Bao Yuan said, "Boss, I have sent a message to the senior staff of Adli Company and asked them to wait in the conference room."

"Let's go."

Long Qingchen walked into the elevator first.

Zhang Xiaoya frowned, a little worried, "In such a big company, if you ask me to take care of the finances, will they have any objections?"

Long Qingchen smiled and said, "Don't worry, anyone who has any objections will be asked to pack up and leave."

Bao Yuan also smiled and said, "Miss, your worries are completely unnecessary. Adeli Company was originally a joint-stock company and was fully acquired by the boss. In other words, there is only the boss as the boss and no other shareholders. Of course, the boss is the only one." People have the final say, who dares to have an opinion?”

Zhang Xiaoya looked at Long Qingchen resentfully, "If you spoil me so much, you will spoil me rotten."

Long Qingchen was a little helpless. Women were troublesome. He would complain if he was treated badly, but he would worry about gains and losses if he was treated well.

When I arrived at the conference room, I saw more than thirty men and women in professional attire sitting around a long round table. These people were all over forty years old.

"A super group company as big as our Adli was suddenly acquired. It was too sudden. I don't know who is so rich. It was acquired at a high price of more than 400 trillion blue star coins, which is a whole year higher than the normal price. Hundreds of billions is simply unreasonable, no wonder the shareholders all agree."

"Isn't that right? Before the acquisition, we professional managers didn't even have any news. Alas, we don't know how the new boss will arrange for us."

"Haha, what else can I do? It depends on the new boss's mood. If he really can't stay here, he can only go to another company."

"Adli Company offers us the highest annual salary and the best benefits. Are you willing to go to another company?"...

They whispered to each other and talked in low voices.


Bao Yuan coughed twice heavily.

They looked at the door and when they saw Bao Yuan, they stood up one after another with professional smiles. They didn't know who clapped first, but they all clapped along to express their welcome.

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, our lord is here."

"Hahaha, hello, my lord."......

As expected of senior managers, they did not deliberately try to please Bao Yuan, but instead made a joke.

"When I acquired Adli Company, I was indeed the one who signed it, but I am not your boss."

Bao Yuan stretched out his hand to guide Long Qingchen and said seriously, "The person next to me, Mr. Long Qingchen, is the new boss of Adli Company."

These senior managers were a little surprised. They did not expect that the person who fully acquired Adli Company would be such a young man in his twenties.

Long Qingchen calmly walked to the inner end of the conference table and sat down at the main seat. Bao Yuan, Zhang Xiaoya and the middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses walked to and stood next to him, mainly because they had no room. ...

He pressed his hand and said, "Sit down."

The senior managers then sat down.

Long Qingchen glanced at them lightly and said, "I heard everything you were talking about just now. I know what you are thinking. You deliberately said this when I was about to arrive at the conference room, and you deliberately let me hear it. "

After their thoughts were revealed, these senior managers all had hot faces and were a little embarrassed. They stopped talking early and late, but they started talking when the new boss was about to arrive in the conference room. They did deliberately let the new boss hear... .

These are all senior managers, all of whom are highly educated and have rich management experience. It is understandable that they are more considerate. Long Qingchen did not blame them and said calmly, "I tell you clearly, you can Don’t worry, I don’t plan to make personnel adjustments, you will still keep your original positions.”

Hearing what he said, these senior managers secretly breathed a sigh of relief. From the current point of view, their positions under the buttocks have been saved...

In fact, their worries are understandable, because when a company changes its boss, it is the most unstable time. They are afraid that the new boss knows nothing but likes to make random arrangements, which will make the whole company a mess. So, They suffer.


Hearing Long Qingchen say these two words, their hearts that had just calmed down became anxious again, and they cried in their hearts: Don't say "but", okay?

After saying "but", Long Qingchen paused and his eyes became sharp, "From now on, if you have anything to say, just say it directly to your face. Don't be too pretentious. You can use your pretentiousness on management, but don't use it on me. I'd rather Those who are disgusted are just playing tricks, do you understand?"

"I understand, it won't happen again in the future."

"I understand too."......

These senior managers all had sweat on their foreheads, lowered their heads unnaturally, and did not dare to look at him.

I don't know why, but although this new boss is young, he puts tremendous pressure on them, as if he can see through everything, and he has a much more aura than the previous shareholders.

Zhang Xiaoya's beautiful eyes looked at Long Qingchen with admiration. Long Qingchen first gave these senior managers a "sweet date" to express that they would not change their positions to reassure them. Then, he suddenly "hit the head" and reprimanded, It can be called a combination of kindness and power.

What's this?

This is the method!

She secretly murmured in her heart, "Long Qingchen used to be like a younger brother. He was irritable and ungrateful in everything he did. After sleeping for more than 800 years, although Long Qingchen's appearance has not changed, his personality has changed a lot. It’s changed, I don’t know where I learned this method from.”

The middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses was also slightly startled. These senior managers were very arrogant in the past. They dared to talk back to the major shareholders of Adli Company. However, facing this young The new boss is like a quail, he doesn’t dare to breathe.

Bao Yuan had a smile on his face, which didn't surprise him, because he knew the details of Long Qingchen.

Long Qingchen is a cultivator, and he is also a very strong one. He has been fighting in the dangerous world of cultivation for more than 800 years. What kind of storms and waves has he not seen?

Intimidating these senior managers is naturally a piece of cake.

At the end of the day, these senior executives are only human.

"As long as you know."

Long Qingchen stood up, stretched out his hand, and guided Zhang Xiaoya, "This person next to me, Zhang Xiaoya, is my childhood friend, my classmate, and friend. From now on, she will serve as the chief financial officer and investment officer of Adli Company." The person in charge of the department, that is to say, she is fully responsible for the financial rights of the company, find Shuyuan Also, when I am not in the company, she has the final say on all the company's affairs."

In charge of the financial power of the company?

When the new boss is away, can she have the final say in all matters?

The senior managers all looked at her strangely. This power was too great... She was almost like a boss lady.

Zhang Xiaoya's eyes were red and she was a little tearful. If you give her such great power, aren't you afraid that she will sell the company?

In fact, she didn't know that Long Qingchen's acquisition of this company was originally given to her. She could do whatever she wanted. Long Qingchen would not have any objection whether to sell it or not.

After taking care of Zhang Xiaoya's work issues, Long Qingchen also settled his worries and could do his own thing with peace of mind.

After coming out of the company and sending Zhang Xiaoya home, he and Bao Yuan returned to the base of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau and continued to give lectures to the students.

The base of the Alien Warfare Department is under construction in full swing and is expected to be completed in a few days.

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