained and go to Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com Long Qingchen just left.

Looking at his back, Hou Liu murmured to himself, "The best elixir in the world, beautiful saleswoman, handing out flyers, starting capital... This young man is simply born... profiteer, follow this A smart boss might be very good..."

He first went to Lingwu City and purchased a pill furnace.

With his current level of cultivation, he has not yet mastered the true fire, and cannot refine elixirs with his bare hands. The elixir furnace is still needed.

Ordinary medicinal materials can only be used to refine ordinary elixirs, while spiritual herbs can be used to refine "high-end" elixirs.

Ordinary elixirs can be bought with silver.

To him, no amount of money is of any use.

Therefore, he wants to refine "high-end" elixirs and sell them to spiritual stones, which are the cultivation resources he needs!

After that, he planned to return to his residence at Lingwu Academy, pack up his bed, and move out.

As soon as he returned to his residence, he saw Yang Gu sitting beside his bed, seemingly waiting for him. He couldn't help but ask, "Brother Yang Gu, is there anything wrong?"

"Let's go have a drink and introduce you to some of the new brothers who have joined the alliance."

Yang Gu stood up with a smile, put his arm around his shoulders and walked out.

Drinking again?

Long Qingchen was a little speechless, but he was not in a hurry to pack up, so he had no choice but to leave with Yang Gu.

Along the way, the two of them talked and laughed, and came to the restaurant where they were last time.

As soon as he entered the box, Long Qingchen's expression turned cold.

I saw that more than a dozen disciples from the Brotherhood were present.

In addition, there are two "acquaintances", Yu Yifei and Bai Li.

A strange young man, whose eyebrows were somewhat similar to Yu Yifei's, should be Yu Yifei's inner disciple brother.

Obviously, Yang Gu plans to be a "lobbyist."

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