The first dragon of all time

Chapter 866: There is a moment

"It has been determined that the thirty-seven missing women were caused by Jiang Ruofeng. Do you want to take action now to get rid of him?"

After the bald man left, Long Qingchen felt a murderous intention. After thinking about it for a moment, he shook his head slightly and decided to observe for a while.

He decided not to take action now for two main reasons.

First, this small city belongs to Blue Star's China. If he and Jiang Ruofeng take action here, it will cause huge damage and everything within a radius of 100,000 miles will become ruins. This is something he does not want to happen.

After all, Jiang Ruofeng's cultivation has reached the level of the Immortal Emperor. If he resists, it will be a huge disaster for ordinary people.

Therefore, Jiang Ruofeng must be lured into outer space or into the universe so that he can take action.

Secondly, he was curious as to why Jiang Ruofeng needed so many women on March 3rd and 3:30 on the lunar calendar, and he planned to find out.

"Who's out there!"

In the villa, Jiang Ruofeng's face suddenly changed slightly, and she pointed her finger like a sword across her eyebrows, opened her fairy eyes, and looked towards the corner where Long Qingchen was hiding.

Long Qingchen's figure flickered and disappeared instantly.

Seeing that there was no one in that corner, Jiang Ruofeng frowned, looked a little confused, and murmured to himself, "Just now, for a moment, I vaguely sensed murderous intent, why is there no one there?"

"Am I hallucinating?"

"It's possible. It's recorded in the "Three Lives Demonic Skills" that some hallucinations may occur during the practice process. Once the magical skills are mastered, they will disappear."

Having said this, he shook his head slightly and withdrew the light of his fairy eyes.


"As expected of the Immortal Emperor, his senses are really sharp. He almost discovered me."

When Long Qingchen appeared again, he was already thousands of miles away.

With his hidden skills, it stands to reason that Jiang Ruofeng would not be able to discover him.

However, he just moved his murderous intention, which caused a slight fluctuation in the hidden secret technique, so Jiang Ruofeng felt it.

"I have to find someone to keep an eye on Jiang Ruofeng to prevent him from continuing to do evil. I have other things to do and I can't keep an eye on Jiang Ruofeng all the time. Who is more suitable?"

"Ordinary people will definitely be noticed if they stare at Jiang Ruofeng."

Long Qingchen began to ponder, and soon he thought of the Spear of Destruction, and with a thought, "Spear of Destruction, come out!"

Whoosh! ...

The Spear of Destruction came out slowly from the Time Dragon Ring, "I finally remembered Master Spear. Do you want me to keep an eye on this Jiang Ruofeng?"

"Smart." Long Qingchen ordered, "Keep an eye on Jiang Ruofeng secretly for me, remember not to be discovered by him, so as not to alert the enemy."

"I know, I know." Spear of Destruction was a little dissatisfied, "Don't you worry about Master Spear's work? It's true that Luo Liba is so annoying."

"Don't worry, I'm very worried!"

Long Qingchen glanced at it unhappily, remembering the sixth clan leader of the Dragon Clan who was almost killed by it, "You act like crazy, sometimes even murderous. Don't you have any idea in your mind?"

The Spear of Destruction had no choice but to say, "If you say this, Master Mao will be sad. Before he submitted to you, Master Mao was indeed crazy in his actions. However, since he submitted to you, Master Mao has always abided by his duty."

Long Qingchen thought for a while and simply called out the Spear of Destruction No. 2. The Spear of Destruction No. 2 was forged by himself, so he was more at ease and it was the most suitable one to assist the Spear of Destruction. "Spear of Destruction No. 2, come out. "

The Spear of Destruction quickly came out of the space ring and said respectfully, "Master, please give me your instructions."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly with satisfaction and said to the Spear of Destruction, "Look at this person, this is the attitude towards the master."

Spear of Destruction was disdainful, "It's just a piece of trash. How can you compare with me? Even if you are my master, I will not please you. I am so arrogant."

Long Qingchen was too lazy to say more to it, and told Spear of Destruction No. 2, "Assist Spear of Destruction and monitor this Jiang Ruofeng together. Don't let him discover it. If he does anything unusual, report it to me immediately."

Spear of Destruction said respectfully, "Understood."

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Long Qingchen said one last word, then disappeared in a flash and returned to the base.

Spear of Destruction No. 2 bent, like a human saluting, "Boss, we must do everything the master has asked us to do beautifully."

The Spear of Destruction said contemptuously, "You didn't know where you were when Master Spear was running rampant in the universe. Are you worthy of calling me boss? Boy Chen released you, in fact, to let you spy on me. Don't I understand?"

"You can't say that. You are more reckless when doing things, and I am more steady. Master just asked me to assist you."

Spear of Destruction No. 2 was not angry and said seriously, "Master cast me with you as a reference. If you don't like me calling you boss, I can call you dad."


The Spear of Destruction was very angry, "Master Mao hasn't found a suitable Taoist partner yet. By calling him like that, do you want Master Mao to never find a Taoist partner?"

Spear of Destruction No. 2 wondered, "We are just weapons. Can we also find Taoist companions for weapons?"

Spear of Destruction snorted, "How lonely it is to be invincible. You are so weak and you will never understand my feelings. Can't I find a suitable weapon to accompany me?"

Then, the Spear of Destruction sighed in a very pretentious manner, "It's a pity that if we look at the weapons of the major superpowers in the entire universe, we can't find anything worthy of Master Spear, alas."

Spear of Destruction No. 2 said, "Boss, you are so strong, maybe only the Heavenly Treasure can be worthy of you."

Hearing this, Spear of Destruction laughed, "Even if you still have some sense, for this reason, I will reluctantly accept you as my little brother."

"Thank you, boss!"

Spear of Destruction No. 2 was overjoyed, "Boss, let's go and monitor Jiang Ruofeng. If we don't monitor him well, it's no joke to make the master angry."

The Spear of Destruction took it through the void and appeared silently in a corner of Jiang Ruofeng's villa, hiding.


Long Qingchen returned to the seaside villa at the base. He was a little bored. After watching a few hours of movies, it was dawn.

He went to the conference room to give a lecture and found that Bai Ying, Lin Hao and the students had already arrived.

Bao Yuan also came, sitting quietly in a corner. Although he didn't have martial arts, he wanted to practice and didn't give up.

Long Qingchen didn't rush Bao Yuan away, and looked for Shuyuan. He walked to the front and said, "Today, we will continue what we didn't finish yesterday, the meridians."

When ordinary people start to practice, it is so troublesome. There are too many basic knowledge of practice that need to be mastered.

He lectured from morning until night, without giving the students any time to rest. All meals were packed and delivered directly from the canteen of the base.

In the evening, he and Bao Yuan went to the training venue and continued to train more than 3,000 combatants.

Seeing him, more than 3,000 combatants felt as if they were seeing a demon, and their bodies all trembled.

However, no one mentioned quitting anymore, because after taking a bath last night, they found that their bodies had strengthened several times.

With such great benefits, of course they are willing to continue.

In fact, they didn't know that when Long Qingchen transformed into more than 3,000 phantoms and beat them, each punch hit their important acupuncture points, which was equivalent to opening up some of their meridians and melting them with elixirs. It's strange that their bodies don't strengthen after bathing in water to clear their meridians.

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