The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 1460: The sun is really coming out of the west

The high-level officials of the Outer Sect were speechless, and the hall master was still so arrogant and domineering.

When they went out in Xiayang City, who didn't look at their faces and acted, only the palace master dared to call them a bunch of trash.

Sadly, they haven't dared to refute it yet.

However, compared to the master of the Spirit Palace, who is famous in the human domain and has a monstrous talent, they seem to be almost the same as trash.

Suddenly a message was passed to a high-level executive, and he looked at his face with a look of incomparable surprise.

Ji Qinglan remembered that the little guy she liked had been in Lingtan for seven days, and had guesses.

"What news surprised you?" he asked casually.

The high-level body froze, seeing that the main hall master Ji was looking at him, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his head.

Could it be that I have provoked this evil star by reading the news, but said respectfully and truthfully: "Our outer sect has a disciple who has been cultivating in Lingtan for more than seven days, so the steward reported to me that this trivial matter still disturbs the hall master, I am really ashamed! "

Ji Qinglan chuckled lightly: "It's been seven days! That's not bad!"

The people present felt extremely frightening, and this palace master, who has always been very tall, would actually praise people.

It seems that there are still disciples in the inner sect who stayed in the Lingtan for ten days, but I have never heard of this compliment!

The sun is really coming out of the west!

But the crowd did not dare to say anything, and immediately responded, "Yeah! It's the first time that our outer sect has had a disciple for seven days. Maybe we can stay longer. He must be another genius."

"Yes, it is rare for my foreign sect to produce such a genius with unlimited potential, and I will definitely pay attention to one or two in the future."

If there is no Ji Qinglan, they will also pay attention to the disciples of Pao Lingtan, but they will not pay attention like this.

The corner of Ji Qinglan's lips twitched, but he did not refute everyone's compliments. He felt that the little guy he liked could stand it.

After a while, everyone finished their praise. Seeing that Hall Master Ji was in a good mood, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the praise was right.

The sect master of the outer sect praised Ji Qinglan again, and asked respectfully: "This time I have to trouble the master of the temple to come to visit in person. I am really sorry. The master should not stay in the outer sect for a few days to rest?"

In my heart, I wish that this great **** would leave as soon as possible.

Who knows that Ji Qinglan obviously didn't hear what they were saying, and wouldn't care if he heard it, "I heard that in ten days, your outer sect will hold an assessment for inner disciples, and the deity is just fine, so just stay and take a look. "

"..." The high-level executives were stunned for a moment, and then quickly lowered their heads to hide their surprise.

Mom! The sun really came out from the west!

This main hall master has always disliked staying in the branch sect, and felt that it was boring. Why did he become interested in the assessment of the inner disciple of the branch sect this time?

Is there any purpose?

But not like it! This man's temperament has always been arrogant, and if he has any purpose, he will not hide it. It is estimated that he will order them directly.

People are suffering! Leaving such a difficult **** to serve, they would be frightened all day long.

But no one dared to object, and they even expressed their welcome with the most sincere smiles.

"It's a good thing! If those stinky boys knew that the hall master would personally watch this inner disciple's assessment, they would probably go crazy with joy!"

"Yes, the presence of the hall master is the greatest luck in their life!"

"Palace Master..."

The high-level people who are usually cold or pampered, flatter each other and compete with each other, just because the object is Ji Qinglan, and if they are replaced by other palace masters, they will definitely not look like this.

While flattering, all the high-level officials thought, this time the inner disciple's assessment must be more exciting, otherwise it will be troublesome if you upset this guy!

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