The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 2051: I almost vomited blood

Soon, many dense red dots appeared in the beam.

After a few breaths, the red dot turned into a Zerg that only exuded the breath of Xuansheng, at least there were thousands of them.

Seeing this, the Xuansheng Great Demons who were present stared at each other with even bigger eyes.

"What? How come there are so many Zerg?"

"Thousands of Xuansheng bugs are dispatched at will, how many Xuansheng there are in the **** Zerg!"

The Xuansheng of the entire Xiaxuantian clan did not add up to more than a thousand.

"What should I do now? Can this fellow Jiuying be able to deal with thousands of Xuansheng bugs?"

"If you can't deal with it, you have to deal with it. Let's go and help."

In the face of a common enemy, the former kindness and grievance can also be thrown away.

At this time, Changsun Yi also cracked countless holes in his skin, and a monster with a human head and insect body appeared in front of the monsters.

"Jiuying, do you think you can kill me like this? You underestimate the power of our Zerg." Her voice was no longer as peaceful as before, with a sharpness.

Then she ordered to thousands of red bugs, "Kill this guy for me!"

"Squeak!" Thousands of bugs chirped in unison, and then quickly formed a formation similar to a formation.

Jiuying's icy eyes were dyed with a bit of sarcasm, "Some bugs who used spiritual things to forcibly enhance their strength to Xuansheng also want to kill me. It seems that you underestimate the power of our demon clan too much."

After he finished speaking, he opened his mouth and exhaled wisps of white air at the group of red bugs.

Soon the white air turned into ice, freezing all the Zerg in front of them into ice cubes.

Changsun Yi's face was ugly and gloomy, but he didn't worry too much. Instead, he concealed a taste that the conspiracy was about to succeed.

Seeing that the red worms behind him were still in an orderly combination, Ning Xi remembered the similar zerg in the world of his previous life.

After they form a formation, the burning life condenses a power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, and the ultimate move inspired is at least ten times more powerful than the ultimate move of their own strength.

"Don't let their formation complete, otherwise all the demons present will be disabled if they don't die." Ning Xi looked at Jiuying and shouted.

This shout made Changsun Yi, who was still secretly proud, froze, and turned to look at her with angry killing intent in his eyes.

Jiuying snorted coldly: "The nasty bug, he is still playing a conspiracy when he is about to die."

He spewed out a lot of flames and icy air from his mouth, and they all moved towards the thousands of insects.

The claws swiped at the same time, and countless space cracks appeared all around.

One after another cracks swallowed up a lot of red bugs.

Soon, there were only more than 500 of the thousands of bugs left, and half of them were lost at once.

Seeing this, Changsun Yi almost vomited blood, which was her finale.

Although the remaining half can also be combined into a combined attack array, the power will also be reduced by half.

She can only order the remaining 500 or so bugs to act separately for a while, looking for an opportunity to regroup, and she must not lose so much at once.

After the insects were separated, it was a lot more troublesome to deal with, and Jiuying frowned.

Seeing this, Ning Xi immediately took out dozens of spirit source spears from the space ring and threw them to the demons present.

"Let's kill those bugs together, don't let them cover Changsun Yi from running away."

Ning Xi was the first to raise his hand and use his Spirit Origin Spear to aim at a Xuansheng red worm, a purple light spot appeared in the center of its head, "This is the aiming point, as long as the purple spot falls on the heads of these worms, it will be pulled Headshot them in this position."

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