Since the old man became Xuanzun, it was the first time someone dared to speak to him so arrogantly.

"Hmph, I don't know the stinky brat."

Immediately, he shot Ning Xi directly, but he still took a few points in his strength. After all, he was afraid that he would kill someone if he hit too hard, and Ji Qinglan would come to ask for trouble.

As for the rumor that Ning Xi could fight Xuanzun, he didn't quite believe it.

Geniuses with strong cultivation talents can indeed challenge beyond the ranks, and even Xuanzong can kill Xuanzun, but it is also the peak of Xuanzong like Shao Feng.

Ning Xi has just been promoted to Xuanzong, what ability does he have to fight Xuanzun?

When the old man took action, Ning Xi wouldn't be so stupid as to face the toughest. Although she could challenge herself, it would not be a big problem to kill a late Xuanzong in the early stage of Xuanzong, but it would be difficult to meet Xuanzun.

Therefore, it is natural to take advantage of the innate superior war beast.

With a move of his mind, Ning Xi disappeared in place, and then a human-shaped war beast appeared, holding two giant axes and smashing the blade condensed by the old man's palm wind.

After being promoted to Xuanzong, Ning Xi had stronger control over the biscuits, and he fought with the old man for dozens of rounds in mid-air.

The old man did not expect that Ningxi's war beasts were so powerful, and they were comparable to his venerable war beasts.

So he released his war beast without hesitation and attacked Ning Xi from back and forth.

Seeing this, Ning Xi squinted his eyes, and his profound energy was superimposed on gravity and injected into the biscuits, which were instantly transferred to the two golden giant axes.

The biscuits quickly avoided the attack of the old man's artifact, and made a sharp U-turn, creating an illusion for the opponent, and the attack made a mistake.

The biscuits had already landed behind the war beast in a teleportation, and the two golden giant axes slashed towards a slit on the neck of the war beast at the same time.

Ning Xi released the war beast domain, and soon found the weak point of this war beast.

The old man was startled when he saw this, and immediately picked up the sword in his hand to slash at Ningxi, who knew that a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then I saw the same war beast as Ningxi's beast inexplicably appeared in front of me, but wasn't Ningxi's war beast standing behind his war beast?

His long sword attacked and chopped down, but it was blocked by the two golden giant axes swung by the war beast in front of him.

On the other side, Ning Xi's golden giant axe also landed on the neck of the noble war beast and slashed hard.

It was not easy for a venerable war beast to cut off its head, but the weak point was attacked, and the war beast was temporarily paralyzed.

The people present watching, whether it was the old man or Ning Xi, all looked straight.

"Well, what's going on here?"

"How come there are two war beasts in Ningxi, is it possible that there is a clone technique?"

"How is that possible? I've only heard that people can practice Clone Technique, but I haven't heard that war beasts can practice Clone Technique."

"It may be that Ningxi refined two identical war beasts as a means of attack, not to mention that this war beast is really strong, the emperor can resist Xuanzun's attack."

"This war beast is a top-ranked war beast. It is not difficult to resist Xuanzun's attack." A war beast master said with a complicated expression.

"What? Ningxi's war beast is the best of the royal grade? It's so dangling?"

"I have long heard that this arrogant brat is very talented in war beasts, but I didn't expect it to be so strong that many respected war beast masters can't make the best royal war beasts, right?"

The refining of top-quality artifacts and war beasts is not a high enough level, but also requires a high level of talent. Only by being able to control a relatively perfect rhythm in refining can the best be born.

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