Seeing that Han Ziyou's face also showed a solemn expression, Ning Xi was even more puzzled.

"Senior, please say it!" She looked at Han Ziyou and said.

Han Ziyou sighed and said, "I think you all know what happened when I was in the human race. What I want to talk about now is the place that the three races are fighting for."

"Back then, I was chosen by the Terran to break the seal of that place, because I have a talent for tempting mind-reading, and I discovered a shocking secret."

Ning Xi and Xi Qingyou both showed curiosity in their eyes, a shocking secret?

"You should have heard that that place is an entrance to other interface continents. This is actually true, but it is not so simple."

Han Ziyou changed his words and said: "I used the fusion of the four arts to unlock a small crack in the seal. After entering the place, I found out that it is actually the den of the Zerg. They came to our continent from that passage and waited for an opportunity. want to occupy."

"The seal in that place contains the power of the Heavenly Dao, which is a kind of protection of the Heavenly Dao for us to Xia Xuantian. Therefore, only those who are proficient in the four arts and can be integrated and applied can crack the natural prohibition seal in that place."

"The Zerg are not good at magic, but they are good at controlling people who are proficient in magic, so they got four people who are good at formation, war beast, refining and repair from other interfaces, trying to break the seal. ."

"But the way of heaven cannot be defied. One must be proficient at the same time and be good at mastering the four arts, so it failed."

"But although they didn't succeed, they also found an opportunity. After sacrificing the skills of the four, they tore a gap that could last for a day. Many of them were queens and the best at controlling, The parasitic zerg drilled tens of thousands from the crack."

"After entering our interface, they did not fight immediately, but lurked. The Zerg's reproductive and reproduction ability is very strong. After a few decades, they formed a Zerg army and launched a war against the three tribes, wanting to Occupy this territory."

"The three clans were caught off guard, and some high-level battlefields were controlled, and they were beaten by the Zerg and defeated again and again."

"In the end, it was the people of the three hidden families who came out and came up with the idea of ​​sending the Zerg away. Only then did the three families really join forces to deal with the Zerg, but they were also seriously damaged."

"Most of the Zerg were indeed sent away back then, but a few were sealed and escaped."

"Then the few Zerg left behind quietly merged into the three tribes. After years of hidden ambush and conspiracy, they also controlled the bodies of some high-level members of the three tribes, and exposed that place to the top of the three tribes. before."

Ning Xi didn't expect such a story to exist in that place, "Senior means that the three clans competing for that place were actually all Zerg conspiracies? The purpose is to find people in the three clans who are proficient in the four arts at the same time. Then go and completely open the seal of that place?"

"Yes, the battle of the three clans for the ownership of that place was the beginning of a conspiracy."

"The Zerg not only want to use the geniuses of the three tribes who are good at the four arts to open the place, but also hope that the internal war of the three tribes consumes a lot of combat power, so that when their main army comes out, they can easily destroy the three tribes and occupy this place. A continent."

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