The first dragon of all time

Chapter 799: The last step of lurking

Hearing what the three creatures said, Yu Hanyue's face changed slightly, and she had a bad feeling. There must be a monster if something goes wrong.

She slowly looked at the other strange people with her beautiful eyes, "You didn't seal the cellar, so who did?"

"It's not me. I have nothing to do. Why seal the cellar?"

"Although I occasionally steal some of the Blood Ginseng King's wine to drink, I have never sealed the cellar."...

More than three thousand strange people looked at each other in shock and shook their heads in denial.

"Since there is no way to break the seal, we can only break it forcefully."

The Master of Wanxiang Sect gathered his immortal power in his palm and punched out with a bright punch.

Long Qingchen opened his mouth, wanting to remind Wanxiang Sect Master that there were one hundred disciples of Wanxiang Academy imprisoned in the cellar. If Wanxiang Sect Master punched them, one hundred disciples would be in danger.

It's a pity that he can't say it. Saying it would be equivalent to admitting it.

Boom! ...

The bright fist hit the seal, bursting out with dazzling light. The entire mountain trembled, the seal shattered, and most of the cellar collapsed.

"Go in and search."

Master Wanxiang gave orders to the guards.

More than a dozen guards immediately poured into the cellar.

Not long after, a guard came out in a hurry, "Sect Master, the three disciples who kidnapped the Blood Ginseng King and the ninety-seven missing female disciples are all inside!"

Hearing these words, a deputy dean suddenly looked at Yu Hanyue with cold eyes, "Okay, it is indeed the Qishi Academy's fault. This is revenge!"

Master Wanxiang's expression also became cold and he glanced at Yu Hanyue.

Yu Hanyue frowned and explained, "I don't know these disciples are in our Qishi Academy, let alone who kidnapped these disciples. I believe the brothers in Qishi Academy will not do such a stupid thing."

The vice-president laughed angrily, "What a person who doesn't know yet, yet he dares to quibble when the evidence is right in front of him!"

The dean took a step forward and said to the Wanxiang Sect Master, "Please Sect Master eradicate the Qishi Academy. These so-called strange people and strangers harbor evil intentions and have ulterior motives. Keeping them will only cause disputes within our sect!"

"Please ask the sect leader to eradicate the Qishi Academy!"

"Please ask the sect master to seek justice for the disciples of our college!"...

Several other vice-deans also requested orders.

More than 3,000 strange people all looked ugly. They were in a very dangerous situation. As long as the Wanxiang Sect Master gave an order, they would be killed.

Yu Hanyue said hurriedly, "Sect Master, please take a closer look. The three disciples of Wanxiang Academy suddenly tied up the Blood Ginseng King, and the Qishi Academy suddenly arrested the ninety-seven female disciples of Wanxiang Academy. This matter is a bit strange, subordinates." I feel that someone is deliberately provoking a conflict between Wanxiang Academy and Qishi Academy."

Long Qingchen, who was mixed in the crowd, couldn't help but look at her a few more times. It had to be said that Yu Hanyue had a very keen sense of smell.

Master Wanxiang thought for a moment and asked the guard, "How is the situation of the one hundred disciples?" 78 Chinese is the fastest updated PC version:


The guard hesitated. Some of the questions were not difficult to answer.

Master Wanxiang frowned and said, "Why are you hesitating? There is something you can't say!"

The guard had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Just now, when the sect master forcibly broke the seal, he killed all ninety-nine disciples, leaving only one disciple alive..."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent and looked at each other strangely. In other words, the person who captured a hundred disciples was not killed by the assassins, but by the sect leader...

Master Wanxiang's face was ashen and extremely embarrassed.

The dignified sect leader accidentally killed ninety-nine disciples, which would greatly affect the dignity of his sect leader. If it spread to the outside world, it would also become a joke to the major superpowers.

The dean carefully looked at the sect master's face and said, "Sect Master, you don't have to blame yourself... In order to break this seal, you accidentally injured these disciples. In fact, these disciples were indirectly killed by the kidnappers."

"Yes, my sect leader did not kill them. They were killed by the kidnappers."

Master Wanxiang took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said to the guard, "Bring the living disciple up, I want to question him."

The guard hurried away and carried a fainting female disciple on his back.

Master Wanxiang checked the female disciple's condition, helped the female disciple unlock the restrictions on her body, restored her cultivation, took out a pill, and gave it to the female disciple.

After waiting for a while, the female disciple woke up and looked at everyone present blankly.

Master Wanxiang asked, "Who kidnapped you?"

The female disciple was shocked, "Am I being tied up? Where is this place?"

Master Wanxiang's face turned dark. Obviously, this female disciple didn't know anything.

Xiang Shiyu and Xiang Baihe looked at Long Qingchen quietly, with a bit of admiration in their eyes, and they did it very cleanly and neatly.

"This disciple knows nothing. The other ninety-nine disciples are all dead. There is no evidence of their deaths. The clues to this matter have been lost."

A vice-president looked at Yu Hanyue coldly, "But no matter what, these one hundred disciples are in the Qishi Academy, and the Qishi Academy cannot escape the relationship. Please punish the Qishi Academy severely!"

The dean checked the ninety-nine disciples and found three disciples, "These were the three disciples who tied up the Blood Ginseng King and were killed. This shows that the Qishi Academy is taking revenge."

Master Wanxiang looked at Yu Hanyue and said coldly, "All the evidence points to Qishi Academy, what else do you have to say?"

Yu Hanyue's beautiful eyes dimmed, "Since I joined the Qishi Academy, I have always been loyal to the Qishi Academy. If something like this happened, I have nothing to say. However, there are more than three thousand people in the Qishi Academy, even if one or What a few people do cannot represent the entire Qishi Academy."

Master Wanxiang hesitated for a moment and then ordered, "From today on, everyone in Qishiyuan, without my order, is not allowed to step out of this mountain to find Shuyuan Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed! Until now. Until the matter is thoroughly investigated!”

After that, he gave Yu Hanyue one last cold glance and left with the dean and several vice-deans of Wanxiang College.

However, the guards surrounding the Qishiyuan Mountain did not leave, apparently to monitor the Qishiyuan.

This means that from now on, Qishiyuan has been under house arrest and has lost its freedom.

There was silence among more than three thousand strange people, and the atmosphere was a bit depressing.

Yu Hanyue waved her hand tiredly, "Let's disperse. Follow the sect leader's orders and cooperate with the investigation."

Everyone had to leave.

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Back in the small courtyard, Xiang Baihe couldn't bear it any longer and burst into laughter without any image. He laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears.

Xiang Shiyu also smiled. This plan was indeed clever and successfully provoked a gap between Qishi Academy and Wanxiang Tianzong. She asked, "What should we do next?"

"Next, you can unite some strange people and prepare to betray the Wanxiang Tianzong and rescue your people. I can also complete my own affairs."

Long Qingchen spoke slowly. The lurking plan was basically completed, with only the last step left.

Xiang Bai He asked, "What is your problem?"

"I won't tell you."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent. The Elephant Clan was also part of his plan, so of course he couldn't tell.

Xiang Bai He pouted, "Mysterious."

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