The first dragon of all time

Chapter 948 Can win!

"Wu Xingxing and Baili Dahe, it's your turn."

The old man in rich clothes came to the lounge again and looked at the middle-aged boxer and the old boxer with a smile.

The middle-aged boxer and the old boxer looked at each other, stood up, and silently followed the old man in colorful clothes to leave. There were no harsh words between the two boxers, and there was no intention of fighting. They were more helpless, in order to gain practice. Resources have to be exhausted.

Long Qingchen was the only one left in the lounge, and his duel with the Faceless Boxing Champion was scheduled for the third match, which was also considered the finale of the day.

"Wu Xingxing, use all your strength to kill this old guy!"

"Wu Xingxing, I'm betting on you too. This old guy is too old and probably doesn't have much fighting power anymore. Give him a ride!"...

As the old man in colorful clothes led the two boxers onto the ring, the gamblers in the audience became excited again, cheering for the boxers they had bet on, hoping that the boxers they had bet on would win. Most of the gamblers shouted: Wu Xingxing, a middle-aged boxer, seems not to be optimistic about old boxers.


The old man in gorgeous clothes announced.

The middle-aged boxer and the old boxer immediately started fighting.

boom! boom! boom! ...

The old boxer looked skinny, but he burst out with strong fighting power, like an ancient beast. Every move was open and closed, with great strength and heavy weight, completely suppressing the middle-aged boxer.

After more than a hundred moves in a fierce fight, the middle-aged boxer's body was shattered into pieces and turned into blood mist. The old boxer unleashed a burst of real fire, and the blood mist was instantly annihilated. Victory!


"This old guy looks so weak, how can he be so good at fighting?"...

The gamblers who lost their bets cursed and angrily threw something into the ring, which was blocked by the barrier on the edge of the ring.

Only a few gamblers who won were happy.

The old boxer grinned and clasped his fists apologetically to the losing gamblers, "I'm really sorry. Although I'm old, I still want to live a few more years, so I tried my best and luckily won."

Hearing what he said, the losing gamblers were even more depressed.

"Today's third showdown is a brave and fearless new boxer challenging our undefeated faceless boxing champion!"

The old man in colorful clothes knows how to stir up the atmosphere and announce it in advance.

As expected, all the gamblers in the audience were excited.

"Faceless Boxing Champion!"

"Faceless Boxing Champion!"......

Everyone is shouting for the faceless boxing champion, the sound is like a tsunami and landslide!

The old man in rich clothes pressed his hands, and the whole place suddenly became quiet. He smiled and said, "I will go and invite brave and fearless new boxers first."

After that, he left the ring and came to the lounge. He looked at Long Qingchen and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, "Chen Qingrong, please!"

Chen Qingrong, this was the pseudonym Long Qingchen casually used when registering at the counter, which meant that his name was pronounced backwards.

Long Qingchen followed the old man in rich clothes out of the lounge and onto the ring. It was just noon, and a ray of sunlight shone down from the skylight on the roof and fell on him.

"I'm laughing so hard. Is this the brave and fearless new boxer? He looks like a young boy. Is he worthy of challenging the Faceless Boxer?"

"Hahaha, if someone dares to challenge the Faceless Boxing Champion by name, he is indeed brave and fearless, and there is nothing wrong with him."...

The gamblers looked at the young man in green shirt on the ring with smiles on their faces, and their words were unpleasant.

From their point of view, there was no suspense in this duel. They were earning some immortal spirit stones for nothing, so they were naturally happy.

"The brave and fearless new boxer has entered the arena, inviting the faceless boxing champion with 83 consecutive victories!"

The old man in rich clothes raised his voice excitedly, stretched out his hand, and made an inviting gesture towards the lounge on the top floor.

Long Qingchen took a look and saw that the door to the lounge on the top floor opened, and a masked man walked down the stone steps step by step.

"Faceless Boxing Champion!"

"Faceless Boxing Champion!"......

The gamblers in the audience shouted wildly again as if they were drunk.

The Faceless Boxing Champion walked into the ring, looked at Long Qingchen through his mask with a pair of sharp eyes, and said calmly, "As I get more and more consecutive victories, fewer and fewer people dare to challenge me, you Your courage is worthy of respect, and I will give you a happy death."

Long Qingchen smiled, "I will also give you a happy death."

The old man in rich clothes slowly backed up and exited the ring.

Buzz! ...

A bloody barrier suddenly appeared on the edge of the arena.



The voice of the old man in rich clothes was drawn out.

boom! ...

The Faceless Boxing King punched Long Qingchen directly, containing majestic power and shining brightly!

The underground boxing ring was very small, and there was no possibility of dodge. Of course, Long Qingchen had no intention of dodge. He slowly raised a palm.

Boom! ...

The faceless boxing champion's fist hit his palm hard, a dazzling light erupted, terrifying energy vibrated in all directions, and the entire space in the ring collapsed!

However, his palm was like a fairy mountain, unmoving. Instead, the faceless boxing champion was completely blown away and fell back to the edge of the ring!

"Faceless Boxing Champion!"

"Faceless punch..."

The shouting gamblers seemed to have been strangled by someone's neck, and their voices suddenly stopped.

"My eyes are not looking at the flowers, are they?"

"what happened?"......

They were all stunned, eyes wide open, looking at this scene in disbelief.

The old man in gorgeous clothes was also in a daze. What's going on?

The eyes of the old boxer who had just finished the duel and had not yet left were filled with bright light, and he looked deeply at the young man in green shirt on the ring, "Interesting..."

The middle-aged driver who brought Long Qingchen, Long Jinxuan'er and Long Kongli here was shaking, as if he had been struck by lightning, and had an unpleasant feeling. He had bet all his savings on the Faceless Boxing Champion. However, this young man in green shirt seems to be a bit strong!

"Of all the fighters I've faced, you're the first one who can stop me from the front."

The Faceless Boxing Champion stared at Long Qingchen with sharp eyes, "With your age and strength, you shouldn't be an unknown person, right? Who are you?"

Long Qingchen looked calm and said, "Chen Qingrong."

"Chen Qingrong?"

The Faceless Boxer murmured to himself, then frowned, "I've never heard of it!"

Long Qingchen said calmly, "Okay, stop talking nonsense and continue."

"No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, you must die today!"

The Faceless Boxing Champion sneered, "It's time to end!"

Buzz! ...

His palms were bright and powerful.

boom! boom! boom! ...

Continuously display three martial arts skills, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com suddenly rolled towards Long Qingchen!

"This is the Star Reaching Hand, the Star Moving Technique and the Star Killing Finger!"

"These three martial arts are all famous stunts of the Star Killing Sect. The rumors are indeed true. The Faceless Boxing Champion is really the supreme genius of the Star Killing Sect!"...

Some gamblers recognized these three martial arts and exclaimed.

The gamblers in the audience were excited. Although this young man in green shirt was a bit evilly strong, the Faceless Boxing Champion revealed his identity as the supreme genius of the Star Killing Sect and gave them great confidence that they could win!

"It's time to end."

Long Qingchen slowly raised his index finger, and it became bright and crystal clear. There was a fairy shadow inside, exuding a terrifying cold air, and the temperature of the entire arena continued to drop.

Taixuan Ice Finger!

Point it out!

Instead of using the martial arts of the dragon clan, he used Taixuan Ice Fingers, which he had recently learned, mainly to hide his identity.

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