The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 1929: It's not easy to do

In the previous life, they encountered the Zerg who had cultivated to a relatively strong strength in this continent, and they were helpless.

After all, sometimes high-tech does not represent the most powerful strength. As before, you can only watch yourself and the interstellar spaceship being crushed by the space storm.

But now it is different. They are also monks, and they still have a lot of talent and room to improve their strength.

The next time they encounter such a space storm, they can escape with their current abilities, at least there is no problem in saving their lives. This is also their chance.

"Xixi, God must have sent us here to cultivate and then go back to save the world!" Gong Dai said with a wink of energy.

Ning Xi reached out and squeezed Gong Dai's pretty face, and chuckled, "It's not impossible!"

Finding clues will give Ning Xi and Gong Dai a chance to solve the problem.

"Dai Dai, since the Zerg can control the body of the alien race, it should also be able to control the human race. When you observe the human race, is there anything wrong, or the aura on your body is disgusting, and then focus on monitoring." Ning Xi finally understood. Why does Yan Zian have a sense of disgust she is familiar with.

The Zerg have always been their most hated enemies, and they are annoying when they smell it.

She will also tell her father about this, the human race has to guard against the Zerg race, but the problem of the monster race and the alien race can be put aside for the time being.

As for the hype that the Zerg may be returning, it is not realistic.

First of all, the most important thing is that there is no evidence, and the high-level officials of the three clans will not believe it; secondly, it is also easy to startle the snake and let the Zerg accelerate its plan to erode the continent.

Therefore, it is necessary to first catch the Zerg from the three clans as evidence, and then convince the three clans to unite.

Simple to think, but not easy to do.

Gong Dai nodded: "Well, I will pay attention to it. Tell someone you trust about this matter, is it alright?"

"No problem, it's a good thing to be more cautious, but you must trust it."

Ning Xi continued, "Now we're going to collect evidence secretly. That's the point."


The two discussed for a while before Gong Dai left the virtual world first.

Ning Xi sent a message to Luo Yinhuang again, met with him, and told him about Gongdai's guesses and suspicions.

And he also asked Luo Yinhuang to pay more attention after he went to the demon domain. If he found a zerg, he would take action immediately, and then leave evidence.

Back in the real world, Ning Xi continued to look for blood mussels.

This time, thanks to Senior Xi's search for blood beads in the deep sea, otherwise Ning Xi would not have been able to find out what was wrong with Yan Zian so quickly.

A day later, all the blood mussels in this area were dug up, and after the robot checked it, all the more than 100 problematic ones were sorted and put aside.

Ning Xi poked Jiuying again, "There is no blood clam shell to block it now, you can use your soul power to investigate together."

Jiuying opened her eyes and glared at her, "You have so many things to do."

But still honestly put the soul power on more than one hundred blood pearls to investigate.

After a stick of incense, it lifted its claws, and one of the blood pearls fell on Ning Xi's hand, "No accident, it should be this one."

Ning Xi looked at it with his soul power, and found that the center of this blood pearl really had soul crystal fluctuations, so he passed it on to Xi Ruolan, "Senior Xi, look at this one."

Xi Ruolan took over and checked it out, with a bit of surprise in her eyes, "It's this one!"

She wiped the blood pearl with her hand, and soon the pearl in her hand changed.

The color became even deeper, and then it turned into a blood-red transparent bead, with countless dark red threads entangled in it.

Suddenly, the deep sea blood beads flew up spontaneously, trying to escape, but was immediately sealed by Xi Ruolan, who had long expected.

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