The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 1544: take advantage of

People from major families and forces dared not grab the keys from Ning Xi and the others, but that didn't mean they wanted to give up.

They then set their sights on the person who had photographed the key earlier.

Gong Dai was playing with a green key in her hand, and said regretfully, "It's a pity that each person can only hold one key, otherwise I would be very interested in the other two places of inheritance."

Ning Xi was holding a cyan key. After playing with it for a while, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Who said we can't go?"

"Everyone can only have one key, but they can bring six people into the inheritance land together!"

Ning Xi continued with a smile: "Before we all went into a misunderstanding, always thinking that there was only one chance, but now that I think about it, there is a chance to take advantage of it."

"We only need to collect seven keys of different colors, and each one with six people happens to be seven people, then we will go to the place of inheritance one by one."

Gong Dai's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Yes! Xixi, you are so smart!"

Ning Xi snapped his fingers, "The four of us, plus my senior brother, senior sister Qi, and Luan Xin, are exactly seven keys."

Coincidentally, when Ningxi grabbed the keys, Ningxi distributed them based on feeling. It happened that the keys held by the seven of them were of different colors, which meant that they could go to seven different places of inheritance.

"That's good, let's go one by one, it's very interesting!" Gong Dai snapped her fingers.

Ning Xi looked at Ling Qin, Qi Ying, and Luan Xin's invitation and said, "How about together? Our seven heritage places are replaced by Chuang Chuang."

Ling Qin laughed loudly: "Junior brother is so smart, I'll go!"

Qi Ying also had some regrets at first. In addition to the Item Refining Hall, she also wanted to go to the inheritance of martial arts secrets and treasures, but she could only give up with only one key.

I didn't expect Ning Xi to be so smart, and he found a loophole.

Thinking about it, there is indeed no loophole. The previous voice only said that each person can only have one key, but it did not say that each person can only enter one place of inheritance.

"Of course I will." She smiled and nodded.

Luan Xin smiled: "Me too."

The key in his hand was missed by many people, and he was thinking about how to invite six powerful people together so that he would not be robbed.

Who would have thought that he would be able to take advantage of such a loophole? Of course, he would most like to be with Ning Xi and the others.

Luo Yinhuang's light eyes are full of smiles, his own little bully is so smart and witty!

He also thought of this before, and he and Ning Xi have always been so tacit.

Yu Chi Zheng was speechless, and let Ning Xi's little white face steal the limelight. His baby and Ning Xi became more and more intimate, and his heart was filled!

Inspired by Ning Xi, many people who had already photographed the keys but were regretful became more active.

Make quick appointments with other people you know with keys of different colors.

The disciples of the five sects belong to a relationship that is both competitive and cooperative. Competition is to inspire each other to progress and surpass, and cooperation is naturally to deal with monsters and aliens together.

Therefore, most of the core disciples of the five sects knew each other, and those who had a good relationship also found a team.

Of course, not everyone can play like this. For example, people who bought keys together before can't.

The seven people from Ningxi got together to form a team.

"Which inheritance place shall we go to first?" Ning Xi looked at the other six and asked.

Since they have to go, then the order is not so important.

As for the fear of being seized by others? Ning Xi wasn't very worried. The voice before said that it would take luck and strength to get it, and there would not be a big difference between morning and night.

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