The two were worried about the speculation about the seal, and a strong breath appeared behind them.

Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang turned around, and there were not many surprises in their eyes.

"Senior, you are here!" Ning Xi smiled.

Dugubai frowned when he saw the two of them, "Do you know that I'm following?"

"I know!" Ning Xi did not deny it.

Dugubai sneered, "You two little fellows are so daring, you didn't notify Wu Huai to come to the rescue, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

At this time, he really had the intention of wanting to kill the two of them. Now that no one is there, the two of them are dead. I believe that Wu Huai and Ge Dongshu will not be able to take him.

"Senior wants to silence?" Ning Xi pointed to the broken jade plaque in the small pit and said, "Why don't you look at this first."

Lonely Bai was stunned for a while. He is a powerful man, but he is not afraid of what tricks the two of them will play. He walked over and squatted down to look at the small pit and the jade pendant inside.

Then he frowned, "This is like a trace of something that was sealed escaping."

"Senior, there might be something powerful lurking here, otherwise it would be impossible to suppress it with such a powerful seal. Are you sure you want to deal with us first?" Ning Xi asked back, and took a few steps back with Luo Yinhuang. Defense around.

"Besides, do you still want to treat Dugu Fengting's injury?" Ning Xi was actually ready to fight.

Dugubai laughed loudly: "Damn girl, do you still want to threaten me with this?"

"I already know that the poison is from the dead girl Yin Hongxiu. After I go out, I will go to her master to ask for an antidote. You are no longer useful."

He paused and said sternly: "The biggest scourge is the two of you staying behind. When I kill you and refine the essence of the devil's dragon energy, will I still be afraid of what's sealed here? A joke!"

"Besides, what's wrong here, as long as you don't come to harass me, I don't care so much."

He is a mighty one, a mighty one with an immortal body, and if something comes out, he has the ability to destroy it.

As for the essence of the dragon energy of the demon spirit, he is not going to share it. It was the first thing he discovered, so what if he swallowed it alone?

"Die!" After he finished speaking, he shot at Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang without hesitation, wanting to kill them directly.

Luo Yinhuang and Long Gui had been prepared for a long time, and they all mobilized the energy here when the other party started.

In an instant, the golden bubbles that were floating in the past turned into sharp blades and threads of light, which resolved the attack of Dugubai, and attacked him in unison.

Dugubai's eyes widened, "What?"

Obviously surprised that the energy here can be used by Luo Yinhuang and Dragon Turtle, he hurriedly launched defense to resolve the crisis.

At this time, Luo Yinhuang sacrificed seven array plates, just surrounded Dugubai in the middle, and then activated it.

The energy here is also injected into the array disk to form a light mask, which directly covers the Dugubai.

Dugu Bai just resolved the attack of the golden bubble, but was trapped by the formation mask.

He didn't take it seriously at first, and snorted coldly: "This trick just wants to trap me and dream!"

Then actively launched an attack to try to break the mask, but failed.

Only then did his complexion change, and he no longer hid his strength, and kept taking out a sword to bombard the mask.

The mask will keep shaking every time it is attacked, but the golden bubbles around it continue to replenish the energy of the array. Every time it looks like it is about to break, it will be repaired.

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