At this time, Jiuying wished that the other party was a spy, but she still expressed her concerns.

"Just based on your analysis just now, the other party may only be a spy, but maybe it's just the stupid people who are looking for your help. Will the high-level officials of the Palace of God's Punishment believe it?"

"The point is to send strong people to investigate?"

Ning Xi stretched his back, "Yes! First, the traces of spies from different races are very difficult to detect. If there is a great possibility, the Palace of God's Punishment will not let them go."

"Second, with the importance they place on me, they will never let it go."

She has the bargaining chip to deal with the blood ant beast, and the Temple of God's Punishment will definitely not let her be killed or caught in danger.

Jiuying found out that Ning Xi is a very intelligent woman. She can keep a very clear and calm mind at all times. If it is replaced by other people, it is likely that they will be judged by the other party's words and five million mid-grade profound stones. stunned.

"Are you going to report this situation to the Temple of God's Punishment? But if you don't go, Lu Lin probably won't be exposed." Jiuying said.

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows: "Who said I'm not going, of course I'm going to use my body as a bait, do you think contribution points are so easy to earn?"

"Let's go, then, with my current strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to lead you to escape." What Jiuying was thinking about was the Soul Orb, so she wasn't afraid of hard work.

Ning Xi nodded, and then passed the news to the purple-robed elder in front of the Palace of God's Punishment, along with his own plans.

Soon, there was a reply from the Temple of God's Punishment.

"How do you say?" Jiuying asked with concern.

Ning Xi said angrily, "I don't usually see you being so active!"

"This is related to contribution points and soul orbs, of course I have to be active."

"They agreed with my plan, but let me delay it until three days later. They have to deploy." Ning Xi knew that since the Temple of God's Punishment had dispatched a strong person, as long as there was a 10% chance, they wanted to catch the alien spies.

"It's very simple for you." Jiuying believed that with Ningxi's cunning, delaying for three days was trivial.

Ning Xi smiled: "You know me well."

The next day, Ning Xi sent a summons to Deacon Lu.

Soon, Deacon Lu came to visit again.

"Have you thought about it clearly?" He asked with a smile.

Ning Xi said lazily: "After thinking about it clearly, I didn't want to go out to take risks at first, but now I'm short of profound stones, so I did this business."

"It's just that my business in Fangshi can't be broken. There are still three days to rest as before, so let's go after three days."

This is also a coincidence. The business she repaired is all ten days and three days off. This time, just seven days have passed. Of course, she will use this excuse that it is difficult to find flaws.

Deacon Lu's expression didn't change, he thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, let's just follow what the little friend said."

"As long as Deacon Lu doesn't despise me for delaying for three days." Ning Xi smiled casually.

Deacon Lu laughed: "Anyway, we have all waited for the extra time. It's okay to wait for three more days. It's still about the little friend."

"Deacon Lu is refreshing, I like doing business with people like you." Ning Xi said with a smile.

Deacon Lu's attitude is more friendly and gentle, "I also like to deal with cheerful people like Xiaoyou."

"Then we agreed, and we will start from the sect together in three days." He emphasized.

Ning Xi nodded: "No problem, but Deacon Lu must not leak this matter, the demon clan has been trying to find fault with me."

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