Wu Huai and other demons never thought that this seal would be so difficult to deal with, and even the restorers of the holy grade could not do it.

He walked over first, stretched out his hand to support Yin Lingxi, and a pure profound energy entered her body, stabilizing the backlash.

He also checked her meridians and poured out an elixir for her to take.

"Your injury is a backlash. If you want to completely expel the energy in your body, you have to look at your own repair ability." Wu Huai is a holy alchemist, but he can't do anything about this kind of backlash.

That energy completely engulfed Yin Lingxi and the others, and only the special repair ability could solve it.

Of course, the spirit of the devil can also be solved, but they can't get in, let alone get it.

Yin Lingxi's face was pale, and the injuries in his body eased a little, "Thank you, Lord Wu!"

"My repairing ability can't dispel this energy. I have to go back and see if I can find a special honorable repairer to try it out." Her face was very bad, and this was the worst failure since she became famous. once.

It really can't be done, but I can only ask the head of the powerful man of the human race.

Then he smiled apologetically at Wu Huai: "Sir Wu, I'm sorry that we have more than enough strength to seal this time."

She still doesn't know how to heal her own injury, and she really can't do anything about the seal.

She even felt a little resentment towards Wu Huai in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it. After all, she agreed to come over because she was attracted to the spirit and dragon energy.

Wu Huai couldn't see Yin Lingxi's thoughts, and smiled lightly: "No problem, no one thought that this seal would be so powerful!"

The alliance failed, and the demons also failed. In addition to the powerful man from the human race, the best repair masters on both sides gathered here.

Ge Dongshu sighed, "Does it really require Lao Ji to take action?"

"Old Ji doesn't know where she went. She won't be back until the finals of the martial arts competition. I'm afraid the entrance to the dragon veins will move again." Nangong Wei also sighed heavily.

After they entered here, they discovered that the vortex that entered the dragon vein of the devil moved at any time, and it would move once every three years or so, so they had been unable to find the location.

It is entirely by luck that Dugubai can be found.

If they miss this opportunity, they feel that the chance of continuing to search for the dragon veins of the devil is even more slim, and they are very unwilling to give up like this!

The ideas on the Alliance side coincided with those on the Demon Race side.

Che Qiuping thought for a while and said, "Would you like to call a few restorers from the alliance to come and have a look?"

"I hope it's not too big!" Ge Dongshu said: "This kind of seal Lao Ji should be fine."

"I can't contact Lao Ji at all, and now I can only think of other ways."

Wu Huai looked at them and said, "Daoist friend Ji may not be able to untie it when he comes. When Daoist friend Yin repaired the seal, I discovered that it contains a very special power that is formed by the fusion of demonic energy and spiritual energy, which is even more subtle. Something like an aura."

"I guess that only a repairer who can blend with this aura can repair it, otherwise anyone who comes will be backlashed."

He paused and said: "It may be a good idea to call a group of restorers with special auras over again."

The powerful people of the alliance and the demons were silent, and then began to communicate with the alliance and the demons, asking people to find a restorer with a special aura to try.

The injured restorers can only sit and rest. What they are more concerned about now is not the spiritual energy, but how to deal with their own injuries.

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