On the edge of the Shark Tooth Galaxy, the Nether Ship was quietly hidden in the void. Long Qingchen, Long Jinxuan'er and Long Kongli stood on the deck, opening their fairy eyes and staring at the high planet where the Immortal Burial Valley was located.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

I saw six old men from the Zhuxing Sect rushing out of the high planet, traveling through the void, and returning to the largest high-level planet, which is the Holy Land of the Zhuxing Sect. Following this, huge warships flew out from the Holy Land of the Zhuxing Sect, and hurriedly Escaped the Shark Tooth Galaxy.

After a while, countless evil spirits were seen floating out from the higher planet, like locusts.

Soon, it spread to dozens of surrounding planets. It killed every living creature it saw and swallowed its blood to increase its strength.

Dozens of planets were in chaos. The cultivators fled in terror and fled in panic in space.

After destroying the lives of dozens of planets, countless evil spirits rushed out to hunt down the cultivators who escaped in space.

After killing these escaping cultivators, they drifted away to distant planets.

In just a few hours, the evil spirit has spread throughout the Shark Tooth Galaxy, causing chaos in the entire Shark Tooth Galaxy, as if the world is about to be destroyed!

It's not that the Star Killing Sect doesn't want to stop it, but that it can't be stopped at all. There are too many evil spirits.

Moreover, there are many great evil spirits, such as the Ancestral Dragon Evil Spirit, the Red Bearded Demon, and the powerful evil spirits of the Balanced Body Family. Even the powerful ones of the Star Killing Sect cannot stop them.

Therefore, when the Immortal Burial Valley collapsed, the six old men of the Star Killing Sect knew that the Shark Tooth Galaxy was over. Their first reaction was to return to the Holy Land and escape from the Shark Tooth Galaxy with the core members of the Star Killing Sect.

As for the trillions of people in the Shark Tooth Galaxy, are they important?

To the Star Killing Sect, it is not important.

As long as the core personnel are still there, the Star Killing Sect will still be there and can occupy other galaxies as territories.

The only pity is that the Star Killing Sect's hard work for three eras in the Shark Tooth Galaxy was in vain.

"The Shark Tooth Galaxy is over."

Long Jinxuan'er's beautiful eyes flashed, and a hint of perfection appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Although the Zhuxing Sect was not completely wiped out, killing the four supreme geniuses, three Immortal Emperors, a strong man who surpassed the Emperor Realm, and two strong men of the Immortal Realm caused the Zhuxing Sect to suffer heavy losses and was destroyed. Entering the territory of the Zhuxing Sect was a worthwhile trip, and it could be regarded as revenge for the Tianxian Sect.

"We are finished too..."

Long Kongli's voice was a little cold, "When these evil spirits finish causing harm to the Shark Tooth Galaxy, they will spread to the surrounding galaxies and the territories of other forces. The scope of spread will become larger and larger, and the harm will become bigger and bigger... ....We cannot afford this consequence."

"Now that I have done it, there is no need to regret it. I would rather let the world down than let the world down me."

Long Qingchen glanced at her indifferently and casually mentioned an ancient saying from Blue Star:

Long Jinxuan'er said, "Brother Chen is right. In order to save your life, no matter what the consequences are."

Long Kongli smiled bitterly and said nothing. Compared with Long Qingchen and Long Jinxuan'er, she was still too kind.

They were not in a hurry to leave, wanting to see where these evil spirits would go after they had finished causing harm to the Shark Tooth Galaxy. Anyway, the strong men of the Star Killing Sect had already left, and no one threatened their safety.

After a few more hours, countless evil spirits destroyed all the creatures in the Shark Tooth Galaxy, including cultivators, ordinary people, birds and beasts, insects, fish, birds and beasts. They all devoured the blood and energy of the evil spirits. A huge increase.

"Look there!"

Long Kongli took a breath and pointed to a higher planet. Reading Temple

Long Qingchen and Long Jinxuan'er looked over and saw that the Ancestral Dragon Evil Spirit and the Red Beard Demon rushed out from the high planet, their bodies exuding a huge amount of blood and their power was overwhelming. Behind them, millions of evil spirits followed. spirit!

Obviously, the Ancestral Dragon Evil Spirit and the Red Beard Demon have become the "leading brothers" of millions of evil spirits.

Long Kongli smacked her tongue slightly, "If we continue to swallow blood like this, the strength of the ancestral dragon evil spirit and the red beard demon will reach an even more terrifying level. Who can subdue them by then?"

Long Jinxuan'er also looked solemn, "It is the instinct of every evil spirit to swallow blood. If no one stops them, they will continue to swallow it and reach unimaginable strength."

Long Qingchen's fairy eyes slowly swept across the entire Shark Tooth Galaxy. In addition to the huge evil spirits such as the Ancestral Dragon Evil Spirit and the Red Beard Demon, there were dozens of huge evil spirits, each of which There is a "big brother who takes the lead."

Roar! ...

The Ancestral Dragon Evil Spirit roared out a loud dragon roar, and together with the red-bearded demon, led millions of evil spirits to leave the Shark Tooth Galaxy in a mighty manner.

However, dozens of other large numbers of evil spirits also flew in different directions under the leadership of the "leading brother", apparently looking for blood that could be swallowed...

What surprised Long Qingchen, Long Jinxuan'er and Long Kongli the most was that there was a wave of millions of evil spirits. The "leading brother" turned out to be the Spear of Destruction. I don't know what method it used to make so many evil spirits follow it. .

"what to do?"

Long Kongli asked with difficulty.

Long Qingchen was silent for a moment and said slowly, "This matter is beyond our control. Let's go back to the Tiansu Galaxy to ask the Time Zulong for instructions."

Whoosh! ...

As a result, the Nether Ship began to shuttle towards the Tiansu Galaxy.

The speed was very fast, leaving each galaxy behind, and arrived at the Tiansu Galaxy, Gang Star.

Long Qingchen put away the Nether Boat and went straight to the residence of Time Zulong.

Time Zulong was drinking tea under the ancient tree in the yard. Long Qingchen discovered that every time he came to find Time Zulong, he was drinking tea. Thinking about it, he felt relieved. At the level of cultivation of Time Zulong, It is not something that can be broken through in a short time, and the entire dragon clan is governed by various dragon emperors. There is no big deal, and the ancestor dragons generally don't find time. To put it bluntly, they just have free time!

"Tell me, what trouble did you get into again?"

Time Zulong glanced at him lightly.

Long Qingchen said directly, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com "We caused the Immortal Burial Valley to collapse, and countless evil spirits ran out."

Bang! ...

Shi Zulong was stunned for a moment, and the tea cup in his hand fell to the ground. The quality was quite good and it was not broken.


His eyes widened and he suddenly stood up, staring closely at Long Qingchen, "You say it again?"

Long Qingchen felt a little guilty, so he had to explain it in more detail...

"you you!......"

After listening, Shi Zulong's eyes were full of shock, his face turned blue and white, and he pointed at him with a trembling hand, but he was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Long Qingchen, Long Jinxuan'er and Long Kongli all stood upright. They had never seen the Time Ancestral Dragon be so out of shape, not even when facing the super dark soul of the Dark Soul Clan and the mighty Undead Demon Clan. Obviously, This matter is much more serious than the super dark soul of the dark soul clan and the powerful undead demon clan.

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