The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 1847: This guy is upset

Early the next morning, Ning Xi and the others left the Palace of God's Punishment.

The deputy hall master brought two elders in purple clothes, and they boarded Ningxi's airship one after another.

Since digging up the Profound Stone and Lingyu Minerals, Ning Xi has rearranged the interior of the airship.

After Luo Yinhuang was promoted to Zunpin, he re-improved the previous formation, extending from just the sofa to the inside of the entire airship.

He has arranged another spirit-turning formation, and the profound stones are thrown into the formation and absorbed into the body, and the profound energy will be more refined, and the effect is much better than before.

Zi Lingyu is also brightly embedded in the airship to maintain the operation of the formation and the consumption of biscuits, which is very conspicuous.

After going up, they all showed unexpected colors, and they did not expect such a luxurious and comfortable arrangement.

Seeing Ji Qinglan sitting lazily on the sofa, the deputy hall master smiled and said, "Ji hall master, long time no see!"

Ji Qinglan pursed her lips, "You old guy, you used to want to dig me to do things in the Temple of God's Punishment, but I didn't get fooled. Now, I have fooled my apprentice into your thief boat, and kept asking my precious apprentice to do things, you really do. what!"

"..." The deputy hall master and the two elders in purple twitched their lips. Ji Qinglan really dared to say, when did the Temple of God's Punishment become a pirate ship?

No wonder Ning Xi is so arrogant, willful, and reckless, and feelings are like a teacher and an apprentice!

The deputy hall master smiled silently: "You are lazy, don't drag on the Xi kid, entering the God's Punishment Hall is all doing things for the human race, how can it change in your mouth."

Ji Qinglan said lazily, "I don't care who I'm working for, but you guys are a little unkind!"

The deputy hall master was stunned for a while, with an inexplicable look on his face, "Are we a little unkind?"

"You took my precious apprentice to the place where the three regions meet, is it because of the profound stones and spiritual jade veins there?" Ji Qinglan asked without answering.

The deputy hall master couldn't grasp the meaning of Ji Qinglan's question. He always felt that this guy was uneasy and kind, "Of course, it is to compete with the demon clan and foreign clan for the profound stone and spiritual jade ore veins in that area."

"If all the profound stones and spiritual jade veins inside can be successfully mined, it will be beneficial to the development and growth of our human race." He added righteously.

The construction of the virtual world is about to be completed, and it will require a lot of high-level spiritual jade and profound stones to operate at that time. Mining the profound stones and spiritual jade in that area will just solve the urgent need.

There are several high-level profound stones and spiritual jade veins below the Palace of God's Punishment, but those are the foundations in the Palace that cannot be mined, otherwise the many formations and powers inside the Palace of God's Punishment cannot be manipulated.

It is also impossible to beg the major forces and families. After all, it is a bottomless pit, and no force or family will willingly pay for it.

After the virtual world is popularized by the human race, according to the plan of Ning Xi and others, it will be able to make a steady profit without losing money. Even if the spiritual jade and profound stones in that area are spent, there is no need to worry anymore.

The deputy hall master has dedicated his entire life to the human race, and all his ideas are based on the interests of the human race.

Ji Qinglan has a sense of belonging to the human race, and will not hesitate to contribute or make sacrifices when necessary.

But when the human race is stable, what he cares more about is his precious apprentice.

"Don't fool me with the development of those human races, I can't be fooled by you."

Ji Qinglan looked at the deputy hall master with a half-smile, and continued: "Since my apprentices work hard, you should give some benefits, right?"

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