The first dragon of all time

Chapter 914: 3 Heavenly Treasures!


Time Zulong opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak. Finally, he shook his head slightly and turned into a sigh.

However, Long Qingchen felt refreshed. Looking at the look of Time Zulong, it seemed that there was something he could do, "Unless you tell me something!"

Time Zulong glanced at the human traces and said, "It's useless even if you say it, it's impossible to do it."

Long Qingchen's depressed voice came from the human traces, "It depends on man-made things, nothing is impossible."

Time Zulong was silent for a moment and said slowly, "If you have three heavenly treasures, you can fight against the laws of heaven and earth."

"Three heavenly treasures?"

Long Qingchen was confused. He had heard the Spear of Destruction talk about the Heavenly Treasure, "Why three?"

Time Zulong explained.

"Legend has it that when the universe was born, it was accompanied by nine things: a rootless spring, a handful of dust-free sand, a leafless grass, a flowerless lotus, a stemless tree, and an invisible piece of Iron, a cluster of incombustible fire, a beam of sourceless light, and an inanimate spirit, these nine things are called the most precious treasures in the sky, and they are also the most terrifying things in the universe."

"Since these nine things are derived from the laws of heaven and earth at the same time, these nine things are not afraid of the laws of heaven and earth. If three of them are gathered together, they can even suppress the laws of heaven and earth and transcend the laws of heaven and earth."

"In other words, with three heavenly treasures, the laws of heaven and earth must also surrender!"

"It's a pity that no one has collected all three of them since ancient times."

After listening, the humanoid traces were silent for a long time before Long Qingchen's voice came out, "Since no one has ever collected three pieces, how do you know that three heavenly treasures can suppress the laws of heaven and earth?..."

"Can you please stop trying to get into trouble?"

Time Zulong was very angry, "Because, in ancient times, there were three major forces, each possessing a heavenly treasure. They have joined forces once, and they can indeed suppress the laws of heaven and earth. This has been verified long ago. Do I still want to do this?" Will he deceive you?"

Long Qingchen's sarcastic laughter came from the traces of the human form, "It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that it concerns my life, so it's better to ask clearly..."

Time Zulong said angrily, "If you really cherish your own life, then you should not challenge the laws of heaven and earth. This is no different from seeking death. It is also considered that you are destined to be lucky. If you use clever methods to get around the laws of heaven and earth, you will be strong. The strong and the weak will take advantage of the opportunity to barely save their lives."

Long Qingchen pondered for a while, "The laws of heaven and earth are strong when they are strong, and weak when they are weak. In other words, for stronger people, the laws of heaven and earth are stronger. For weaker people, the laws of heaven and earth have almost no effect. If I am just an ordinary person, will the laws of heaven and earth lose their effect?"

"Yes, the laws of heaven and earth only suppress cultivators and have no effect on ordinary people. Therefore, ordinary people have no idea what the laws of heaven and earth are."

Time Zulong said, "It's easy to turn you into an ordinary person. All you need to do is destroy your cultivation, dragon veins, martial arts, and body. But, are you willing to be an ordinary person for the rest of your life?"

"Of course I'm not willing to give in..."

Long Qingchen had no choice but to taste the "sweetness" of a cultivator's powerful force, flight to the sky, long life, and almost omnipotence. From now on, he became an ordinary person, which was more uncomfortable than death...

Time Ancestor Dragon scolded.

"Even if you are willing to become an ordinary person, the entire dragon clan is still not willing to do so!"

"I will give you the Heaven Devouring Martial Veins, the memory of the Nine Ni Dragon Emperors, the Spear of Destruction, ten Ancestral Dragon Scales, the position of Chief Saint Son, and all the training resources you need, and I will give you almost As your protector, the most important thing is that you strive for your own success and evolve the reverse scale that only the first generation of ancestral dragons have. The entire dragon clan has given you the best things to achieve your current achievements! You will If it is abolished like this, how can we explain it to the entire Dragon Clan?"

"You will become the first sinful dragon in the dragon clan forever!"

"..." Long Qingchen had nothing to say.

Time Zulong continued, "There are many Manxing forces in the entire universe, and our Dragon Clan is one of them. However, among all the Manxing forces, our Dragon Clan is at the upper level, but not the top. This is Why?"

Long Qingchen knew that he didn't need to answer...

Sure enough, the Time Ancestral Dragon sighed, "Because, since the death of the first generation of Ancestral Dragons, the Dragon Clan has lacked the first-rate powerhouses in the universe. Our eight living Ancestral Dragons are also the second-rate powerhouses in the universe, and their potential has reached its limit. It may reach the level of the first-generation Ancestral Dragon. Once a war breaks out between our Dragon Clan and the top Manxing forces, then our Dragon Clan will definitely suffer a big loss, and may even be in danger of being exterminated!"

Having said this, he paused, "Our Dragon Clan has been the overlord of the universe since ancient times, and has offended many Manxing forces, including the extremely powerful Kaiyuan forces, which are the ancient ten evil forces, the Dark Soul Clan, and the Undead Demon Clan. Wait, they are staring at the Dragon Clan all the time, waiting for the opportunity, and when the Dragon Clan shows its flaws, they will fight back like sharks that smell blood, tearing the Dragon Clan into pieces, carving them up, and eating them clean!"

"So, the Dragon Clan is not as glorious as it seems. In fact, it is full of dangers!"

"So, the Dragon Clan needs one or two first-class experts in the universe to maintain the deterrent against the open source forces!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and wanted to pat Long Qingchen's shoulder out of habit. However, the pat came to nothing and he stared at his palm in a daze.

Long Qingchen was a little embarrassed, "Although you always missed the shot, I have already felt it..."

Time Zulong looked at the humanoid traces.

"Looking at the entire dragon clan, there is no one who has the potential to become a first-class powerhouse in the universe. Look for Shuyuan There is no one among the old or middle generations. I can only place my hope on you, the younger generation."

"Fortunately, you younger generation are more competitive. You are the most promising one in Huanggu Longyu, Xuan'er is one, Feishuang is one in Tianlong Galaxy, Beiming is one, Xiaoning is one in Tianque Galaxy, and Baizheng is one in Tiansha Galaxy. Counting one, a dozen or so, that is six, but you have become in this state of being neither human nor ghost, what can I say about you?"

"Don't you know how much hope the entire Dragon Clan has placed on you?"

"However, you always make some risky decisions and put yourself in dangerous situations that will never be recovered. If you do this, how can I trust you to hand over the Dragon Clan to you in the future?"

"You have to remember that your life does not belong to you, but to the entire Dragon Clan. Everything is for the rejuvenation of the Dragon Clan!"

Long Qingchen was scolded so badly that he couldn't say anything, because he knew that the Time Ancestor Dragon was also doing it for his own good and for the future of the entire dragon clan.

Seeing that the Time Ancestor Dragon had finally finished scolding... Long Qingchen said cautiously, "You'd better talk about the Heaven's Treasure. Do our Dragon Clan have the Heaven's Treasure?"

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