The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 2209: What a beautiful start

At this time, the Zerg army all gathered together and prepared for battle.

The densely packed look is just a large area of ​​darkness, standing at the foot of the mountain.

The monks of the three tribes saw the base camp of the Zerg, and the Zerg army naturally saw the three tribes on the opposite side after breaking the seal.

"Start the fight!" Ning Xi put on the biscuits, and a teleport stood beside Luo Yinhuang and Gong Dai.

"Squeak!" The Zerg also screamed in order, and the war was about to break out.

As soon as Ning Xi's voice fell on the side of the three clans, the spirit source cannons of the battleships took the lead.

With a loud bang and a dazzling purple light falling, the response was a shrill scream of the Zerg.

Then the bombers flew out of the warships one after another under the waving order of the black and red flags, heading towards the Zerg base camp.

The bombardment sounded one after another, and the light of the Lingyuan Cannon made the Zerg army unable to see the situation at all, which was too dazzling.

There was only one scream of the Zerg, which represented how beautiful the start of the three tribes was.

When the rays of light dissipated, the monks of the three tribes saw that the battlefield on the opposite side had been dyed red with blood, and a large area of ​​Zerg had been bombed to death, and their stumps were everywhere.

"Good!" they cheered.

The Zerg side was going to be too tragic, and they were beaten again and again, and a large number of Zerg legionnaires fled towards the mountains.

In just one fight, about 20% of the Zerg soldiers fell and died.

Even Nanmen, who was leading a group of Zerg executives standing in mid-air to watch the battle, was angry, and the other Zerg executives also looked extremely ugly.

They thought that when the two armies fought, they should charge together and compete with the strength of their respective legionnaires.

In this way, they have an absolute numerical advantage.

Who would have thought that the three clans would come up with so many bizarre and powerful weapons, so they couldn't help being shocked.

The first round of the attack of the Lingyuan Cannon and the bomber ended. The Lingyuan Cannon on the battleship was automatically incorporated into the battleship, and then a weapon that no one had seen before gradually rose and was clamped in front of the battleship.

Different voices with similar content came from the main control room of the battleship. "The people on the battleship are divided into ten waves. Each wave injects its own profound energy into the vortex in front of the weapon, and conducts a second round of attacks on the Zerg."

This is the Xuanneng Cannon and Xuanneng Machine Gun jointly refined by Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang.

The advantage of this kind of profound energy cannon and machine gun is that it can fire tens of thousands of energy bullets in a row. Lingyu only needs to be maintained and operated. The source of energy is profound energy. It just needs many people to inject a large amount of profound energy together, and its power is relatively fierce.

The disadvantage is that the Xuanneng Cannon and the Machine Gun are relatively large in size and heavy, so they can only be used for fixed attacks, which are inconvenient to move around.

However, there are so many Zerg on the battlefield, and they are living targets. There is no need to wait for a machine gun to run, and it is just right to be fixed on the battleship.

The reason why such weapons are refined is to save spiritual jade and profound stone resources to support the battles that follow;

The second is also because of the smoke of the alien nest. As soon as the seal is released, the blue smoke begins to gradually diffuse towards the outside, and it will spread to the three clans on the battlefield in an hour at most.

At that time, the profound energy of the three clans will slow down, and the speed of replenishment will not be able to keep up with the speed of consumption, so Ning Xi came up with the best way to use their profound energy first.

The plan that she and Luo Yinhuang came up with to deal with the Zerg army was linked one by one, and it was very effective.

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