The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 2117: being a "little sister"

Hearing his words, the people present and the demon were inexplicably relieved.

Many people and demons also had a good impression and gratitude towards Ning Xi in their hearts, and there was still a big difference between being a subordinate and a servant.

"The two of you are the same, don't try to play any tricks, or you will know the consequences."

The red-haired man looked at Ning Xi and Jing Feng, raised his hand and flexed his fist, his threat was blatant.

Jing Feng's face was very ugly, and he wanted to get up and give the red-haired man a few times, but he knew that he was not the opponent's opponent.

He was silent, doing silent resistance.

Ning Xi didn't care, the opponent's fist was bigger than hers, so why should it be soft, "Okay! Boss!"

Jing Feng raised his head in disbelief, did Ning Xi just give in?

Ning Xi didn't bother to pay attention to Jing Feng's scrutiny. She called it a strategy. Calling the other party "boss" didn't mean she didn't grab the inheritance beads.

Not to mention Jing Feng, even the red-haired man was a little surprised, "You are really funny!"

Ning Xi shrugged, "That's right, can you be a hard worker? You are stronger than me, and you have the qualification to be the boss."

Besides, with her little brother, if the red-haired man wants to be detrimental to the higher-ups of the three clans in the future, she will have a stronger position to persuade him.

It's not because she is so noble that she wants to stand out for the Xuansheng and Xuanzun of the three clans, but the test of getting the inheritance bead is very pitiful, and she has to take people out.

In addition, the three clans and the Zerg outside are so riotous, this group of people is also the main force to deal with the Zerg, so it can't be wasted.

There is also a more important reason, that is, the red-haired man is very familiar with the magic energy. If he can deal with the magic energy here, taking these people out to get the inheritance beads will also reduce the difficulty and kill two birds with one stone. why not.

Anyway, following this arrogant guy and shouting "boss" won't lose a piece of meat.

Ning Xi's words were very useful, the red-haired man smiled: "You are a smart person, I like smart people!"

Then he threw the big demon spar in his hand to Ning Xi at will, "The reward is for you!"

Ning Xi was not polite, and accepted it with a smile, this is a good thing outside.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Ning Xi was not flattering, but he also gave off a sense of sincerity. This was about self-cultivation in acting.

The red-haired man has many subordinates and servants, but no younger brother, not a younger sister.

Wherever he went before, he was greeted and embraced everywhere, and he found it quite interesting to suddenly meet Ning Xi, a "little girl" who was neither flattering nor sour.

The previous irritability and anger have also been suppressed, "Go up and take a look, there should be another mutation here recently."

"Okay!" What Ning Xi wanted was for the other party to take them to investigate.

The red-haired man was in front, Ning Xi followed on his left, and the other three clan Xuansheng and Xuanzun followed behind.

They are very uncomfortable now. They used to be high above, and they were suddenly beaten into the hands of people. It's hard to say a word!

Because Ning Xi came forward to be the little sister, the red-haired man didn't bother to pay attention to Jing Feng anymore, he just followed silently at the back.

Not long after, small bugs were quietly released from his sleeves, and both Ning Xi and the red-haired man found it, but they ignored it.

The red-haired man felt that Jing Feng was nothing to worry about, and he couldn't figure out the tricks in his hand, so he didn't care.

Ning Xi wanted to see what other means Jing Feng had. Maybe she could use the red-haired man to maim the other party. Her next black hand is not bad, so she can save the trouble!

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