The first dragon of all time

Chapter 995: 3 consecutive wins!

In my realm of thunder, I am the master! "

Thunder fell in the east and roared, and the thunder and lightning seemed to be alive, turning into fairy palaces, fairy mountains, and ancient ferocious beasts, taking on various forms and launching fierce attacks!

However, Long Qingchen has been using visions to defend, motionless as a mountain.

boom! boom! boom! ...

One hundred moves.

Five hundred moves.

A thousand moves.

Two thousand moves...

Soon, more than 5,000 moves passed. No matter what attack method Dongfang Luo Lei used, he could not break through Long Qingchen's strange defense, and the tie was maintained!

"He's used hundreds of different visions and hasn't used them all yet?"

“The devil knows how many visions he has, it seems like he can’t use them all.”…

The boys and girls were stunned.

Dongfang Qing'er and Dongfang Hanshui were also stunned. They had never seen anyone possess so many visions.

Boom! ...

When the fierce battle reached nearly 6,000 moves, Dongfang Luo Lei's Thunder Domain collapsed due to consuming too much lightning.

"do not fight!"

"do not fight!"

"It's a tie."

Dongfang Luo Lei stopped dejectedly.

Twenty-seven of his thirty-one visions were consumed, and four were left. His Tao, the realm of thunder, was also consumed and collapsed. If he continued to fight, he could only use the power of devouring.

However, Long Qingchen also has the power of devouring, and there are countless strange phenomena.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to defeat Long Qingchen.

It's better to end it in a draw while there is still room for a fight to avoid embarrassment.

Dongfang Hanshui chuckled and said, "Senior Brother Luo Lei, according to our previous promise, a draw will count as a loss."

"If you lose, just lose."

Dongfang Luolei glanced at her in a muffled voice. Just now, after she and Long Qingchen "died together", for some reason, her attitude towards Long Qingchen changed and she kept speaking for him. Could this mean she didn't want to fight? We don't know each other, but we have feelings for each other?


Long Qingchen looked indifferent and clasped his fists slightly.

He still has countless visions and devouring power. Dongfang Luo Lei only has four visions and devouring power left. If the fierce battle continues, it will still be a tie. However, when Dongfang Luo Lei's devouring power is exhausted, then he will win. .

Therefore, in the duel between the Emperor Realm and the Emperor Realm Extreme, if you want to win in a short time, you can only bet your life with the other party. If the other party dares not to bet, then you can win. If the other party dares to bet, then you will both perish; the other way is to fight. In a war of attrition, you can win even if you exhaust all the opponent's means.

Just now, he had a duel with Dongfang Hanshui just because he wanted to defeat Dongfang Hanshui in a short time and gamble his life with Dongfang Hanshui. Unfortunately, Dongfang Hanshui also dared to bet and almost died together.

He knew that gambling on his life would not work. When facing Dongfang Luo Lei, he changed his method to a war of attrition, exhausting all Dongfang Luo Lei's methods and forcing Dongfang Luo Lei to admit defeat.

Dongfang Luo Lei stared at him, "I'm curious, how many kinds of visions do you have? Can you tell me?"

"I don't know either."

Long Qingchen's eyes were dull.

Dongfang Luo Lei was stunned.

have no idea?

He doesn’t even know how many visions he has?

What does it mean?

Then, Dongfang Luo Lei understood and opened his eyes wide, "You mean, there are countless kinds?"

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, "Yes."

Countless visions?

The entire martial arts field fell silent. Except for Dongfang Youyue, who knew the situation, everyone looked at Long Qingchen as if he were a monster.

Dongfang Luo Lei sighed, "The number one supreme genius in our Dongfang family has more than 900 visions. I thought I could be proud of the whole universe. I didn't expect that there are people with countless visions in the world."

"Senior Brother Qing, you can also admit defeat."

Dongfang Hanshui looked at Dongfang Qing'er and smiled, "Long Qingchen has countless visions. If he uses the nine kinds of earth, he can always maintain the ultimate strength of the imperial realm. No matter head-on or in a war of attrition, you can't defeat him." The most we can do is a tie with him, as we agreed before, if we tie, we will lose."

Dongfang Qing'er was a little helpless, "If he really has countless visions, I really can't defeat him, but I still want to try."

"Then come on."

Long Qingchen stood on the ring and did not come down.

Whoosh! ...

Dongfang Qing'er jumped onto the ring, her eyes full of fighting spirit, "I only make one move, use my own way to turn into a six-path demon cave, forming a devouring power, which will be superimposed with the devouring power of the Heaven Devouring Martial Vein. If you can take it, If you do this, you will win."

Long Qingchen asked calmly, "Can you exceed the power of the Emperor Realm by superimposing the devouring power like this?"

Dongfang Qing'er thought for a moment and said, "No."

Dongfang Hanshui shook his head slightly and said, "I just said that no matter how you stack it, it cannot exceed the power of the Emperor Realm limit. The limit is the limit. If it can be exceeded, is it still called a limit?"

Long Qingchen said calmly, "Since you can't exceed the power of the emperor's limit, then you can't defeat me, so take action."

"Be careful!"

Dongfang Qing'er released her Tao and immediately turned into a six-path demon cave. The six dark holes were like the entrances to purgatory, forming the six-path devouring power.

Immediately afterwards, he used the innate magical power of Devouring Martial Vein, and a black vortex appeared above his head, forming a huge devouring force.


He shouted as if his tongue was bursting with golden thunder. The devouring power of the Six Paths Demon Cave and the devouring power of the black vortex combined to make the devouring power even more terrifying.

Buzz! ...

Suddenly it came towards Long Qingchen!

Click! Click! Click! ...

The fairy clothes on Long Qingchen's body creaked and cracks appeared, and his transformed and powerful body also felt severe pain, as if it was about to burst. The dragon soul almost left the body. "The superposition of the two devouring powers, It is indeed strong, although it cannot exceed the Emperor Realm limit, it has brought the limit to a new height, which is stronger than the ordinary Emperor Realm limit."

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ...

He was not careless, and with a thought, various visions emerged. To be on the safe side, he used a hundred visions at a time. Although he could not exceed the limit of the emperor's realm, it could make the limit of the emperor's realm more solid.

He took a step forward, and a hundred visions followed suit, colliding hard with Dongfang Qing'er's devouring power!

Boom! ...

As if the collision between galaxies, endless light burst out, forming a terrifying energy ball. Then, the energy ball exploded, and the energy swayed in all directions!

puff! ...

Dongfang Qing'er spurted blood from her mouth, and her whole body was blown away. She hit the barrier at the edge of the ring and slid down like a broken sack. All her bones were shattered, and she sat helplessly on the ground.

Long Qingchen was also knocked away, and fell back to the edge of the ring as if he was drunk. The breath in his body was churning and he was coughing up blood.

"This is my trump card. If I fail to defeat you, I lose."

Dongfang Qing'er sat paralyzed for a moment, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm. Her bones recovered quickly, and she slowly got up with a wry smile.

"Thank you very much."

The transformed body has a strong recovery ability, and Long Qingchen's injuries recovered quickly. He did not refuse and accepted the victory.

Judging from this blow, it was actually a tie. However, he needed to win to make the top management of the Dongfang family pay more attention to him, so he accepted it with a thick skin.

Dongfang Hanshui looked at the boys and girls and said loudly, "The three of us were defeated by Long Qingchen. We are convinced that we lost. You can tell everyone about the situation of these three duels."

Help with publicity?

Let the situation of these three duels reach the ears of the Dongfang family’s senior officials?

Long Qingchen took a deep look at Dongfang Hanshui, wondering why Dongfang Hanshui helped him like this.

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