Ning Xi had predicted that the three of them would not go to Xi's house first since they showed their identities.

"Senior Meng, you take the initiative to report to Guiyuan Peak's high-level officials that we will come to this city today to ride the teleportation formation?"

Meng Wu was stunned, "No! I was going to take you to Xi's house first, how could I report the whereabouts so clearly."

Immediately, he also reacted, his face was a bit ugly, "It seems that after entering a foreign land, someone was staring at him."

Apart from that faction, he couldn't think of anyone else who would stare at them.

"Then let's go back to Yuanfeng first, you remember to send a message early." Ning Xi also knew what happened.

It seems that the battle between the two factions is very serious!

What does the other party want to do? Control her first? It's not impossible.

After the negotiation, Meng Wu smiled and looked at the three of them and said, "Please make a trip, then let's go."

The smile on the middle-aged man's face deepened, "Okay, let's go."

They don't want to be involved in the struggle between the two factions, and it is really helpless to be sent here by the deputy commander.

The teleportation array here is very large, and it can accommodate hundreds of people to teleport together at a time, and several people all walked to the teleportation array.

Ning Xi found that the aliens' array spells were indeed more advanced than the human race. Just by looking at the teleportation array's techniques, she was much more sophisticated. She might even be able to secretly learn from them.

The power of transmission enveloped several people, and a tearing force acted, and they disappeared in place.

Then Ning Xi found that the long-distance teleportation array arranged by the alien race was more stable, safer and faster than the human race.

After half a sound, a group of people appeared in another teleportation place.

Walking out of the teleportation formation, Ning Xi saw that there were five people in blue robes standing outside the teleportation area. Two were Xuansheng and three were half-sages. They were all Gui Yuanfeng's commanders.

These great leaders are similar in status to the purple-clothed elders in the Temple of God's Punishment, but they should be much more numerous than the purple-clothed elders.

When cultivating to a level, you will always feel that there are very few people at the higher levels.

The actual high-level cultivation base is indeed much smaller than the low-level people, but it is not as few as most imagined.

Ning Xi found that no matter whether it was a human race or an alien race, although there were not too many Xuan Sheng, there should be at least dozens of them in each race.

The leader was a cold-looking young man, his eyes swept across Mengwu and Wu Chen, and finally fell on Ningxi.

"Meng Wu, Wu Chen, the deputy commander has an order, let us come over and send Ning Xi back to Yuanfeng." He said coldly, expressionless.

Meng Wu smiled, "Yan Shen, we brought Ningxi back, why should we send you back to Yuanfeng?"

"This is the order of the deputy commander!" Yan Shen said coldly.

Meng Wu snorted coldly: "I didn't receive such an order."

Wu Chen frowned: "What is there to argue about, let's go back to Yuanfeng together."

He and Meng Wu have not returned to the foreign land for many years, and many things are not clear, it is better to see the tricks.

When Meng Wu heard this, he also thought of the meaning, and his tone was very bad, "We will send Ningxi back to Yuanfeng now. You can stay together if you want, or leave if you don't!"

Hearing this, Ning Xi could tell that the new five people should be from the same faction that was hostile to Meng Wu and the others.

It's easy to understand that she wants to suddenly intervene. It is estimated that she wants to take the lead in controlling her, and then pry out the virtual world, and then she can set off Meng Wu's credit very plainly, killing two birds with one stone.

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