The border cities are relatively strict, and both entering and leaving the city need to be checked by the Feiyu clan, and they are also afraid of spies from mixing in with humans and aliens.

The demons living in the major cities of the demon domain are all transformed into human figures, otherwise they would not be able to accommodate so many.

Ning Xi stepped off the flying boat, wearing an ice-blue skirt with a lightning blue pattern on his forehead. His elegant and refined appearance made people's eyes shine.

As soon as he approached the gate of the city, a captain of the Feiyu clan came over.

"Miss, we want to check your identity, please show your identity token." The captain's tone was respectful.

Ning Xi's temperament is noble, and her body is more like the plumage of a beautiful beauty. In addition to her own cultivation, although it is restrained, it has formed a kind of suppression for these monsters with Xuanhuang cultivation.

The silver frost phoenix vine used for her clone is said to be the accompanying grass of the phoenix mythical beast when it was first born, so it is also dyed with the breath of silk phoenix, which can also be used to cover up.

It's just that Ningxi has a friend of King Kunpeng, Shui Dameiren, in the Yaozu, so naturally, he doesn't have to pretend to be a phoenix, otherwise, if he accidentally encounters a real phoenix, it will be a big game.

She is not afraid to meet Zhen Kunpeng, but she has a big backer.

Ning Xi glanced at the captain of the Feiyu clan lightly, flipped over and threw an extra token in his hand.

This is also the identity token transformed into the feathers of the beautiful beauty of the water.

The captain of the Feiyu clan took the token carefully, and after seeing the pattern imprinted on it and the breath it exudes, he respectfully handed it back.

"I have seen the adults of the Kunpeng clan!" It was the first time he had seen Kunpeng transformed into a human form, and his face was not only respectful, but also adored.

The Feiyu Clan belonged to the Kunpeng Clan's vassals, but with their identities, they could not see the Kunpeng nobles.

Ning Xi put away the identity token indifferently, and the whole person exudes an invisible noble bloodline demon clan.

"Anything else to check?"

Captain Feiyu replied respectfully: "Others have to carefully check the aura and blood on their bodies, and Lord Kunpeng naturally doesn't need it."

The border cities on the Demon Territory have special blood testers, but that is only for some middle and low-level races, and they dare not be presumptuous toward higher-level races.

"Yeah!" Ning Xi raised his chin, vividly interpreting the arrogance of a nobleman.

"Sir, please come in!" The captain of the Feiyu clan made a gesture of invitation.

Ning Xi walked into the city leisurely, and she found that the feathers given by the beauty of Shui Da were really useful.

Not only can they hide their identity, but they can also avoid many inspections. Seeing the performance of the Feiyu clan just now, the Kunpeng clan seems to have a very high status in the demon clan.

The Feiyu clan has a special innate magical power, that is, they can judge the breath of each other through the two tentacles on their heads.

Before, she saw that the captain of the Feiyu clan moved his tentacles unconsciously, but she didn't find the abnormal breath on her body. After refining, she wore the feather, and she also had the identity of Kunpeng in the demon domain.

The beauty of Shui Damei retreated to attack Xuansheng a year ago, and has never entered the virtual world, and I don't know how the impact has been.

Now that we are here, we have to make time to visit the Kunpeng Clan.

When he came to the Demon Realm, Ning Xi was not in a hurry. Instead, he leisurely experienced the special customs and features of the city.

Ning Xi was unfamiliar with the Demon Realm, so she had previously sent a message to ask Bailiyue to return to the Demon Realm to accompany her.

If it wasn't for Bing Ling's transformation into her appearance and pretending to be a human race, she would have wanted Bing Ling to accompany her to travel through the demon realm.

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