The first dragon of all time

Chapter 844 Yinghuo Planet

Buzz! ...

When Long Qingchen came out of the void and appeared on a deserted planet.

Since Blue Star does not have a galaxy transmission array, it is impossible to accept the coordinates of the Beidou Sect's galaxy transmission array. Therefore, it is not "point-to-point" accurate transmission, and it is normal for deviations to occur.

"This is Yinghuo Planet!"

Long Qingchen opened his fairy eyes, looked up at the starry sky, observed the nearby stars, and immediately knew his current location.

Yinghuoxing, this is the ancient name.

In modern times, it is called Mars.

Buzz! ...

He subconsciously released the induction, covering the entire Mars. This is the basic step in traveling in the universe.


"Is there anyone?"

He was startled.

Tens of thousands of miles away from him, there were round, sealed houses, like a small city.

Around the house, there are spaceships parked.

Also, many people in space suits were busy driving machines to load mountains of ore onto a huge spacecraft.

Seeing the icons on the spaceship, he recognized them at a glance. They were the icons of some countries on Blue Star. Obviously, these spaceships came from Blue Star.

"Has Blue Star's technology developed to this point in more than eight hundred years?"

This made him feel a little emotional.

Thinking about it, he felt relieved. When he left Blue Star, technology had already experienced explosive growth. It was not surprising that it took more than 800 years to land on Mars to mine ore and transport it back to Blue Star.

beep! beep! beep! ...

Suddenly, the instrument on a round house rang and sounded an alarm.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"......

The busy staff stopped and stared blankly at the instruments on the house.

A man in a space suit hurriedly walked out of the house and shouted happily, "Life has been discovered more than 40,000 miles away in the east!"

Although she was wearing a thick spacesuit, her appearance inside the glass mask revealed that she was a very young beauty.

"How is that possible? We have been exploring Mars for many years and have never found any life, not even a single bacterium."

"Is there something wrong with the life detector?"...

Everyone was in an uproar.

The beauty said, "At first, I thought so too, but I checked the life detector again, and there was no fault. It's absolutely correct!"

After hearing what she said, everyone became excited.

"What are you waiting for? Quickly, bring over the chariot that captures alien life forms!"

"If we bring alien life back, we will go down in history as the first people to discover alien life!"

"I don't care about leaving a name in history, I only care about how much bonus I can get, hahahaha!"...

They sent a team of ten people to drive a strange chariot towards Long Qingchen at high speed.

This chariot has many tentacles, like a steel octopus. It does not travel on the ground, but floats several meters above the ground.

The tail and bottom of the Steel Octopus are spraying with blue flames.

"The alien creature they discovered could not be referring to me, right?"

Long Qingchen looked a little strange. Judging from the direction of their chariot, they were heading towards him.

He couldn't help but curiously look at the life detector on the round house. It was similar to the sensor of a cultivator, a bit similar to radar.

After more than 800 years of development, Blue Star's technology has developed to its current level. He is very happy and proud, because Blue Star is his home planet!

Never underestimate technology. The power of technology, if developed to the top, will definitely not be weaker than the top practitioners.

For example, time travel is difficult to achieve even at the level of Zulong, but top-notch technology can do it.

For another example, creating a new universe is difficult for top experts to do, but top technology can.

"Blue Star's current technology can probably compete with a cultivator in the Immortal King Realm."

He estimated Blue Star's current technological power and came to a conclusion that shocked him.

You know, he only left Blue Star for a short period of eight hundred years.

In eight hundred years, Blue Star has possessed the power of an Immortal King.

Among the younger generation of practitioners, how many can do this?

Only the top geniuses can become Immortal Kings in more than 800 years!

In other words, Blue Star's technological development speed is no slower than that of top geniuses!

"Would you like to go over and say hello to them?"

Long Qingchen hesitated for a moment, shook his head slightly, and let it go.

At present, the people of Blue Star have not left the solar system and have not discovered alien creatures. He does not want to break the tranquility of Blue Star and cause unnecessary panic because of his appearance, so he allows Blue Star to develop quietly. Go down.

He looks forward to the day when Blue Star's technology can develop and grow, and with the power of technology, it can become a star-filled force and one of the overlords of the universe!

At that time, the advantages of cultivators will not be so great, and even the major superpowers will have to learn Blue Star's technology.

Whoosh! ...

His figure flickered and disappeared from the place in an instant.

When he reappeared, he was already in space beyond Mars.

The distance from Mars to Blue Star is very far for ordinary people. Using a spacecraft, it may take half a year.

At his speed, it would only take an hour at most. He didn't bother to set up the teleportation array and flew directly in the direction of Blue Star.

"Strange, the alien creature suddenly disappeared!"

On the octopus-like tank, the beautiful astronaut looked at a meter in her hand and exclaimed.

"what happened?"

"Why did you suddenly disappear?"...

The other nine people became confused.

The beautiful astronaut smiled bitterly, "The meter in my hand is connected to the life detector. When the life detector detects alien creatures, it will display a red dot on the meter. Just now, the red dot was always there. Now it suddenly disappeared, and I don’t know what went wrong.”

She thought for a while, "Just now, the location of the alien creature has been tens of thousands of miles away. No matter why it disappeared, we have to go and check it out to see if we find anything."

"Of course you have to go and check. If you can find this alien creature, the study of alien life will be of great value and reference significance. Even if you can't find it, you can still find the feces, footprints, hair, etc. left by the alien creature. Great value.”

"Let's go."......

The other nine people also agreed with her opinion.

So, he looked for the octopus-like chariot and continued sailing towards the position where Long Qingchen left.

"Here, there are two footprints!"

The beautiful astronaut's sharp eyes noticed something unusual and jumped out of the chariot.

She walked quickly to the footprints, squatted down, and observed the footprints in disbelief, "These two footprints are exactly the same as the footprints of our Blue Star people. Could it be that this alien creature looks similar to our Blue Star people? From this footprint Calculated based on its size and depth, this alien creature is about 1.85 meters tall and weighs 75 kilograms. It has the perfect figure of a man!"

"Could these two footprints be left by one of our Blue Star astronauts?"

"It's possible."......

The other nine people got off the chariot and looked at the two footprints with strange eyes. They didn't look like the footprints of alien creatures...

The beautiful astronaut had no choice but to collect these two footprints and planned to take them back to study to see if she could find anything.

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