The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 2069: Competition is the best way

Ning Xi figured out the key and agreed with Han Ziyou's opinion.

"Senior, do you need to discuss this with the top management of the three clans? After all, if you want to completely kill the Zerg, you must rely on the unity of the three clans." She asked.

Han Ziyou nodded: "You must communicate with them."

He smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, I have previously branded three record crystal **** with my soul as my last words, and then sent them to the top of the three clans. They should pay attention to it."

He didn't want to let the high-level officials of the three clans know that his soul was revived and stabilized, and now he just wanted to stay by Xi Ruolan's side and never leave him.

Seeing his firm eyes, Ning Xi looked at Xi Ruolan softly from time to time, and guessed what he was thinking, and a smile appeared on his brows.

Senior Xi's insistence is right, and she can also understand that two people who love each other have experienced the pain of being separated and almost never see each other again, and the feeling that they just want to be by each other's side at this time.

Senior Han had done enough for the three clans back then. After he died once, he should have his own life.

"Then I will trouble the seniors, we will not leak your news." Ning Xi said.

Han Ziyou nodded and smiled: "Thank you!"

At this moment, Xi Qingyou received a message, and her face was a little ugly.

"The Zerg has begun to execute the invasion plan."

She frowned and said, "I received news that the Zerg used Yan Zian's body to open a hole in that place and released nearly 10,000 Zerg inside."

"The released Zerg occupied several cities of the three tribes. All the people and monsters in the city were eaten up, and the high-level officials of the three tribes were furious."

Immediately, she looked at Ning Xi and said, "The commander said that he wants you to go to that place, temporarily repair and strengthen the torn seal, and can't let the Zerg come out continuously. After all, we are not ready for the war."

Hearing her words, both Ning Xi and Han Ziyou were stunned. Obviously they didn't expect the Zerg to move so fast.

Han Ziyou said: "The Zerg is threatening, and the three clans will definitely not be able to cope. It is right to repair the torn seal first, and then the three clans will slowly figure it out."

He looked at Ning Xi and sighed: "You have a heavy burden on you, first go to repair the seal and then go to find the other half of the inheritance bead."

"By the way, the inheritance bead was left by a super-powerful person. The first half of the inheritance has been left in three copies, so that someone can successfully get the most complete inheritance through competition. What I got is not the only one. ."

"I suspect that Yan Zian, who was cultivated by the Zerg, may have also obtained it, otherwise it would not have been so easy to tear a seal crack, so maybe they also have a star map in their hands."

"If my inference is true, then you have to **** it with the Zerg. Be careful." He reminded.

At that time, he wanted to find the other half of the inheritance on the star map, but unfortunately it involved things in that place before he took action, and then fell.

Ning Xi didn't expect such a thing to exist, but after thinking about it, she was relieved.

Da Neng leaves a complete inheritance open to everyone who has a destiny. Of course, we must choose the most suitable person to inherit, which must be tested.

So what is the test? She thinks competition is the best way.

"I see, I will definitely try to grab all the inheritance beads, I won't be cheap Zerg." Ning Xi nodded and said.

If Yan Zian got a similar inheritance, it also meant that Jing Feng got it, and she might have to start with Jing Feng.

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