The first dragon of all time

Chapter 806 The Era of Rise

Twenty-seven years.

The Tiansha galaxy where the Qinglong clan is located.

On a higher planet.

Buzz! ...

Long Qingbaizheng's mansion suddenly exuded a rich vitality.

This vitality, centered on the mansion, spread rapidly in all directions at a speed of a thousand miles per breath.

Within a few hours, this vitality had spread throughout the planet.

This planet was originally in the autumn season. The autumn wind was bleak and the trees were withering. Affected by this vitality, it seemed to have returned to spring. The withered trees quickly grew new leaves and flowers bloomed! The genius of Qiba Chinese can remember in one second ωωω.78zω.còм м.⒎8zщ.cóм

"The Holy Son of the Qinglong Tribe, Long Qingbai Zheng has attained enlightenment!"

"Some time ago, I heard that Long Qingbai was in retreat preparing to attain enlightenment. It's definitely him!"

"He is the most supreme genius of our young generation of the Qinglong clan. He is definitely the first to attain enlightenment among the young generation of the Qinglong clan. Among all the dragon clans, he is second only to Longjin Beiming!"...

The entire planet's Qinglong tribe cheered.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Several Dragon Emperors from the Qinglong Clan rushed over and sat cross-legged above Long Qing Baizheng's mansion to protect Long Qing Baizheng.

"After all, it is one step slower than Longjin Beiming."

Long Qingbai slowly rose into the sky from the mansion and sighed softly, "From now on, everyone will only remember that the first person of the younger generation to achieve enlightenment was Long Jin Beiming, and who will remember that the second person to achieve enlightenment was Who? All my light has been overshadowed by Longjin Beiming."

Bai Zhan Dragon Emperor's eyes were serious, "Now is the critical moment of enlightenment. My son, don't be distracted by thinking about these things and concentrate on proving the truth!"

"Haier understands that although he is one step slower than Long Jin Beiming, it is still good to be one step ahead of Long Qingchen, the Chief Saint Son."

Long Qingbaizheng smiled.

Buzz! ...

Release the Tao that you evolved and collide with the great avenue of heaven and earth.

boom! boom! boom! ...

After thousands of collisions, the Great Way of Heaven and Earth receded, recognizing the Tao he derived.

Proof of success!

boom! ...

With the recognition of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, his entire aura transformed and glowed with majestic vitality, like a "walking spring". Wherever he went, there was spring. In just a few hours, flowers, plants and trees on the entire planet grew. More than ten times bigger!あ七^八中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7\\8z*w.còм


Twenty-nine years.

The Tianlong Galaxy where the Golden Dragon Clan is located.

Longjin Yuelan achieved enlightenment successfully.


Forty-five years.

The Tiansu galaxy where the Space Dragon Clan is located.


Longjin Feishuang became emperor!

This makes the young generation of the Space Dragon Clan a bit embarrassed. The young generation of the Space Dragon Clan have not yet attained enlightenment, but they are led by the "outer dragon" Long Jin Feishuang.

There was nothing we could do about it, because Long Kongya, the daughter of the Second Dragon Emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the Third Dragon Emperor of Na, and Long Kongbei, the emperor's son of the Fourth Dragon Emperor, were killed by Long Qingchen during the rebellion, and Xuan Long Kongxiang, the son of Yilong Emperor, is not in the Tiansu Galaxy.

In other words, among the young generation of the Space Dragon Clan, there is not even a son or daughter of an emperor. Of course, they cannot compare with the three major types of dragons: the Golden Dragon Clan, the Blue Dragon Clan, and the Time Dragon Clan.


Seventy-four years.

The Tiansu galaxy where the Space Dragon Clan is located.


Long Jinxuan'er became an emperor after attaining enlightenment and was titled Tianshu Dragon Emperor, which can be regarded as inheriting the title of Tiansuan Empress from her previous life.


Eighty-two years.

The Tianque galaxy where the Time Dragon Clan is located.

The young master of the Time Dragon Clan, Long Shixiaoning attained enlightenment and became the emperor.


One hundred and twenty-two years.

The Tianque galaxy where the Time Dragon Clan is located.

Long Shibai and Long Shi Qianqian became emperors on the same day, causing a sensation in the dragon clan throughout time.


One hundred and thirty-five years.

The Tianlong Galaxy where the Golden Dragon Clan is located.

Long Jinyi proved the truth.

Unfortunately, the demonstration failed, and the dragon soul was crushed by the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, and died on the spot.

Long Jinyi's father, Ruijin Longdi, held her body and cried bitterly for three days, with tears of blood flowing from his eyes.

The saddest thing in the world is this, watching her daughter die but being unable to do anything. In front of the great road of heaven and earth, not even Zulong can help, not to mention the Dragon Emperor, who can only rely on herself.

During these more than a hundred years, the supreme geniuses of the young generation of the Dragon Clan have become emperors one after another. It is the "harvest season" and the critical period for the rise of the younger generation. All the Dragon Clan are immersed in joy. This incident makes all the Dragon Clan feel as if they have been splashed on. A basin of cold water.

It also makes those young geniuses who are eager to achieve enlightenment calm down a lot. They dare not try to achieve enlightenment without being sure.

The path of cultivation has been so cruel since ancient times.

There are countless geniuses in every generation, but there are not many geniuses who can truly achieve enlightenment and become emperors. The vast majority of geniuses die before they achieve enlightenment.


Due to the death of Long Jinyi, no one among the young generation of the Dragon Clan became emperor in the next hundred years or so.

Until the year 348, in the Tiansha galaxy where the Qinglong clan is located, Long Qingmiao, the son of the Eighth Dragon Emperor and the nephew of the Nineth Dragon Emperor, became emperor. He could be regarded as a tiger father without a son, and he lived up to expectations.


Long Qingmiao's enlightenment can be regarded as erasing the shadow left by the failure of Long Jinyi's enlightenment. Only one year later, 349 years ago, in the Tiansha galaxy where the Qinglong clan is located, Long Qingyu and Long Qingxuan met. Continue to prove the truth and become an emperor.

So far, the four emperors and daughters of the Qinglong clan, Long Qing Baizheng, Long Qingmiao, Long Qingyu and Long Qingxuan, have all successfully attained enlightenment.


The period from three hundred and forty-nine to four hundred and eleven years.

The three remaining emperors of the Golden Dragon Clan, Long Jinzi, Long Jinchu, and Long Jinbo, successively attained enlightenment. Long Jinzi and Long Jinbo succeeded in attaining enlightenment, but Long Jinchu failed. Like Long Jinyi, he was stunned on the spot. die.


Five hundred and thirty-six years.

On a higher planet in the Tianlong Galaxy where the Time Dragon Clan is located, Long Shixiu, Long Shipan, Long Shini, and Long Shiyuan made an appointment to attain enlightenment on the same day.

There is a legend handed down from ancient times. If several practitioners make an appointment to attain enlightenment on the same day, the success rate of attaining enlightenment can be increased.

These four emperors saw this legend from an ancient book, so they made an appointment to attain enlightenment on the same day.

In the end, Long Shixiu and Long Shiyuan achieved enlightenment.

Long Shi failed to prove the Tao in reverse and fell to death.

Long Shipan failed to prove the Tao, but he was lucky enough to save his life and found Shuyuan However, his foundation was damaged, and he had no hope of becoming an emperor in his lifetime.

It turns out that this legend has little basis.


"There are more than twenty supreme geniuses in the young generation of the Dragon Clan. Those who should have attained enlightenment have already attained enlightenment. Only the chief saint, Long Qingchen, is left."

"He has been in seclusion for more than five hundred years. Counting the time, it is time for him to attain enlightenment, right?"

"You don't know this, right? I heard that when he was in seclusion, he hadn't evolved his own Tao. He hadn't even evolved his own Tao yet. What Tao could he prove?"

"No, he hasn't developed his own way yet. As the leader of the younger generation, it's no wonder that he, the Holy Son, has difficulty convincing the public."...

In the past five hundred years, this matter has been the most talked about among all the Dragon Clan. Whenever a daughter of the Emperor's son attains enlightenment, the Dragon Clan will think of Long Qingchen who is still in retreat. There is nothing that can be done about it. The Chief Holy Son His status is so high that it is difficult not to attract attention.

In Gangxing's Lingxue Mountain Immortal Palace, a pair of beautiful eyes and a pair of autumn eyes would glance at the quiet room where Long Qingchen was practicing in seclusion every day. Who else could there be besides Long Jinxuan'er and Long Kongli? They were a little bit looking forward to it. What is more worrying is that Long Qingchen has been in seclusion for too long and there has been no movement. This is not good news.

Since ancient times, countless practitioners have died in seclusion.

Such things are not uncommon.

Although Long Qingchen is in seclusion, they know that Long Qingchen will definitely release his induction occasionally to observe the situation in the outside world. They probably already know the status of the emperor's sons and daughters' enlightenment. They only hope that Long Qingchen will not have any Too much pressure.

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